Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter Nine hundred and forty-nine: Predict the enemy first

Since the entire federal parliament was full of underestimation of the enemy against Qin Hao and the Keha galaxy, the proposal of the member of the Twain family was quickly approved, and the federal parliament issued an order to Deng Yan so that he did not have to be passive defensive. After the Ninth Fleet arrives in the Char galaxy, they can take the initiative to attack.

After receiving the order from the Federation Council, Deng Yan was very excited. He was also one of the people who didn't take Qin Hao and Keha galaxy seriously. In fact, after arriving in the Char galaxy, Deng Yan asked for battle several times. Because of the face of the Qian family, the parliament temporarily restrained itself and did not approve Deng Yan's plan.

Now that Qin Hao is actively preparing for the war in the Keha galaxy, the Qian family has nothing to say in the parliament. At this time, the Twain family proposed, and the Speaker of the Barn and the members of the Deng family added fuel to the flames. In this case, take the initiative to fight It became a matter of course.

Here Deng Yan is waiting for the arrival of the Ninth Fleet, and Qin Hao's side is not idle. After the interim President Claude and his bureaucratic system came to power, the entire Korha galaxy has a new look, and everything has begun to be orderly. After it started running, the entire Korha galaxy was gradually lifted from military control.

Although it was only a few days, Claude has already shown Qin Hao an increasingly stable rear. Although this cannot enhance the war capabilities of the Korha galaxy in a short period of time, it is enough for Qin Hao to be on the front line. When fighting, there is no need to worry about any unstable factors in the rear.


Four days later, the Ninth Fleet arrived in the Char galaxy smoothly. Deng Yan, who had been impatient for a long time, did not allow the Ninth Fleet any time to rest, so he incorporated it into his own fleet, and the scale has been unprecedented. The huge super fleet has begun to march towards the Korha galaxy!

In addition to the first, sixth, and ninth combined fleets, Deng Yan's super fleet also has the Deng family's private fleet. Although the size of this fleet is far smaller than the previous three combined fleets, they are However, it is equipped with the latest warships and the latest technological equipment, so its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

Originally, the number of combat ships in the three combined fleets was more than 200. If transport ships and other logistics supply ships were counted, the size would be more than 500 ships. After the three combined fleets plus Deng's private fleet were combined , the total number of warships is approaching two thousand!

The scale of this fleet is unprecedented for the entire human race. Even the super fleet that was wiped out by the Holy Messenger does not have so many ships, but if it is calculated in terms of combat power, then this fleet cannot Compared with the previous fleet that was wiped out by the Holy Messenger.

At that time, the major families sent out their own elite fleets in order to grab credit, and in order to speed up the journey, they did not bring too many logistics supply ships, so those thousand warships were all real warships, but now Deng Although Yan's fleet is not as strong as the third fleet in Ji Molov's hands, it still has more than ordinary transport and supply ships.

So the combat effectiveness is still not as good as the previous mixed fleet.

But even so, the current fleet can be said to represent the strongest force of mankind. When it left the airport, the entire Federation Parliament was cheering, because they really couldn't think of a mere Korha galaxy, In the face of such a terrifying fleet, what resistance can there be.

Because the Char galaxy and the Korha galaxy are two adjacent star systems, although the reunion is also calculated in light years, but with today's technology, there is no need to build a star gate at all, and it only needs a normal transition to arrive.

"Swish, swish..." Deng Yan's mixed fleet lined up in a neat formation, and then began to enter the transition state one after another.

Although Deng Yan is indeed an idiot, he has capable people under his command. These combat staff officers are all top students from the Federal Naval Academy with a major in combat command. Knowledge is also very rich.

Therefore, there is still no problem in the formation of troops.

"My lord, the federal navy is dispatched! It is jumping to the Keha galaxy." Almost when Deng Yan ordered the fleet to set sail, Hu Ke had already arrived in front of Qin Hao.

Because he had already started to actively prepare for the battle, both the Keha galaxy and the Char galaxy were full of spies from the other side, and Deng Yan relied on his strong force, so he not only did not hide the actions of the fleet, but also made a big fanfare. Even if the spies of the Korha galaxy don't deliberately investigate, they can still know the whole story.

So here Qin Hao has received the news immediately.

"Is the enemy's transition point determined?" Qin Hao asked.

"It has been locked! It is expected to arrive in thirty-two hours!" Hu Ke said immediately. At this time, the entire Korha Galaxy has been equipped with the latest phase radar. Although the original product of the messenger does not match human equipment, it can still be used if it is installed on the surface of the planet and equipped with a base station.

Although this kind of radar is only a civilian technology on the side of the Holy Messenger, for human beings, even the latest military phase radar is not as efficient or accurate as others.

Now the scientific research team led by General Cohen is already doing all it can to localize this radar, striving for the shortest possible time so that it can match human technology, so as to achieve the purpose of boarding the ship.

But even if this kind of radar can only be installed in ground base stations at present, it has also played a great role. For example, Deng Yan's fleet has just entered the phase space from a nearby galaxy, and Hu Ke has already mastered it. Their phase is out of the way, which means that Qin Hao has enough time to set up an ambush, and then catch Deng Yan's fleet by surprise!

"My lord, should we rush over to set up an ambush?" Hu Ke asked.

"Of course, but it's good for your fleet to defend on the outside. I don't want too many casualties!" Qin Hao said to Hu Ke.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Hu Ke nodded. He also knew that Qin Hao wanted to use the swarm to attack the vanguard. After all, if the fleet went first, even if it was an ambush, the casualties on his side would be very heavy.

Since the size of the opponent's fleet is far larger than that of the Keha Galaxy, it is definitely not possible to use the fleet to head-on.

"My lord, are you planning to capture all the opponent's ships?" Hu Ke asked curiously.

"How easy is it?" Qin Hao rolled his eyes. It is not easy to control nearly two thousand warships, and Qin Hao has no intention of staying with the Deng family's fleet!

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