Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Nine hundred and fortieth eighth chapter Ming Gang assassination

This time Qin Hao and President Crowder met in private, in fact, for the purpose of sharing power, and the purpose of General Cohen's company was also to fear that the two people's talks would collapse. After all, rights are like money, and it is difficult for ordinary people to give up, but Qin Hao and Claude took this very lightly, so the two did not have any fierce confrontation, and the division of rights was completed.

President Claude is in charge of all civil affairs. Qin Hao promises not to interfere with his government orders. At the same time, Claude also promises not to interfere with military affairs. All matters related to war are left to Qin Hao. call the shots.

Although President Claude can actually restrain Qin Hao through finances, Qin Hao's army does not use the fleet as the main force, so even if a penny of military expenses is not paid, the combat effectiveness of the swarm will not be affected .

Of course, as long as Claude does not suffer from dementia, he will definitely not provoke Qin Hao. After all, as an old fox in the political circle, he understands it better than anyone else!

Early the next morning, Qin Hao and General Cohen announced the return of President Claude to the entire Korha galaxy and even the human world through broadcasting. At the same time, President Claude also announced the establishment of the Interstellar Federation on behalf of the new regime.

The newly established Interstellar Federation continues to use the original system of the Earth Federation, using the form of a president plus a parliament to check and balance its full strength. Of course, this system is the system that used to be in the early days of the Earth Federation, not the current decadent system that has been completely controlled by family forces. system.

The name of the new federation is also to attract more ordinary people and let them know that this time the federation will no longer be a federation of earthlings, but a common federation of all human beings in the interstellar world, and earthlings will no longer enjoy those privileges!

As for the capital of the new Interstellar Federation, it was set on the moon!

The reason why the capital is put here is also the result of discussions between President Claude, Qin Hao and General Cohen, because the moon is the satellite of the earth, and if the Interstellar Federation wants to regain its capital, it must conquer the earth, thus showing Their determination to unify human civilization.

Secondly, the new capital was not established on the earth, but on the moon, just to prevent the new federation from following the old path of the old federation. The earth will lose its original privileges, and will have the same rights as other administrative planets.

And building the new capital on the moon also has another purpose. The moon is a desolate place. There are no resources here, and it is not suitable for living. It can only be like a space city, under a giant glass cover, to build an immigrant city. It means that the scale of the capital cannot be too large.

And because there is nothing to ask for on the moon, and the conditions are relatively difficult, this has become the most important place for President Claude.

In the words of President Crowder,

Since you want to become the president, don’t hold the heart of enjoying yourself. You come to the moon for your work, not for your enjoyment! Therefore, there are no entertainment facilities here, and it is also a way to distract the president and the senior officials around him.

The news of the establishment of the Interstellar Federation, because it is broadcast live simultaneously on the entire network, can be seen even in the territory of the Earth Federation. Although the Federation has ordered the media not to rebroadcast it and blocked the signal so that ordinary people cannot watch it, people in the upper class are still watching. It is already well known.

In the federal parliament, President Claude's speech is being played on the big screen.

"Everyone, what do you think?" Speaker Bahn's face sank. President Claude is his old opponent. He squeezed Claude away and wiped out the Roentgen Empire before. De was completely knocked to the ground, but he didn't expect him to get up again with the help of the Korha galaxy.

As the speaker, Bahn is well aware of President Claude's appeal in the Federation. If he is allowed to instigate like this, more and more people will smuggle into the Korha galaxy.

"Speaker, this Claude is overestimated. Could it be that he thought he could turn the tables with a little Korha? Don't forget that the Roentgen galaxy was much stronger than Korhal!" A member of the council said indifferently. Said.

"Don't say that, that kid Qin Hao is very unusual, we have to guard against him!" Another member of parliament stood up and said.

"Hasn't General Deng Yan arrived in the Char galaxy? In two days, the Ninth Fleet will also arrive in the Kechar galaxy. At that time, the three combined fleets, plus Deng Yan's own fleet, are such a huge force." Is it just for defense in Charle?" A member of the Twain family stood up and said.

Just yesterday, Qin Hao passed the news that he was going to enter the army to Mark Twain, so Mark Twain knew that this battle must be fought, so as the Twain family that had joined Qin Hao's camp, of course they had to fight in secret helped.

So Mark Twain instructed the members of the family to propose in the parliament that Deng Yan take the initiative to attack the Korha galaxy.

War is unavoidable, but instead of letting Qin Hao send his troops on an expedition, why not let Deng Yan take the initiative to send a wave? You must know that no matter what era it is, the defender will more or less take advantage of it.

So at this time, the Twain family began to push the council to let them abandon the position in the Char galaxy that they had been preparing for a long time, and take the initiative to attack Qin Hao in the Korha galaxy. In this way, Qin Hao will face much less pressure.

And if this is the case, the Twain family still looks like a major war faction, which can also hide the fact that they have already taken refuge in Qin Hao.

"What do you guys think?" Speaker Barn was actually tempted.

"I don't think there is any need to wait for the Ninth Fleet, just attack directly. Does a Korha galaxy need the three combined fleets to attack together?"

"Yeah, it's fine to just push it flat, Keha is just the second Roentgen!"


Members generally did not take the Korha galaxy seriously. The previous failure of the Third Fleet was also blamed on Timolov's incompetence and defection. Therefore, the entire Federation Parliament seriously underestimated the Korhal galaxy.

"Master Speaker, I think the Korha galaxy is still a bit sophisticated. We'd better not underestimate the enemy. Anyway, it's not a day or two away. I still think it's better to attack together after the Ninth Fleet arrives!" Twain family said the MP.

The purpose of his saying this is not for Deng Yan, but to help Qin Hao save some troubles. If he does not wait for the Ninth Fleet, then once Deng Yan leads his troops into Keha and encounters a failure, then the Ninth Fleet will definitely be there. There will be no more attacks. They must rely on the defense system of the Char galaxy to cause trouble for Qin Hao.

But what if the Ninth Fleet went out together? After Qin Hao solves these fleets, the Char galaxy will be completely undefended. With its local garrison fleet, it will definitely not be able to stop Qin Hao's army.

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