According to Lawrence's description, Qin Hao knew that during the time he was imprisoned in Guantanamo, the entire Earth Federation had undergone drastic changes!

First, President Claude was forced to step down, then Speaker Bahn illegally tried Qin Hao, and launched a coup to impose military control on the Federation; The administrative star is independent from the federation.

Then Speaker Bahn announced that General Cohen and his Seventh Fleet were rebels, and ordered the fleet of the Earth Federation to encircle and suppress them. The galaxies responded to General Cohen's call one after another, and the officers of those non-family factions joined forces to stand on their own and announced their separation from the jurisdiction of the Federation.

Counting the Roentgen galaxy where General Cohen is located, seven regimes, large and small, appeared in the entire Earth Federation.

The largest of them is the Earth Federation controlled by Speaker Barn. In addition to still controlling the Earth, the forces of those families are also firmly in their hands, governing at least seven galaxies and more than a dozen scattered executive star.

The second is the Roentgen galaxy where General Cohen is located. It is far away from the core of the Earth Federation and has twelve administrative stars and several resource stars. The powerful combat effectiveness of their officers and soldiers, they guard the Roentgen galaxy, and the fleet of the Earth Federation cannot attack it.

A few days later, Claude, the president who went down the field, was secretly taken to the Roentgen galaxy, where he gave an inaugural speech as the first president of the Roentgen Republic, and disclosed all the political darkness of the Earth Federation.

The Earth Federation is still under the control of those families. A large number of black-box operations and internal transactions are almost open among the high-level. Totally messed up.

In the territory of the Earth Federation, there are demonstrations everywhere, and there are protesters demanding reasonable explanations everywhere, but these ordinary people are also stupid. Speaker Barn has implemented military control. If they take to the streets at this time, isn’t that courting death?

Overnight, these demonstrators were brutally suppressed. Anyway, for the families represented by Speaker Barn, their last fig leaf had been torn off by Claude, and everyone simply tore their faces.

Those families immediately put on the posture of rulers, showing their fangs. As unarmed people, ordinary people have become teachers after two bloody suppressions, and none of them asked for welfare. None of them asked for fairness, and all of them went to work for those family businesses honestly.

What freedom of speech, what democratic politics, for the common people, after they are full,

It’s something I only think of when I have nothing to do. Compared with my life, these farts are nothing. Even if some people occasionally don’t even want to die for these things, those families don’t care. If you want to die, they will bury you. !

"Why... it became like this..." Qin Hao was already dumbfounded. He had only been in prison for a month or two. Why did the Federation suddenly become something he didn't know at all...

"Hey! Colonel, there's nothing you can do about it." Lawrence sighed, and then said to Qin Hao: "General Cohen is very worried about your safety, so after he settled in the Roentgen galaxy, he sent us to pick you up I thought you would suffer in Guantanamo, but I didn't expect you to solve them all by yourself..."

After finishing speaking, Lawrence twitched his thumb like Qin Hao.

"We really didn't do this. They wanted to poison me to death, but they didn't close the vent valve. I fled outside the prison and endured it in the gold-eating beast's lair for a few days. When I came out , They all knelt down." Qin Hao said briefly.

"In this way, the information the general received is true!" Lawrence nodded, and then said to Qin Hao with a look of fear: "Thanks to your good fortune, otherwise we would have been late!"

"What's going on?" Qin Hao asked immediately.

"It's like this. Chairman Barn didn't plan to send someone to rescue you immediately at the beginning. After all, the Federation does not have the death penalty, and there are too many things to do in the Roentgen galaxy..." Lawrence explained to Qin Hao.

"I can understand." Qin Hao nodded.

"But the general suddenly received a secret report that Chairman Bahn wanted to bribe the jailer to kill you, so he immediately sent us to rescue you. I didn't expect these people to act so quickly. Now it seems that those guards didn't forget to turn off the ventilation at all. valve, but was killed." Lawrence said.

"Hiss..." Qin Hao felt his back go numb after hearing this. If he hadn't kindly taken Leslie in, he wouldn't have thought of hiding outside the gate of passage number four. People's tricks are under.

Originally, Qin Hao thought that these guards wanted to kill him step by step because they were afraid of revenge.

"Okay, Colonel, we will soon be able to return to the Roentgen Galaxy, which is the free country of mankind!" Lawrence's face was full of pride when he mentioned the Roentgen Galaxy.

These young officers are all loyal supporters of General Cohen. When he was in the C9 sector, General Cohen was actually arranging all this. He saw through the corruption of the Federation and prepared to use his own strength to kick off the prelude to resistance. In order to overthrow these family forces that monopolize the political resources of the Earth Federation.

As a result, the appearance of the alien fleet caused General Cohen to suspend his plan to raise troops. After all, human beings have reached a critical point of survival, and he is not trying to seize power, so provoking a civil war at this time is definitely not a good thing.

But what General Cohen never imagined was that all human beings have come to this point. Speaker Bahn and the family forces he represents are still pushing out President Crowder for the power struggle, and in order to cut off Crowder's power, He was ready to put Qin Hao to death.

General Cohen has thoroughly seen through these families and these politicians. He feels that if the Earth Federation is allowed to be controlled by these people, then human beings will perish in their hands sooner or later.

As the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and it is better to fight than to sit and wait for death, so General Cohen no longer estimated so much, and directly launched his plan, the Roentgen galaxy became independent! To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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