
"General, what do you think that is?!" Just as Ji Moluofu was in a daze, the adjutant suddenly pointed at the porthole and screamed.

"What's the matter?" Ji Moluofu followed the adjutant's finger, and there were densely packed small black spots flying out of the atmosphere of Star Aiur.

In order to save time and catch up with the Keha galaxy fleet as soon as possible, at the end of the season, Love also ordered the main force of the third fleet to fly close to the low-Earth orbit of Star Aiur, so their fleet is actually not far from the atmosphere of Star Aiur.

"What is that?!" Not only Ji Molov was stunned, but all the captains of the warships, as well as the officers and soldiers on board were stunned.

At this moment, the shipboard radar of the Third Fleet still has no response. One reason is that Skywalker is too small. This kind of insect with a wingspan of only a few meters and a torso of less than three meters is too small in space. , basically only pocket unmanned interceptors are only this big.

Moreover, each of these bugs is a life structure, not a metal structure of steel and iron, so when the radar searches for them, it is directly ignored. After all, in the space wars that humans have encountered so far, they have never They have never encountered any race that is suspected of directly living in the space environment, so the radar will naturally not search for information in this regard.

Although the corresponding bio-radar technology is available, if you want to lock these creatures in space and rely on fire-control radar standards, you need to replace the entire army with new equipment.

In addition to the inability of the radar system to play an adequate role, the Third Fleet also faced a problem, that is, they passed through the low-Earth orbit of the star Aiur in a tangential way, which caused almost all warships to use The broadside faces the swarm.

But in the Third Fleet, except for the flagship of Ji Molov, which is an old battleship, there are no other battleship configurations at all. In this way, the main guns of other battleships are all on the bow side, and the sideboard The firepower here is very weak!

"No matter what they are! Attack!" Ji Moluofu showed the decisiveness of a general at this time. Although the situation was a bit unexpected, and these dark things did not know what they were, they must not be allowed to approach Fleet, so he immediately issued an attack order!

"Yes!" All the captains took orders immediately. Facing the overwhelming insect swarm, everyone was a little nervous. After all, the unknown is the most frightening thing.

So when the captains got the permission to attack, they immediately conveyed the battle order.

Speaking of which, the entire Third Fleet can be considered well-trained.

Even in the face of emergencies, the formation of the entire fleet was still not scattered. They continued to pursue the Korha galaxy fleet, and then used the near-anti-aircraft guns of these warships that entered the side of Star Aiur to attack the Skywalkers.

Of course, the most powerful battleship is the battleship under Ji Moluofu's seat. Although the model is old, but after all, it is there, and the battleship itself has the most firepower on the side, so in this case, It doesn't even need to adjust its sailing posture to exert its strongest combat effectiveness!

"Boom, boom, boom..." The Third Fleet's side fired tens of thousands of guns, and hundreds of warships close to the side of Star El star fired wildly, sweeping out a torrent of steel.

Dense metal projectiles rushed into the Skywalker army in an instant, and most of them could explode, causing a lot of damage to the Skywalker army in an instant.

"It's conservatively estimated that this wave of attacks will have to wipe out hundreds of thousands of enemies, right?" All the captains had smiles on their faces. Although they didn't know what the enemy was, but killing so many enemies was a feat!

But after the flames from the explosion of the artillery shells in front dissipated, there were indeed more swarms of insects that caught the captains' eyes. Those skywalkers came overwhelmingly, as if they formed a sky.

"Damn it! Why are there so many!?"

"Full fire! Kill these things!"

The captains, who were originally relaxed, showed solemn expressions on their faces, and Ji Moluofu, who was sitting on the flagship, also frowned tightly.

At this moment, Ji Molov is not thinking about the battle situation in front of him. The captains under him are enough to deal with this level of attack. Ji Molov recalled the conversation he had with General Cohen before.

"He so vowed to claim to capture me and my fleet, is it because of these things?" Ji Moluofu thought to himself.

Although the number of these inexplicable things in front of us is very large, they seem to be very fragile. In just a few tens of minutes, one or two million Skywalkers died under the fire of near-defense guns and battleships.

It's just that at the end of the season, Love didn't know that the number of skywalkers like this was nearly 100 million on the planet El, and the loss of a few million was a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, Noz was ordered by Qin Hao, so it limited the charge speed of the Skywalkers. Otherwise, these Skywalkers would have approached the Third Fleet and started attacking. In that case, the Third Fleet would not be able to hold on for a few days. Within hours, it will be wiped out by a large number of Skywalkers.

But under Qin Hao's instruction, Noz did not dare to wipe out these human warships directly, so it could only rely on constantly abandoning Skywalker to cover its next battle deployment.

As the Skywalker army continued to approach, the eyes of all the captains of the Third Fleet, including General Timolov, were attracted by the cannon fodder, but no one noticed the Corruptors and Hunters hidden behind Skywalker .

The hunters sprayed out clouds of smoke, blocking the attack of the Third Fleet. Although the Skywalkers in front were still dying, the metal ammunition failed to continue to attack backwards. At this time, the Corruptors also The pick-up approached the warships.

"Puff puff puff..." Using their super long range and the cover of other Zerg, the Corruptors began to spit mucus at the warships of the Third Fleet. On the hull of the battleship.

Then the slime wriggled, and the creeps and spores began to enter the interior of the battleship along the welded gaps.

The massacre of the swarm by the Third Fleet lasted about three hours, and Noz lost more than 10 million Skywalkers in total, but the corpses of these Skywalkers will soon be recycled to Planet Aiur, and then use the organic matter , Noz can hatch a large number of insect swarms.

Hu Ke's Keha Galaxy Fleet has been playing hide and seek with the Third Fleet around El Star, because the Third Fleet has been harassed by the swarms, so they have never been able to catch up.

But these three hours allowed the Corruptors to complete the corrosion of all the ships of the Third Fleet. With the launch of spores and creeps, the Third Fleet stopped...\u003c/content\u003e

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