After returning to the bridge, Qin Hao began to try to establish contact with General Cohen, but this time, no matter how Qin Hao called, he did not get any response.

Faintly, a bad premonition emerged in Qin Hao's heart. Although he tried his best not to think about it, that bad feeling lingered in his heart all the time.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Leslie asked.

"It's nothing..." Qin Hao shook his head, and at this moment, the communication indicator light of the spaceship actually flashed.

"Finally answered!" Qin Hao was ecstatic in his heart, but after the communication was connected, it was indeed Hu Ke's face that appeared inside.

"My lord..." Hu Ke said hesitantly.

"What happened? Could it be that the federal army has already moved towards the Keha galaxy?" Qin Hao asked.

"Not yet, but there is a broadcast in the Federation, you can watch it." Hu Ke sent a video.

Because the distance is too far, Qin Hao received this video several times before he successfully received it, and this is based on the powerful communication capabilities of the missionary spacecraft. The difficulty of long-distance connection can be imagined.

After playing this video, Qin Hao immediately froze.

"Good news is coming in frequently. Thanks to the heroic battles of the Federation Navy officers and men, the rebellious Roentgen galaxy has been completely pacified, and the rebel general Cohen has fallen into the law. He will be escorted to the capital planet Earth to accept the legal trial in a few days!"

"Although former President Claude is at large, the French Open has been fully restored. With the efforts of the federal special police, I believe that Claude will not be able to escape the French Open in the near future!"

The video is a piece of news, the content is not very much, but it is quite shocking!

"Has General Cohen been arrested..." Qin Hao murmured to himself. You must know that he had just talked to General Cohen ten hours ago, and in the blink of an eye, he had already fallen into the federal government. hands of the Navy.

"My lord, do you have any plans?" Hu Ke asked.

"Do you have any channels to find out about Nicole's whereabouts?" Qin Hao asked.

"My lord, as long as you are willing to spend money, it should not be difficult to buy this information." Hu Ke said.

"Oh?" Qin Hao's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked, "How do I do it?"

"That's right! In the black market,

In addition to various illegal materials or weapons and equipment, intelligence is also one of the best-selling items! "Hu Ke said that although the black market on Kavia Star has been destroyed, it is only the tip of the iceberg of the human black market. Even if the federal government collapses and all those families are wiped out, the black market may not be eradicated. The only difference is that the black market The leader of the company has just changed a group of people.

The interests of the black market are too great, and human nature is to pursue interests, so as long as human beings are not extinct, the black market will always exist.

"Then go do it, I don't care how much you spend, you must find Nicole's whereabouts for me!" Qin Hao said to Hu Ke.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Hu Ke nodded, and then cut off the communication with Qin Hao.

After the communication was disconnected, Qin Hao was silent for about five minutes.

"Brother?" Leslie called Qin Hao worriedly from the side.

"Ah! What's the matter?" Qin Hao was startled awake.

"Brother, what are you thinking? Are you thinking about how to save Sister Nicole?" Leslie asked.

"Yes!" Qin Hao nodded.

"So have you figured out a way?" Leslie asked.

"Not yet." Qin Hao shook his head. He doesn't even know where Nicole is under control now, so let alone a rescue plan.

"So what do we do now?" Leslie asked.

"Let's go home from the county." Qin Hao said after thinking for a while, he took so many people with him, and it's not a problem to always take him with him in the Roentgen galaxy. If the federal navy finds out, it will be a trouble.

So Qin Hao drove the missionary spacecraft to take off from the satellite, and after adjusting the course, he flew to the Korhal galaxy.

Hesitating that the speed of the missionary spacecraft was fast enough, so Qin Hao's journey was also very smooth. The spacecraft for routine inspections did not even have time to approach, and he had already fled away.

Relying on the powerful phase engine, the missionary spacecraft drove from the Roentgen galaxy back to the Korha galaxy in just one day.

After returning to the Keha galaxy, Qin Hao landed on Mengsk, the capital of the Keha galaxy. This used to be the base of the Keha galaxy fleet. Now that the Keha galaxy has been occupied by Hu Ke, it has become a blood eagle pirate. The group's home port.

After the spaceship docked at the airport, Qin Hao took Leslie and the programmers out of the spaceship.

"My lord!" Hu Ke led a group of pirate captains to greet Qin Hao's return at the airport.

"Well! Help me settle them down, and take Lorenzo and the others over in a few days. It's too hard on Homeworld." Qin Hao said to Hu Ke, he was going to take Lorenzo and those programmers They were all brought to Planet Mengsk. After all, Homeworld was dominated by swarms of insects. Ordinary people like them seemed out of place there, and they were always out of touch with human society. For those people, it was not a good thing.

"Okay!" Hu Ke nodded.

After someone took the programmers away, Qin Hao took Leslie and followed Hu Ke to a conference room.

"My lord, I have sent people to contact the black market, I believe the other party will make an offer soon." Hu Ke said to Qin Hao.

"Well! You should keep an eye on this matter yourself and get it done as soon as possible." Qin Hao said.

"My lord, you don't have to worry too much. Since the Federation sent Miss Nicole to another place in advance and then ordered the execution of other prisoners, it means that they don't want to hurt her yet, so her safety is still guaranteed." " Hu Ke said.

"You can't say that. The main reason for the Federation to keep Nicole is to get General Cohen to plead guilty. Only if he pleads guilty can he be accused of rebellion in the Roentgen galaxy, but General Cohen will never give in! Threatening General Cohen by hurting Nicole!" Qin Hao said, this was what he was most worried about.

"My lord, don't worry, I will finish it as soon as possible!" Hu Ke said immediately.

"I hope there is still time!" Qin Hao slowly closed his eyes. Nicole is different from General Cohen. As a rebel general, General Cohen has such a high personal influence. No matter whether he admits to the crime or not, he will definitely get it. He was on trial, and because the Federation abolished the death penalty, General Cohen must have been sentenced to life imprisonment, and then he was killed in prison, just like when they were with Qin Hao.

But Nicole is different. If the Federation uses harming her as a means of threatening General Cohen, Nicole will definitely be executed secretly in order to avoid the matter being revealed, so Qin Hao's time is very tight!

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