During the process of installing the back armor, these pirates howled in pain. Thousands of people screamed heart-piercingly together, which made Qin Hao feel shuddering, and the three pirate leaders who were infected with parasites were even more It was cold sweat all over their bodies. At this time, the parasites in their bodies had told them the working principle of the carapace, and also told them that if they were not honest, they might die, or they might become walking dead like those pirates.

About half an hour later, all the pirates were fitted with carapaces. After a burst of painful wailing, these guys quieted down. I don't know whether they passed out from the pain or the nerve tentacles of the carapace started corroded their neurons.

About two hours later, the pirates stood up one after another, but at this time, there was no fear in their eyes, but a dull look.

"Okay, take your people back to the spaceship first." Qin Hao said to the three pirate leaders who were pale with fright.

"Yes... yes... my lord..." the three pirate chiefs said tremblingly.

"Everyone go back to their posts!" Formosa waved at the pirates, and then the parasite in his mind conveyed the order.

After receiving the order from the parasite, the pirates' back armor immediately drove the pirates to the spaceship, and soon the pirates returned to their posts. At this moment, these pirates still need to eat and drink Except for their physiological needs, they are no different from robots, and all their actions must follow instructions.

"Your Majesty, are you satisfied with the effect?" Batulu asked with a smile.

"The effect is good, but it's a bit too cruel." Qin Hao said with a frown.

"For these lower creatures, keeping them alive is already the greatest kindness to them," Batulu said.

"But what's the difference between living like this and being dead?" Qin Hao asked rhetorically.

"Perhaps, but this is the fate of lower creatures." Batulu said indifferently. It is an out-and-out Zerg, and its thinking mode is also the way of Zerg. Feelings like pity and intolerance are completely incomprehensible.

"Hey!" Qin Hao sighed. Although he couldn't bear it, as the saying goes, those who do big things don't care about small things. If he is sympathetic to the world like a saint all day long, then not only is he doomed to accomplish nothing, but more people will be because of him. His heart is soft and his life is ruined.

"Your Majesty, what are we going to do next?" Batulu didn't have Qin Hao's troubles.

"Take your worm nest and come with me!" Qin Hao said.

"Your Majesty, what about my swarm?" Batulu asked.

"Only these two broken ships can't take the swarm, let's take some Skywalkers, and leave the rest to the other leaders." Qin Hao said.

"Obey! Your Majesty!" Baturu immediately agreed. Baturu didn't mind giving the worms under his command to other leaders. No matter what, as long as there is a worm nest, it will be a matter of minutes to hatch the worm swarm.

"See what else you need to bring?" Qin Hao asked.

"Your Majesty, we have to bring as many energy crystals as possible. This time we leave the home planet, we don't know if we can find a new source of energy crystals. If we can't find them, we want to hatch more bugs. In addition to dissolving In addition to decomposing organic matter in the pool, energy crystals are also essential." Batulu said.

"Hmm! What you said makes sense, let the other leaders of the swarm gather all the energy crystals in their hands, and we will take them away together!" Qin Hao said.

"Obey! Your Majesty!" Baturu immediately conveyed Qin Hao's order to the other leaders of the swarm.

After the other swarm leaders confirmed Qin Hao's order, they didn't dare to have any private possessions, and all contributed all the energy crystals they had accumulated.

A large number of worker bees rushed to the pirate spaceship in a long queue. They carried energy crystals one after another on their backs. After a few hours, these worker bees arrived at their destination.

"Formosa, send your people to vacate all the warehouses and throw away all the useless things!" Qin Hao ordered.

"Yes! Master..." Although Formosa preserved his consciousness, under the threat of parasites, he has now become Qin Hao's slave, so his title has also changed.

Soon, the warehouses of the two pirate spaceships were cleared out, and then the worker bees transported the energy crystals in.

At this moment, the pirates had all turned into walking corpses because of their back armor, so even if the swarms passed by them continuously, these guys still looked dull and did not cause any disturbance at all.

"The worm's nest should be placed in the hangar of the Invincible." Qin Hao said after thinking for a while, the two broken ships of the Blood Eagle Pirates are too bad. Using these two pirate ships as aircraft carriers, although the Blood Eagle Pirates have no fighters, Qin Hao has Skywalker!

After a simple mutation, these flying insects can adapt to the environment in space. Although their lives will be greatly reduced in this way, basically after a battle, even if they are not killed, they will not be able to survive. Qin Hao does not yet have the ability to control the Zerg gene lock, so he can only use the swarm types that have been unlocked by the queen, including the temporary mutation type. Only the queen has used it, and there is no re-locked bug or mutation direction , Qin Hao's insect nests can continue to hatch.

In Qin Hao's eyes, the third-level insect nest like a small meat mountain was sent to the flagship of the Blood Eagle Pirates - Invincible.

Since neither the heart of the hive nor the secondary hives can be controlled by Qin Hao, he can only make a third-level hive on the pirate spaceship. Although the hatching efficiency of this hive is lower than the first two, it is still After all, Qin Hao is the one who can command.

After everything was ready, Batulu also came to the spaceship and stayed with the worm nest.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of flying insects entered another pirate ship. This armed merchant ship named Overlord was refitted from a cargo ship. Except for the large cargo warehouse, it had no weapon system or defense system. merits.

In other words, the entire Blood Eagle Pirates, except for the domineering name, are as weak as scum.

After everything was done, Qin Hao asked the worker bees to deliver a lot of food and water to the two spaceships. After all, whether it was pirates or bugs, they had to eat them all! To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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