In fact, Qin Hao still doesn't know much about the structure of the federal parliament. Although the seats in the parliament represent the right to speak, in fact, the seats occupied by each family are not particularly large, and everyone relies on the alliance to exert their influence.

As far as the entire federal parliament is concerned, this is a super large meeting with as many as 3,000 people, but compared to the hundreds of billions of people in the entire Earth Federation, the size of this parliament is not too large.

And the seats of these 3,000 people are roughly divided into four equal parts. The three pillars of the Federation each account for about a quarter, and the remaining quarter is shared by many other families on the earth. Many families even have only For a seat, if they don't join a certain force, this vote can be ignored.

As for those wealthy or local powerful families outside the earth, they have almost no say in the decision-making of the entire federation. To put it bluntly, the power of the entire federation is almost controlled by these families on earth.

The situation of the two gangs of three pillars who also occupy a quarter of the seats is not the same. Both the Childe family and the Zhao family are independent families, and they each occupy a quarter of the seats, which are distributed among their own families. Yes, there is nothing to say.

The Stonemasons Association is an alliance-like organization. Although overall, they are stronger, occupying almost 27% of the seats in the Federal Parliament, which is 100% more than the Zhao family and the Childe family. Two or so, but the gap is not very big.

However, since the Stonemasons Association is also composed of many families, the 27% of the seats will be distributed within the Stonemasons Association. Among them, seven big bosses of the thirteenth level and ten sword holders of the twelfth level He got the big head, but more or less points were given to the member families below, so even Mark Twain, one of the seven thirteenth-level bigwigs, his family only got about 2% of the seats .

Therefore, when Mark Twain made the request, he did not ask for too many parliamentary seats. His main appeal was to reduce the number of thirteen-level masons in the Mason Association. If the seven masons could be reduced to five or even three The level of the seat, the strength of the Twain family will naturally increase, and the seats in the parliament they will be allocated will also increase.

The most important thing is that the reduction in the number of masons means that the remaining masons will increase their strength. If the masons will only retain one thirteenth-level mason in the end, then the power of this big boss will be almost equal to that of the Childe family and the Zhao family. Home.

This is the core appeal of Mark Twain!

"Okay, I can guarantee that your Twain family's seats in the new parliament will not be less than 1.5%!" Qin Hao nodded. Although he didn't know Mark Twain's ultimate goal, he could guess Probably, but it didn't matter much to him.

"As for the number of thirteen-level masons in the Mason Association..." Mark Twain asked, this is what he cares most about.

"However, for the number of thirteen-level masons in the Mason Association,

I can't guarantee it. If they are all cooperative, I'm embarrassed to kill them casually, isn't it? Qin Hao replied with a smile.

"I can understand this. If they cooperate, I won't force you to do anything." Mark Twain nodded, but he secretly made up his mind. If he wanted to contact Qin Hao, Mark Twain would definitely stop him with all his strength.

Because the deeper the misunderstanding of Qin Hao by these bosses, the higher the hostility between the two sides, the more beneficial it is for him. He can't wait for Qin Hao to take the remaining six thirteenth-level bosses and their families together. Kill them all!

"However, I have to say something up front. I am not a political player, so I am definitely not an opponent of a senior person like you in terms of fighting hearts and minds. Therefore, what we signed is only a framework agreement. As for the specific details, I will do it with you. It requires a professional team to negotiate." Qin Hao said to Mark Twain after the two parties basically finalized the premise of cooperation.

"That's natural. As long as you can agree to these frameworks, the following details can be discussed!" Mark Twain nodded. Now they are talking about what the Twain family can get, but there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. Obtaining these, it is obviously not a matter of verbally agreeing to join Qin Hao's camp.

Next, the Twain family will definitely have to pay a certain price. In addition to the various information Qin Hao needs, they can also obtain enough benefits for Qin Hao from their own status in the Federation. Otherwise, why would they give it? Such favorable conditions for them?

As for what the Twain family needs to do, these details, people like Qin Hao will definitely not go to the negotiating table to pick out the words line by line, and there is a professional team to do it. Similarly, Mark Twain Such a boss would not personally lie on the negotiating table to argue for the details of every clause. The purpose of his coming today is mainly to reach a cooperation intention with Qin Hao.

"Okay, then let's find an opportunity for a professional team to discuss the details." Qin Hao nodded.

"Then can we sign the black magic agreement?" Mark Twain urgently needs a guarantee, because for a politician like him, no guarantees, no promises are the same as nothing, not even ordinary paper agreements. Add any confidence to him, only this magical agreement with special constraints can make him feel at ease.

"Yes!" Qin Hao nodded.

"Wilson, please Master Gamemnon." Mark Twain said to Wilson beside him.

"Yes! Grandpa!" Wilson turned and went out. About twenty minutes later, he brought an old man in a black cloak to Qin Hao.

"Come on, let me introduce you!" After Gamemnon entered the office, Mark Twain stood up and was about to introduce Qin Hao, but was interrupted by Qin Hao.

"No need, great pharmacist Gamemnon, we met before." Qin Hao also stood up and said with a smile.

"This kid, who are you?" Gamemnon was taken aback when he saw Qin Hao.

"Master forgot me so quickly?" Qin Hao smiled slightly, and then canceled his disguise.

"Qin Hao?!" Gamemnon was stunned for a moment.

"Long time no see!" Qin Hao smiled.

"You!" Gamemnon took two steps forward and grabbed Qin Hao's wrist.

"What are you doing!" Qin Hao didn't say anything here? Qin Xue behind him quit.

"Xiaoxue, don't be impulsive!" Qin Hao waved his hands, then looked at Gamemnon and smiled, "Master, why are you so excited?"

"Boy, where is the staff you promised? How long has it been?" Gamemnon asked dissatisfiedly. He didn't care whether Qin Hao was a wanted criminal of the Federation. The top-grade magic staff given to them, but now there is no movement at all!


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