After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the two parties sat down one after another, and then began formal negotiations.

"Mr. Qin Hao, I heard from Wilson that you agree to establish a democratic regime after the establishment of the new regime?" Mark Twain asked.

"That's right, I have no interest in dictatorship. Even after the establishment of the new regime, I will still support Claude as the interim president of the new regime. Elections will not be held until human society returns to stability." Qin Hao said .

"Mr. Qin Hao, don't mind. It's not that I don't believe you, but you also know that this matter is not trivial. This is the basis of our cooperation, so I need a guarantee." Mark Twain said.

"What kind of guarantee do you need?" Qin Hao was not angry about this. Mark Twain's doubts were understandable. After all, if he suddenly repented and established a dictatorship when the new regime was established, At that time, Mark Twain would have no place to reason.

"If I asked you to sign an agreement, would you feel conflicted?" Mark Twain asked very cautiously.

"I'm afraid this agreement is unusual?" Qin Hao asked with a smile. If it was just an ordinary paper agreement, it might not have much effect. Even if it is signed, Qin Hao will tear up the agreement at that time. At most, it is to expose it in the media, but what is the use of exposing this thing at that time?

So this agreement is definitely not an ordinary agreement.

"Well! You guessed it right, this is a black magic agreement. If you break the contract, you will suffer backlash. Of course, if you fulfill your promise, then this agreement is just a piece of waste paper." Mark spit Wen said.

"Mr. Mark Twain, you may not realize that our positions are not equal." Qin Hao sneered after hearing Mark Twain's words.

"Uh..." Mark Twain was taken aback by Qin Hao's words.

"First of all, with my current strength, it is easy to overthrow the federal government and destroy all the warships of the federation. I am here to negotiate with you, but I want to reduce human casualties. After all, we will be in the near future In the future, we will face the invasion of aliens together." Qin Hao paused here, and then continued: "So I invite you and your family to join us, not because we need you, but because I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble. casualties!"

"Mr. Qin Hao, your words are a little too confident!" Wilson said from the side. At this time, he had to speak for his grandfather, because Mark Twain couldn't say this, otherwise Qin Hao would be a little angry, and this matter would be over. Can't talk anymore.

But it was different when Wilson opened his mouth. Even if Qin Hao was angered, Mark Twain could still reprimand Wilson.

Thereby bringing back the tense scene.

"I'm really confident, but I don't think it's too much." Qin Hao smiled slightly, and then continued: "But I have a clear conscience. If the agreement you mentioned doesn't contain other traps, I can sign it!"

"Huh?" Wilson was dumbfounded. He originally thought that Qin Hao's words were meant to refuse to sign the agreement, but he didn't expect Qin Hao to make a 180-degree turn.

"As I said, I have a clear conscience regarding the establishment of a democratic regime, but I also have to tell you that the initiative of our cooperation lies with me. Don't challenge my bottom line on this issue." Qin Hao said.

"Mr. Qin Hao, if you are so strong, the negotiation between us may not be easy..." Mark Twain said slowly at this time.

"Really?" Qin Hao raised his eyebrows, and then said, "If you think it's impossible, then let's go here."

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he stood up and was about to leave. This time he really took Mark Twain into his army.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Qin Hao, you are so irritable, you are not a good negotiator!" Mark Twain said with a smile on his face.

"I'm not a negotiator, I'm a soldier." Qin Hao said.

"Okay! Alright! If that's the case, then I won't ask too much. Let's have a frank and honest talk, and each of us will show our cards directly." Mark Twain nodded, after listening to his grandson Wilson's description Afterwards, after a few days of thinking, he decided that the federal fleet was unable to fight against Qin Hao's swarm.

Based on this judgment, then Qin Hao's overthrow of the existing federal government and the establishment of a new human regime has become an inevitable thing. There may be some accidents in the middle, but the ending will not change.

As Qin Hao said before, if he cooperated with Qin Hao earlier, it would be called joining the group. When the defeat appeared, it would be called surrender. The treatment they can enjoy is completely different.

For the benefit of the family, Mark Twain made a decisive decision. After he judged that Qin Hao would definitely win the final victory, he immediately made a decision on behalf of the family that they would join Qin Hao's camp.

Of course, this kind of decision must not hold a family meeting. After all, among these families on the earth, there are countless eyeliners among each other.

So about Mark Twain's decision, in fact, only he and Wilson knew about it. Even Mark Twain's own son, the current head of the Twain family, didn't know about it.

"It would be the best if you can be so frank." Qin Hao nodded, and then sat down again. In fact, he didn't want to leave, after all, he had wasted so much energy before, and even took Wilson to El Star Isn't the purpose of the visit to win over the Twain family?

For a second-rate family like the Klein family, Qin Hao gave up and gave up, but for a top family like the Twain family, he really couldn't make that kind of determination.

After all, families like the Twain family have too much influence on the earth. If they can join Qin Hao's camp, it will definitely play an important role in disintegrating the family alliance on the earth.

"If you can sign the black magic agreement, then the remaining two are easy to negotiate. Regarding the seats, I can tell you the bottom line. Now our Twain family has sixty seats in the Federal Parliament, accounting for About two percent of the seats, and if you establish a new regime, I hope we have no less than one-and-a-half percent of the seats." Mark Twain said.

"So low?" Qin Hao was stunned for a moment. He really had no idea about this, but he felt that one percent or two percent of the seats didn't seem to be a big deal!


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