Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter five hundred and sixtieth insect eggs

"Is this the inside of the worm's nest? It looks very eerie..." Soros muttered.

"This is just a small insect nest, and a large insect nest is much more terrifying than this!" Qin Hao said.

"Have you ever been to a large hive?" Corkin asked.

"No." Qin Hao denied it categorically. Of course, he couldn't say that he had been to the nests of Prince Phoebe and Prince Lacru.

"Then how do you know?" Corkin asked.

"I've been to a worm's nest several times larger than this one, but the leader of that swarm's strength is not ranked among the zerg! So I guess the nests of those top zerg must be even bigger." Qin Hao said.

"How strong are the top Zerg you mentioned? Have you ever fought against them?" Soros asked curiously.

"Of course I haven't fought. If I met a Zerg of that level face to face, the grass on the grave would be as tall as a person!" Qin Hao joked.

"Then how do you know the top Zerg's strength is terrifying?" Soros asked.

"Just because they were able to shoot down the battleships in space from the ground, is this evidence convincing?" Qin Hao gave Soros a white look.

"What!?" Soros and Korkin all stared wide-eyed. They are already core figures in the Saint-Malo Knights. As knights, they have also seen masters in the Knights. Although those people have very powerful strength, their strength is unimaginable, but they will not be able to knock down the battleship in the sky standing on the ground, let alone it is a battleship!

Although Soros and others are cultivators and don't usually get involved in vulgar things, today's society starts with technology after all, and they are not completely independent of human society. How could they not know the power and horror of battleships!

The strongest achievement of this kind of human science and technology is more than ten kilometers in length, and the largest of them is like a small city. Its defense power cannot be shaken by manpower at all, but those top Zerg in Qin Hao's mouth , It is too appalling to be able to shoot down this kind of super warship from space.

"You can ask General Cohen or General Gangmen Pianzuo to verify this matter. The command headquarters also has detailed information." Qin Hao knew that it was hard for these two people to believe this fact.

"By the way, I seem to have heard that Cohen and Gangmen Pianzuo seemed to be rescued by you. Could it be that they were all shot down on battleships?" Korkin asked suddenly.

"Well! Besides them,

There is also Gangmen Pianyou from the ** family, but his life is not good, he died before I arrived, so he couldn't be rescued. "Qin Hao said.

"Well, I know that." Korkin nodded. Soros didn't understand this, but he knew it very well.

At the beginning, it was because of reading these materials that they strongly requested the command to send Qin Hao to the front line of Alpha Star to participate in the rescue. According to the records, Qin Hao successfully completed the mission every time in the rescue operation of Alpha Star. The failure of the mission was due to the delay in dispatching him to the rescue, which prevented him from arriving at the scene of the incident in time.

"Dude, what's going on?" Soros didn't know why, they were trapped on Alpha Planet before, so they didn't know about Qin Hao.

"It's like this..." Korkin began to give Soroskop Qin Hao's amazing record, and at this time, Qin Hao was carefully inspecting the eggs left in the insect nest.

The small ones are as tall as a person, and the larger ones are like a small house. The shell of the eggs is not strong, it just looks like a thin layer of chitin.

"Crack!" Qin Hao slapped hard on an insect egg that was as tall as a person. The shell of the egg shattered immediately, and a milky white viscous liquid like cream flowed out from it.

Qin Hao held his nose and sniffed. The milky white viscous liquid was not fishy, ​​but exuded a faint fragrance, but only Qin Hao could smell this fragrance. To humans, the milky liquid has no taste at all.

"Dididi..." Qin Hao took out the food detector that he carried with him. This thing is not big, so he usually carries it with him, especially when he is on Alpha Planet.

"After the analysis of the ingredients, the ingredients are mainly water, protein, a small amount of minerals, and fat. The protein content accounts for 30 percent. Some of the protein is harmful to humans and slightly toxic. It can be eaten after being heated and cooked."

The food detector quickly gave the result. The liquid in the eggs is very similar to the composition of the leg meat. Only some biological enzymes are harmful to the human body. As long as they are heated and cooked to inactivate the biological enzymes, they can be eaten with confidence. .

As far as Qin Hao is concerned, these biological enzymes are not only harmless to him, they are also good for strengthening his physique. Other insect emperors usually use insect eggs as their main source of food.

After seeing the analysis results, Qin Hao directly dipped two fingers into the milky white liquid, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Hmm! It tastes good!" Qin Hao narrowed his eyes slightly. The liquid in the eggs was a bit like melted cheese. It had a very subtle feeling in his mouth, and it contained much more energy than the meat of insect legs. If you have to compare it, it would be the same as the brains of the Zerg. Although Qin Hao only ate a little, the sense of satisfaction was as if he had absorbed the brains of an ordinary giant beetle with a bone spur, although ordinary giant beetles can't give him the same feeling of satisfaction. He provides psionic essence, but their brains are high-energy, high-quality food.

"Ugh..." Seeing Qin Hao's actions just now, Soros and Korkin retched on the spot. Although the two of them spoke very well, they could eat dry bread wrapped in muddy water on the battlefield. It was sweet, but these two were noble gentlemen after all. When they saw Qin Hao wiped some disgusting liquid from the eggs and stuffed them into their mouths, they were immediately disgusted.

"Pretentious!" Qin Hao rolled his eyes. He was a special scout, and he has been professionally trained in wilderness survival. He has eaten something ten times more disgusting than this, not to mention that although this thing doesn't look How, but the taste is actually okay.

"Uh...Colonel Qin Hao, are you sure this is edible?" Soros asked, suppressing his nausea.

"It's fine if it's cooked, you don't have such a strong stomach as I do." Qin Hao shrugged, and then took a few more bites. He also had to replenish his energy, after all, he had to play the second half of the show.

Although Prince La Crue has helped prepare the script, acting also requires physical strength, so Qin Hao must eat well to prevent unexpected situations.

"Okay... let's go up first..." Colkin and Soros resisted the discomfort in their stomachs, and returned to the ground in a hurry. They were really afraid that they couldn't help but spit out in front of Qin Hao. , In contrast, worm leg meat is more acceptable. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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