Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Five hundred and fiftieth IX In-depth insect nest

Among the members of the Knights around Qin Hao, the people brought by Korkin were better. They had just landed on Alpha Planet, and they could be said to have had a good meal before they set off. However, the people of Soros were not good. Alpha has been there for several days, and the dry food they carry has long been eaten up. Now it can be said that they are both hungry and thirsty, so everyone is in very poor condition.

"Looking for food..." Qin Hao thought for a while, and then said to these people: "The most indispensable thing on Alpha Planet is food, but you have to put down your airs, there are no high-end restaurants here for you. "

"Colonel Qin Hao, you may have misunderstood us. Although we are nobles, we are also soldiers. On the battlefield, as long as there is food, even if it is mixed with mud and water, we can enjoy it." Soros said.

"That's easy, let's change the route and find something to eat!" Qin Hao nodded, he actually missed the taste of insect meat a little bit.

"Thank you!" Soros gave Qin Hao a boxing salute commonly used by martial arts practitioners, but the posture was a bit weird.

"Wait for me first!" Qin Hao jumped up a big tree, looking as if he was identifying the direction, but in fact he was getting in touch with Prince Lacru through psychic energy.

"Second brother, are there any small insect nests nearby? I'll get you something to eat." Qin Hao and Prince La Crue also went out and directly stated their request.

"It's easy to handle, I'll help you prepare it." Prince Lacru smiled. In the eyes of the high-level bug royal family, low-level bugs are not compatriots, but slaves, or even livestock.

"Thank you very much." Qin Hao smiled.

"Why are you being polite?" Prince Lacru laughed, and then asked, "Do you want bug eggs?"

"Eggs?" Qin Hao was taken aback.

"High-quality insect eggs are delicious, haven't you ever drank them?" Prince Lacru said here, and Qin Hao even felt him swallowing.

"Then leave some for me, how do you eat the eggs?" Qin Hao asked.

"Brother is right, you are really good, you ran out without even finishing the basic courses, and you don't know any common sense!" Prince La Cru complained, and then said to Qin Hao: "The eggs are still there. How can I eat it, just absorb it with my mouthparts!"

"Well, I see, thank you, second brother." Qin Hao nodded, but whether he wants to eat or not, he has to wait until he sees the eggs before making a decision. After all, as a human being, Qin Hao is not right. Everything can go down to the mouth.

"There's a worm's nest thirty miles ahead of you,

I'll make arrangements for you, you just go there. "Prince La Cru quickly sent back a message to Qin Hao.

"Understood!" Qin Hao nodded, and then jumped down from the tree.

"How? Did you find anything?" Soros asked.

"I found something to eat, come with me!" Qin Hao walked over in the direction provided by Prince La Crue, and the members of the Knights behind him followed closely.

The journey of more than 30 miles may take half a day for ordinary people, but for experts like Qin Hao, they will soon reach their destination. This is a medium-sized insect nest, and the leader of the insect swarm to which it belongs Not too strong, but a little strong.

However, in front of Prince La Crue, the leader of the swarm could only choose to submit. According to Prince La Crue's order, he took most of his subordinates and some eggs and left his old nest to find the next place to make his home. .

But here, only a pile of eggs and a small amount of giant beetles are left.

"This worm's nest is relatively small, and it seems that the worms should have found a better location, so it's in a state of abandonment, and it's just cheaper for us now!" Qin Hao said to Soros and Korkin beside him.

"So what are we going to do?" Soros asked.

"Of course it's hunting! Don't you know that insect legs can be eaten?" Qin Hao rolled his eyes, and then rushed forward with the wide-edged sword in his hand. Those ordinary giant beetles were completely vulnerable in front of him. , and soon Qin Hao came back with a bundle of worm legs.

"Is this food edible?" Soros asked. Although Qin Hao's insect leg meat business has swept the entire aristocratic circle, these practitioners are not very interested in this kind of food, so they don't know that insect legs are edible. food.

"Yes! This giant beetle is full of poison, only the meat on its legs can be eaten." Qin Hao said while putting the insect's legs on the ground.

"I'm going! What are you doing?!" But at this moment, a third-level knight stepped forward and grabbed a worm leg and was about to chew it, but Qin Hao snatched it off.

"I'm sorry, my lord, I'm too hungry..." the third-level knight said embarrassedly, and Soros beside him didn't have a good-looking face either.

"Colonel Qin Hao, don't take offense. They have been hungry for several days, and they are still running away, so their physical strength is a bit high..." Soros explained, and then said to the knights: "Go hunting by yourself, No one will serve you up to your lips!"

Obviously, Soros thought that Qin Hao was blaming his knights for tampering with other people's trophies, but it was obviously not for this reason that Qin Hao took back the worm leg.

"Wait a minute!" Qin Hao stopped the knights who were about to go hunting, and then he said to everyone: "I am not afraid that you will eat my spoils, but this thing cannot be eaten raw. The worm leg meat can only be eaten when it is completely cooked. It can only be eaten, otherwise it is also poisonous."

"Ah? There is such a thing?" Soros and Korkin were both stunned.

"This is recorded in the Alpha star combat manual." Qin Hao said.

"Hehe..." Both Soros and Korkin laughed a few times. Before they went down to Planet Alpha, neither of them went through the combat manual prepared for ordinary soldiers.

"Because it needs to be heated, we have to light a fire, but this will attract swarms of insects, so after everyone goes hunting, gather all the insect legs together and bake them together to reduce the exposure time." Qin Hao told the knights Said.

"Yes!" The knights nodded one after another. Facing the food that was about to arrive, the exhausted knights also got excited, and they picked up their weapons and rushed towards the insect nest.

"Would you like to go in with me and have a look, there may be something good in here." Qin Hao invited Soros and Korkin with a smile.

"Okay!" The two looked at each other, and then followed Qin Hao into the nest.

Because most of the bugs have already evacuated, there are only some stragglers here, not even a silver horn, Qin Hao took Colkin and Soros quickly deep into the nest, and one came to hatch room location.

There are obvious signs of evacuation here, and many eggs were broken in a hurry, but the Zerg didn't care much about this, because the reproductive ability of the Zerg was too strong, breaking some eggs was nothing to them What a loss. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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