Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 857: Introducing the King into the Urn

Because the ballistic speed of physical ammunition is too slow, this has led to the fact that although the vanguard of the Third Fleet has included the Korhal Galaxy Fleet into the effective range, it takes several minutes or even ten minutes from attack to hit.

And ten minutes is enough for the spaceship of the Keha Galaxy Fleet to successfully activate the jump engine and escape from this place of right and wrong.

Seeing the flashes of light in the distance, the Keha galaxy fleet has entered a transition state. How could Love let them escape at the end of the season?

"Turn off the large phase interferometer and calculate the opponent's warping trajectory!" Ji Moluofu immediately ordered, because of such a short preparation time, the Keha Galaxy Fleet must not be able to make a long-distance space jump, and they must have fled to a nearby place. In the gravity well of a planet.

If the Third Fleet can quickly lock the coordinates of the Korha Galaxy Fleet, and start the transition before they complete the transition and have no time to reorganize their formation and design an ambush circle, then they can catch up with their opponents.

And because the Korha galaxy fleet has just completed a transition, their phase engine must be cooling down. Once they are caught up by the third fleet in the gravity well of a certain planet, it will be impossible to escape.

Although this kind of adventurous jump will cause some losses to the fleet, as a senior general, Ji Molov knows how to choose. Although this may lose several or even a dozen spaceships, if the Korha galaxy fleet can be wiped out If that is the case, then the Korhal galaxy can be easily liberated, which is equivalent to reducing a large number of casualties invisibly.

Because the Keha Galaxy Fleet is undergoing a phase transition under the eyes of the Third Fleet, the space trajectory is very easy to track. Even if the spaceships of the Third Fleet are relatively old, they locked the Keha Galaxy Fleet in a short period of time. transition path.

"General, they are now jumping to El Star!" The adjutant submitted the summarized report to Love at the end of the season.

"Eir Star?" At the end of the quarter, Love waved his hand, and the information of this desert planet was directly displayed on the big screen.

"General, this is a desert planet. There are only a few mines that are about to be mined out, and there are only a small amount of defense equipment in the orbit." The adjutant obviously did his homework in advance.

"How long ago was this information?" Ji Moluo asked very cautiously. They are now fighting in the enemy's home field. If they rashly jump into the opponent's ambush circle, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"A month ago!" replied the adjutant.

"Order the fleet to prepare for the jump!" After receiving this reply from the adjutant, Ji Molov immediately let go of his vigilance.

After all, from the perspective of human beings,

Although one month is not a short period of time, it is a bit nonsense to build a planet into an armed fortress, let alone a mere Korha galaxy, even if all the resources of the entire Earth Federation are mobilized, it is impossible done in such a short time.

Therefore, in the view of Ji Moluofu, the most important thing for El Star is to add some orbital defense facilities, such as Gaussian rail guns or hangar defense platforms. With such a terrifying scale, they are still vulnerable.

Generally speaking, war is about logistics, but that is based on the fact that the military strength of both sides is almost equal. If the military strength is not equal, it is easier to win with big fists. Of course, besides this, information is also very important , The unequal information will cause the party that originally had the advantage to lose everything in an instant. As for the party that was originally the weaker, once they fall into the predicament of unequal information, what awaits them is the end of their entire army being wiped out.

At this time, Ji Moluofu was like this. As a human general, he was also excluded by the high-level officials of the Earth Federation. As a result, he could not get much information, let alone about the Zerg.

So unprepared, at the end of the season, Love ordered the Third Fleet under his command to plunge into the sky and earth net designed by Hu Ke and Noz.

Just over half an hour later, the vanguard of the Third Fleet rushed out of the phase space and arrived at the gravity well of Planet Aiur.

"General! We found traces of the enemy fleet! The opponent is moving to the other side of Star Aiur. It seems that he wants to delay the time and wait for the phase engine to cool down before fleeing." The commander of the vanguard told Ji Moluo Husband sent a battle report.

"Bite them! Don't let them run away!" Ji Moluo immediately replied to the order.

"Yes! General!" After taking the order, the commander immediately ordered the fleet to restore the shield and engine system as quickly as possible, and then directly took a shortcut to chase after the scattered orbital defense weapons near the low-earth orbit of El Star. past.

Because the orbital defense weapons of Star Aiur are all built in low-Earth orbit, if the spacecraft of the Third Fleet walks around the outer edge of the gravity well, they can avoid the range of those Gauss defense guns, but now to hurry up , These battleships increased the output power of their shields one after another, completely ignoring the attacks of these Gauss defensive guns, and directly rushed towards the Korha Galaxy Fleet in the distance.

One after another, the spaceships of the Third Fleet entered the gravity well of Planet El, and then they also accelerated one after another, rushing towards the Korha Galaxy Fleet on the other side of the planet.

"How long will it take for the opponent's phase engine to cool down?" Ji Moluo asked.

"Estimated three hours!" replied the adjutant.

"Enough! Chase!" At the end of the quarter, Love nodded. Although three hours may not be able to wipe out the fleet, it can definitely damage the opponent.

Seeing the overwhelming Third Fleet spaceship rushing over, the drones flying all over the sky instantly destroyed those scattered rail guns and hangar platforms, and the few defense facilities on Al Star were destroyed in an instant.

"Chasing!" At the end of the season, Love seemed to see the dawn of victory.

But at this moment, three invisible force fields spread out, covering the gravity well of the entire Al star and a large star field around it.

"General! The opponent has activated a large phase jammer, and the blocking range is very large! All our troops are enveloped in it!" The adjutant immediately reported the situation.

"Huh?! Did the other party really have an ambush?" Ji Moluofu was stunned, but at this time in the gravity well of the entire El planet, the combat power of the Korha galaxy is only the fleet composed of more than a hundred warships, even the orbit Defense facilities have been destroyed.

And the large phase disruptors don't just stop them from escaping, they also prevent the outside world from jumping in, so at this time the Korha Galaxy Fleet has turned itself into a lone army!

"Could it be that their reinforcements came from the surface of this planet?!" Ji Moluofu suddenly thought of a bad possibility, but the size of the Keha galaxy fleet is so large, where did they get reinforcements from?

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