"Go and do your work!" Qin Hao waved his hand, signaling Hu Ke to hurry up and run on the intelligence matters, while he leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes.

At this moment, Qin Hao's heart is very chaotic. Although he has participated in rescues countless times, and even rescued people from the swarm several times, but as the so-called caring will lead to chaos, if Qin Hao at this time What Hao wants to save is a person who doesn't want to do it, so he must be able to sit down very calmly to analyze the situation, and then formulate a rescue plan.

But the person who was arrested was Nicole, and Nicole's life was in danger at any time, so how could Qin Hao calm down?

"Brother, don't worry too much, Sister Nicole doesn't seem like a short-lived person, she will be fine." Leslie persuaded from the side.

"Thank you, Leslie." Qin Hao forced a smile on his face. Anyone can say comforting words, but who is responsible for this matter? Can he not be in a hurry?

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Qin Hao really felt the feeling of counting down the seconds. He knew that his lips were dry and chapped, so he didn't even want to drink saliva.

About three hours later, Hu Ke returned to the meeting room with a hurried expression.

"My lord..." Hu Ke said out of breath.

"Have you bought the information?" Qin Hao immediately opened his eyes.

"No...no..." Hu Ke gasped and said...

"No..." Qin Hao sighed, his face full of disappointment.

"My lord, listen to me..." Hu Ke took a few breaths and said to Qin Hao: "There is no feedback from the intelligence personnel, but I don't think we need to buy any more intelligence!"

"Why?!" Qin Hao was taken aback.

"Look at this!" Hu Ke took out a handheld computer from his body, and clicked on a video, which was still a piece of federal news.

"According to the decision of the Federal Parliament, the rebel general Cohen will be publicly tried on Earth next Wednesday. At the same time, the important officials of the rebel army XXX, XXX, XXX and the important fund provider of the rebel army, the largest strategic material in the history of the federation, will also be tried The smuggler—Nicole, she is also the daughter of the rebel general Cohen..."

There are still a lot of content behind this news, but those content have all become noises in Qin Hao's ears, and he automatically ignores them!

"Nicole was escorted to Earth!" This is the important information that Qin Hao screened out.

"Yes!" Hu Ke replied.

"It seems necessary to go back to Earth!" Qin Hao took a deep breath.

"My lord, you'd better think about it again." Hu Ke persuaded, the earth is not like other places, it is not only a place where major families live together, but also a place where people with various abilities, whether it is the enhanced human organization— - "Twilight", or the cultivator organization - "Storm Team", their headquarters and most of their members are on the earth.

Although Hu Ke knows that Qin Hao is also a capable person, no matter how powerful he is, can he still fight against all the masters in the entire human world?

"What day is it today?" Qin Hao asked. Although he didn't answer Hu Ke's question, his question already showed his attitude. This trip to the earth was decided for him.

"Tuesday." Hu Ke could only answer truthfully.

"There are still eight days left..." Qin Hao nodded secretly, this time he still has plenty of time.

Because it is going to be a public trial, at least before the trial, the personal safety of General Cohen and Nicole can be guaranteed. In order to save face, the Federal Parliament can't even let Nicole and General Cohen go to court with injuries, because In that case, they will fall into the trap of extorting confessions by torture and torture.

Now the federation has won a big victory. Although there is a small problem in the Keha galaxy, in the eyes of the federation, it is a small matter. After the Roentgen galaxy is solved, the rebellion is almost completely put down. It's just a star system, there are only two real administrative stars, and the rest of the planets are just a few colonies, which are not worth mentioning at all.

So under this kind of overall victory, of course the Federation Parliament can't allow any flaws in its greatness. At this time, they can't commit the crime of punishing General Cohen and the others. General Cohen and others were imprisoned for life. After three to five years, when the matter was gradually forgotten, these people could die in prison one after another in accidents.

"Leslie, you live in Mengsk first, I have to go to Earth." Qin Hao said.

"Brother, can I go with you?" Leslie asked.

"The earth is too dangerous. My brother is not here to play. You stay here first. When we finally win, I will let you play on the earth every day." Qin Hao said.

"Oh..." Leslie didn't want to go to Earth, she just didn't want to be separated from Qin Hao. In the Keha galaxy, she didn't even know anyone, but Leslie also understood that Qin Hao went to Earth to save people If she went, it would only be a burden for her to follow. If Qin Hao's actions were dragged down, the consequences would be serious.

So although Leslie was reluctant, he still agreed to stay in Mengsk.

"Hu Ke, help me take care of her." Qin Hao turned and said to Hu Ke.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will take good care of this lady." Hu Ke nodded. Although he didn't know the specific relationship between Leslie and Qin Hao, he could tell that the two of them were very close .

After thinking for a while, Qin Hao asked Hu Ke to lock up the captains of the two destroyers, and then he took back the parasites in the two people. In this way, Qin Hao had four parasites in his hands. .

In addition to these parasites, Qin Hao asked Noz, the leader of the swarm stationed in the Keha galaxy, to hatch more than a dozen amoebas, and then he boarded the missionary spaceship with these bugs.

After setting the target on Jupiter's gravity well, Qin Hao put the spacecraft into an automatic navigation state.

The reason why Qin Hao chose this place is mainly because Jupiter is a gas planet, which is the most unsuitable place for interstellar colonization, so it is also the most desolate place in the solar system. Few spacecraft approach here, which makes Qin Hao The probability of this missionary spacecraft being exposed is greatly reduced.

Eighteen hours later, Qin Hao arrived at the gravity well of Jupiter, and then he drove the spacecraft to land on Callisto. The place is extremely desolate and has no value for development, so no spacecraft will approach here at all.

When Qin Hao was in Turandot before, he discarded the Red Devil shuttle there. When he set off from Mengsk this time, he asked Hu Ke to get two more ordinary shuttles and put them in the hangar of the missionary spacecraft. among.

After Callisto landed, Qin Hao put the missionary spacecraft into a camouflaged state, and then he took a bunch of parasites and amoebas and headed straight to the earth in a shuttle.


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