"Damn it! Are they all dead?" Qin Hao stared at the scene in front of him.

"Don't turn off the vent valve after putting the poison? Are these guys brain twitching?" Qin Hao also thought it was an accident, he didn't expect that the guards were silenced.

"Forget it, they're all dead anyway, let's pick up Leslie." Qin Hao shrugged, and now there were only the two of them left in the entire Guantana Mountains.

After lowering the lift, Leslie was soon on the superstructure.

"Is this where the guards live? How could they..." Leslie was also stunned. She thought that Qin Hao had controlled these guards, but she didn't expect that these guys also turned into blood on the ground.

"There was a ventilation valve left open, and these idiots were buried with him," Qin Hao said.

"Hey! This..." Leslie sighed, and didn't know what to say. These people can only be regarded as what they deserved.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Leslie asked.

"It's okay, don't be afraid. Except for such a big thing here, the investigation team will definitely come back, and we will have a boat to leave here by then." Qin Hao said.

"We...can...leave?" Leslie asked with an unbelievable expression. She was born here since she was a child, so she never thought that there would be a day when she would leave.

"Of course, do you want to live here forever?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"I don't want to stay here anymore, brother, you must take me out!" Leslie said immediately.

"What do you want to do after you go out?" Qin Hao asked.

"I...I...I don't know..." Leslie thought for a long time, but couldn't say anything, because everything outside was unknown to her, and she lived in an underground prison since she was a child , have never been exposed to the outside world.

"It's okay if you don't know now, you can think about it carefully during this time." Qin Hao smiled.

"I want to follow you, brother, no matter where you go? Can you?" Leslie didn't think about it, because she didn't know anything about the outside world. Everything outside was so strange to her. , Leslie had such a trace of fear in her heart, the only person she could trust was Qin Hao.

"Of course!" Qin Hao actually likes this little sister, she is just like a blank sheet of paper.

Then Qin Hao and Leslie lived in the upper level of the prison for half a month.

During this period of time, Qin Hao also taught Leslie a lot of common sense by using the network that the guards usually use. After all, she was in an underground prison, let alone receiving education, and she had never even seen a suspension car. It was also difficult to adapt to the outside world afterwards.

"Beep beep..." On this day, the monitor suddenly sounded an alarm. According to the display on the radar, several spaceships were making a transition to Guantanamos.

"Has the investigation team finally arrived?" Qin Hao was overjoyed. He had been waiting for the spaceship for a long time.

But after waiting for about twenty minutes, the alarm was still flashing, and the other party's transition had not yet been completed.

"Long-distance leap? Where did this investigation team come from?" Qin Hao frowned.

"Whoosh..." Finally, after another ten minutes, several spaceships ended their transition, but the appearance of these spaceships surprised Qin Hao even more!

Battleship! The spaceships that jumped out of the phase space were not civilian spaceships or transport ships, but seven warships. Among these warships, a destroyer was the leader, and the others were frigates.

"What's the situation? How could the investigation team come on a warship, and it's still a small fleet?" Qin Hao was even more puzzled.

In doubt, Qin Hao pushed the monitor lens over, and soon he could clearly see the hull numbers on these warships.

"Ah? A warship under the Seventh Fleet?" Qin Hao was even more dumbfounded.

"Whoosh..." After the small fleet surrounded Guantanamo Star, it released a small boat, because Guantanamo Star does not have the ability to dock warships at all, and the small underground hangar here can only dock small boats of the level of landing craft.

"Hey..." At this moment, a communication came in.

"This is the 107th Assault Fleet under the Republic Army. You are already surrounded. Please give up unnecessary resistance to avoid unnecessary sacrifices!" A young officer appeared on the screen.

"Republic Army?" Qin Hao was completely stunned. How long had he been in prison?

"The marines are about to land on your star. Please don't engage in unnecessary resistance. We have no intention of occupying this place. As long as you cooperate, we will guarantee your safety!" the officer continued.

"Uh..." Qin Hao hadn't reacted at this time, and the defensive facilities of Guantanamo star could not stop this fleet at all.

Soon, the landing craft landed in the underground hangar of Guantanamos. After the landing craft came to a stop, a group of motorized infantry rushed down. Holding electromagnetic rifles, they quickly rushed to the superstructure and occupied it. up.

Immediately after, an officer came in. Qin Hao had seen this officer before. He was one of General Cohen's personal guards.

"Uh...Colonel Qin Hao?" The officer was stunned as soon as he came in. He thought he would meet the guards here first, and then ask them to release Qin Hao, but he didn't expect that Qin Hao was in the monitoring room.

"Your name is Lawrence, right?" Qin Hao had this guard in his mind.

"Thank you for remembering me." Lawrence saluted Qin Hao with a smile, and then said, "Colonel, you have been wronged!"

"What the hell is going on?" Qin Hao asked.

"Colonel, this is not a place to talk. Please come back to the fleet with me, and I will explain to you in detail." Lawrence said, as for where the prison guards went and what happened to the other prisoners, he didn't care at all. The purpose of his visit this time was to rescue Qin Hao.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded. Lawrence was one of General Cohen's confidantes, and he really needed a ship to leave here, so he took Leslie and Lawrence on the landing craft, and then flew towards the flagship of the fleet.

"Colonel, who is this?" Lawrence looked at Leslie and asked, normally he shouldn't ask this question, but Qin Hao's identity is different, Qin Hao is the future son-in-law of his boss, and his status is almost equivalent to that of a son-in-law. Now the son-in-law has gone out to bring a girl back, how can he explain to the princess?

"I knew my sister in Guantana Mountain." Qin Hao smiled. He and Leslie were very innocent, so there was nothing to hide.

"Oh! Oh!" Lawrence nodded, and if he asked more deeply, it was not for a person of his status to say, so he began to explain to Qin Hao what happened during this period. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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