"It really is you, Mr. Qin Hao!" Wilson was not surprised at all. When he came, he had already guessed that it was Qin Hao. Otherwise, how could he be in such a hurry for a guy with no clear identity? Come here.

"Can we chat now?" Qin Hao said unhurriedly, and at the same time the parasite was playing its role again, and he put on a disguise.

"Mr. Qin Hao came to visit unexpectedly. I wonder if there is anything to talk about?" Wilson asked.

"It's like this. I met Azlan yesterday, and now I want to talk to you about the conditions of our cooperation." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Oh? Then tell me, how do we cooperate?" Wilson sat down opposite Qin Hao with a smile.

"It's very simple, if you join me now, guarantee the personal life and property safety of all members of the Twain family, the family business and its status will not be shaken, if the family members have committed illegal acts before, as long as they don't commit any more crimes, they will not be blamed .” Qin Hao offered the same conditions as he offered to the Klein family.

"It doesn't sound like this condition is too attractive." Wilson laughed.

"Although it sounds ineffective now, compared with the conditions later, this is already considered generous. You have seen my swarm, so I guess you can think of the third fleet that has already set off. What kind of result will there be?" Qin Hao said lightly.

"Yeah, I know this, so I don't ask you about the conditions after the defeat of the Third Fleet. Let's talk on the basis of the conditions you have proposed now. What do you think?" Wilson's words surprised Qin Hao. He At first, I thought that Wilson, like Azlan, came to inquire about the situation, but it seemed that Wilson had received a high degree of authorization.

"Can you represent the Twain family?" Qin Hao asked.

"Of course I can't represent it, but my grandfather can. If you think the price I offer is negotiable, my grandfather will come here soon." Wilson laughed.

"To be honest, your family really impresses me." Qin Hao said.

"We're just taking a longer view than everyone else," Wilson laughs.

"Okay, tell me your price." Qin Hao said.

"The new regime must still maintain a democratic system. The proportion of the Twain family's seats in the parliament is not lower than it is now, and the seven thirteenth-level bosses of the Stonemasons will be reduced to less than three!" Wilson glanced at Qin Hao after finishing speaking, Then he continued: "On the basis of your conditions just now,

We only have these three requirements. If you can generally accept them, my grandfather will discuss the details with you personally. "

"Your family has great ambitions!" Qin Hao said after taking a deep look at Wilson.

"Mr. Qin Hao, high risks must be matched by high returns, otherwise why would we take such a big risk?" Wilson said with a smile.

"Democracy is not a problem. I have no intention of establishing a dictatorship. I can't promise you the proportion of the Twain family's seats, but this aspect can be discussed. As for the stonemason's association, I don't think it's a problem, because I don't I don't plan to cooperate with all the families. During this transformation, there will definitely be some big families who are on the wrong side. At that time, they will be purged. How much to bet depends on their own choice." Qin Hao said after thinking for a while.

"Mr. Qin Hao, do you mean that our three conditions can be negotiated?" Wilson confirmed.

"You can say that." Qin Hao nodded.

"Then wait a moment, I'll go get my grandpa." Wilson stood up while speaking, and walked out of the office.

"Brother, are you going to give them so many benefits?" Qin Xue asked.

"As the first family to surrender, we must give more benefits, otherwise, why would other families follow?" Qin Hao smiled.

"Actually, I think it's good for you to use the bug swarm to unify the human race. Why bother? With your bug swarm army, it's not a problem to wipe out all the human fleets!" Qin Xue said.

"That's what I said, but the problem is that it's easy to conquer the country, but it's difficult to sit on the country. I can't put armor on every human being and turn them into my slaves, right? In that way, I won't destroy the human race ?” Qin Hao shrugged.

Although I don’t want to admit it, those aristocratic families are indeed elites. If they are all killed, with the strength of the Korha galaxy, even if President Claude arrives at the Korha galaxy with his remaining fleet , but these people are completely insufficient to govern a huge human country.

You must know that human beings are now ruling a huge country with two complete galaxies, and there are hundreds of administrative stars alone. If there are not enough elites to manage it, it must be a mess!

yes! The elites are greedy, they exploit the people, but without their governance, the cruelty between humans would be more 0.1 blatant.

After experiencing so much, Qin Hao is no longer the stunned and angry youth he was at the beginning. He will not beat them to death because of the corruption of those families, because if that is the case, after the establishment of the new regime, those who were Officials promoted from civilians or even poor people will show more brutal greed than those corrupt family forces.

Under the thought of "I have today!", the chances of corruption of officials from poor families will be much higher than that of children from aristocratic families, and the environment in which they grew up also determines their vision and pattern. Governing the country is really no one's job. Being able to do it is not something that can be done simply by training and learning. This requires years of experience and experience.

"It's so complicated!" Qin Xue shrugged. She seemed to understand what Qin Hao said, but she didn't bother to care about it.

"Pa-ta..." At this moment, the door of the office opened again, and Wilson led an old man in very respectfully.

"Grandpa is Qin Hao, but now he is using a disguise." Wilson first introduced Qin Hao, and then said to Qin Hao: "This is my grandfather, Mark Twain, who is the actual control of our Twain family He is also one of the thirteenth-level bosses of the Stonemasons Association."

"Hello, Mr. Qin Hao!" Mark Twain did not pat the old man, but greeted Qin Hao formally.

"Hi, Mr. Mark Twain, nice to meet you!" Qin Hao also stood up, and the moment he greeted Mark Twain, he restored his original appearance to show his respect for the other party.


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