"Is this a parasite?" Qin Hao took an egg about the size of a ping pong ball from the giant jaw of a worker bee.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Baturu replied.

"How to use this thing?" Qin Hao asked.

"Because it is also an orthodox Zerg, as long as you establish a connection with her, it will obey your orders and parasitize into the target's body, and because it is a real Zerg, when the target creature loses its value, you can also call it Come back and let it parasitize in the body of other organisms. If you are willing to authorize it, it will also judge the value of the host by itself. in the host body." Batulu explained.

"Is that so?" Qin Hao probed into the egg with spiritual energy, and he immediately felt the existence of the Zerg.

"See Your Majesty!" The parasite has a high level of intelligence, at least at the same level as the warlord.

"You are parasitic in his body!" While giving orders to the parasite with psionic power, Qin Hao also nodded and called the pirate leader Formosa over.

"As you wish, Your Majesty!" The parasite immediately agreed.

"My... my lord..." At this time, Formosa came to Qin Hao tremblingly. Because he was old and had status in the pirate group, he was not as impulsive as other pirates. Although he was also very scared, he still stood obediently not far in front.

At this moment, Formosa was terrified. Although he was a murderous pirate, when had they seen such a scene? There are swarms of insects all over the mountains, and their ferocity is much more exaggerated than that of pirates.

"I'll show you something." Qin Hao smiled and handed the parasite eggs over.

"My lord?" Formosa didn't know why, but Qin Hao handed it over, and he didn't dare not take it, so he could only respectfully accept the eggs with both hands.

"Pa..." At this moment, the egg exploded, and a small insect flew out of it.

This little insect looks like a creature called a leech on the earth, but it has a pair of small wings. It flies very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it landed on Formosa's face, and then screamed. The skin got in.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and before Formosa could react, the worm got into his body, and when the worm bit his skin, he didn't feel any pain, he only felt a bruise on his face. Numb, then itchy, stretch out your hand and touch again, nothing will go away,

Even the wound has healed.

"My lord...this..." Formosa looked at Qin Hao blankly.

"Hi! My partner, let's serve the king together!" the parasite said in Formosa's mind. This is a kind of consciousness link, and the parasite can convey its thoughts to the Formosa.

"You... who is talking?!" Formosa was terrified.

"I have already parasitized you in your mind, and I will monitor everything about you. If you are unfaithful to the king, then don't blame me for being rude!" The parasite secreted some toxins while speaking, and Formosa immediately He fell to the ground, his limbs twitching, and this splitting headache made him feel like dying.

"Okay!" Qin Hao waved his hand, and then said to Formosa: "If you are loyal to me, then not only will this little guy not cause trouble to you, but he will also help you gain great power!"

What Qin Hao said is not false at all. According to Baturu, although this parasite is used to monitor the host, it will also provide power to the host. An ordinary old man like Formosa, as long as he is parasitized The worm has been infested for a long time, and he can even have the strength comparable to an A-level enhanced person!

If it is a young guy, or a strong human like a special soldier, after being parasitized for a period of time, they may even reach the strength of a second-level master of the Storm Squad!

Although people can gain great power through parasites, I am afraid that no one wants to add a guy in their minds who monitors themselves and keeps track of their own life and death. Moreover, for Qin Hao, the cost of parasites is very high. It is used to improve the strength of his subordinates, and this deal may not be a good deal.

This time, Baturu actually only got three parasites out for Qin Hao, because hatching this thing consumes too much energy crystals, and Baturu and the other swarm leaders have just taken root in the home planet , so the hand is not well-off.

These three parasites, apart from Formosa, are the captains of two pirate warships who are eligible to enjoy them. The other pirates are not so lucky. What awaits them is the carapace!

After allowing Formosa to accept the parasite here, Qin Hao asked the Zerg to press the two captains up, and forcibly implanted parasites in them. This parasite does not necessarily enter the human body from the face. , They actually bite anywhere, as long as they get into the body, they will eventually settle in the human brain.

After these three guys were successfully parasitized, Qin Hao didn't care about them. With the existence of parasites, Qin Hao didn't worry about their betrayal at all, because the thinking of these guys couldn't escape the monitoring of parasites, as long as they had a thought , will be found by parasites.

Then Qin Hao lifted a bug called a carapace from the giant jaw of a worker bee. This thing is said to be a bug, but it is actually a semi-finished product. They have no consciousness themselves, and they are only equivalent to a controller. Person A will retain a part of their subconsciousness so that they can complete their work, but their autonomous consciousness is suppressed, and they can only execute orders like walking dead, and the order issuers are parasites!

The appearance of the carapace looks rather disgusting, it is a yellow-green fleshy insect-like thing, about one and a half feet long, the thickness of an adult's arm, the back is slightly transparent, and the yellow-green liquid inside can be vaguely seen.

"Let's do it!" Qin Hao took a deep breath, and then put the carapace back on the worker bee.

"Squeak!" After getting the order, the bug swarm immediately moved into action, because the pirates had already been restrained, so there was no need to do anything, the bugs just needed to push them to the ground and let them lie on their knees. Unable to move on the ground, he tore off the clothes on his back.

Then the worker bees would put a carapace on the backs of these people, and then the fleshy carapaces wriggled by themselves, and their feet like steel nails were directly inserted into the skin of these pirates, Then it continues to extend downward and is fixed on the spine.

Immediately following these nail-like feet, a large number of nerve tentacles will be released from the tip. These tentacles directly penetrate into the spine, and then connect with the central nervous system. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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