Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 140: Ship Operators (Part 1)

There are two choices, one is life, the other is death, everyone knows how to choose. Qingtianmen is said to be a gang organization, rather it is a combination of small hackers, relying on their own computer technology that is superior to ordinary people to obtain funds. However, making a lot of money is naturally out of their reach, only those trivial things with high risks will fall on them.

Han Zhen’s offer was also very favorable, which further dispelled their worries: he took out one of the stack of unregistered bank cards he had exchanged for them as their settlement fee, and the value of one million on it made them feel better. Forty-three members of the Qingtianmen were dumbfounded, a million, worth their lives!

Since then, even the people whose hands were broken by Wu Na have no complaints. Being able to follow a generous boss is something that everyone who has been oppressed by other gangs and whose living space is getting smaller and smaller is looking forward to.

It is not difficult to change the identity certificate. Moni quickly produced a nearly authentic identity card; the new identity is not so easy to handle. They did hack into the population database of Wuzhong planet half a year ago. But it was only a very accidental coincidence. After using this to make a few deals, I dare not do it again. It is too dangerous. It is better to get out before no one notices. Han Zhen really appreciates this. !

Boss, Wuzhong's database has been upgraded twice. Our current hardware cannot overcome it unless we can get more advanced computer hardware...

I will configure these things for you. Also, you can see if you need this thing! If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. Han Zhen still understands this truth. He wants better intelligence. The computer is not simple, just make a call to Yitu at the evaluation point, and add the requirements, even the delivery time can be saved! Han Zhen wants Wu Na to take down the TW41 decoder on the cloud car. There is no need to find a buyer for this thing. Han Zhen really doesn’t pay attention to the money after the sale. If they don’t need it, It is also better to throw it away directly than to sell it.

As soon as he saw the decoder, Mo Ni was the first to react. He jumped up and grabbed it in his hand and refused to let it go. Ang Man and the others slowed down a bit, and also surrounded the decoder with green eyes.

Boss, it's easy to have this thing, as long as we upgrade a few of our existing machines, I guarantee that I can break into Wuzhong's database within ten days. Yes! I can guarantee it! Ang Man Said excitedly.

It turns out that this decoder is not only capable of changing data, it is very useful, especially in the hands of these computer players, it is like a magic weapon for computer characters when playing games. Han Zhen finally understood after detailed inquiry! Fortunately, they didn't sell them casually, otherwise they would have treated the diamonds like pebbles!

Wu Zhong! Han Zhen murmured, Ang Man, I don't want to apply for my new identity on such an eye-catching planet. Are there any other considerations, such as the remote planets around, the more remote the better? , as long as you have an official Mocha identity document!

That's quite a lot, Angman said after thinking for a while, How about I directly apply for the identity of Maji, the planet I was born on, what do you think? Magi is a very remote planet in Mocha. There are many, but the level of development is very low. There are many mining areas in and around the planet. It is completely a planet for ore mining and refining. The population management is also very loose... If you want to apply for the citizenship of Maggie Star, you don’t need it Decoder and upgrade hardware, I am also confident that I can break into the population database of the planet within a month. It’s time to change it as I want.”

This is a good thing. It is not of much benefit to ask for Wu Zhong's real identity. Since there is such a remote planet, of course I choose it! Very well, when things here are over, we'll go to Maggie Star!


There were only three people when the cloud car came. Han Zhen dragged all the people and the slightly more expensive smart devices in four trips and took them to the Lijin Hotel where he stayed. It looks like enough to accommodate two or three hundred people, but now it only accommodates these forty people, and it still looks empty.

The luxurious decoration deeply shocked the group of people who had only heard of it but never seen it, and felt that following this rich and powerful master must have a bright future, and most of the people in Qingtianmen were not. The natives of Wuzhong Planet, such as Ang Man, came from Maji Planet more than ten years ago. Although the Mocha Empire is much larger than the earth, it can also be divided according to the geographical differences on the earth: Wuzhong can be compared to a big city, and Maggie can be compared to a village. From the countryside to the city!

You Li was well informed. He already knew that Han Zhen lived in the presidential villa, but what it looked like in the villa, as a small person like him, it was impossible for him to come in for a night in his life. Han Zhen was very interested in You Li and the intelligence investigation team of more than ten people he led. Insects have worm ways, rats have rat ways, after all, they are familiar with this business, and with this group of people, it will be easy to know some local information wherever they go in the future. Han Zhen showed his intention to solicit, and You Li also wanted to stay close to Han Zhen, the big tree, and the two hit it off.

The next day, Han Zhen took You Li and Yu Angman out, and Wu Na stayed at the villa. A long time in the public eye would remind people of Wu Naka's identity as a slave girl. Han Zhen still can't fully believe the hackers who followed him just now, maybe it will be better if he gets out of Wuzhong, now, let's pay more attention!

Although Angman is the head of Qingtianmen, the one who can really make a decision must be the opinion of the woman named Yingrou who is called the younger sister by Angman. But this woman doesn't know what's going on. She was very interested in Wuna, and if she found a way to talk to Wuna, Wuna would ignore her, and when she got annoyed, she would knock her unconscious. In one night, Yingrou was knocked unconscious three times! Wu Na treated her like this, not only did she not show any signs of shrinking back, but she also became more interested. She followed Wu Na wherever she went, and she never left her footsteps.

Han Zhen also knew from the embarrassing words of Angman and the others that his guess was accurate, that Yingrou was indeed a lesbian. Because Wu Na stayed in the villa, Yingrou didn't say anything. That's why Han Zhen only brought Ang Man and You Li with him.

Before he came out, Han Zhen had already given the two of them the bottom line, telling them that he would have at least ten warships soon, and there were no candidates for the warships so far. How to gather the required personnel is now Something to think about.

Both Aung and Man mentioned the mercenary guild and the slave trading market. Mercenaries are easy to understand. In fact, the bodyguards hired by Han Zhen can also be regarded as one of the mercenaries. There are also organizations of the same nature on the earth. They are all hired organizations composed of retired veterans. As long as they have money, they can be let to work their lives. However, the scale of mercenaries on the earth is very small. After all, the entire earth is a big one. In the barracks, except for some things that are inconvenient for the army to come forward, they will be asked to handle them. The rest, the army does not use it for nothing.

After Angman explained the mercenaries in detail, Han Zhen discovered that the mercenaries here are very different from what he imagined. Mercenaries are very powerful, and they are the most powerful force in non-governmental organizations other than the army!

For personal exploration, you can choose to hire mercenaries; to lead a primitive planet, you can pay for mercenaries; Recruit a large number of mercenaries to fight for yourself! .... The composition of mercenaries is very complicated, but paying attention to reputation is the basic guarantee of being a mercenary. If you don't respect this, you will be no different from pirates and will be wiped out by all countries. What's amazing is that many pirates turned into pirates because the mercenaries couldn't do it anymore; most of the massacres on the planet were scapegoated by mercenaries. Anyway, all the things that the government doesn't want to come forward are all placed on the mercenaries, which makes the reputation of the mercenaries sometimes extremely stinky. But why do many countries still allow the existence of mercenary organizations? To put it bluntly, mercenaries still have value. You can’t just look at its shortcomings. There are also advantages. Mercenaries are more free and optional than the army, because With mercenaries, commercial activities have been greatly promoted, and there must be someone to do things that are inconvenient, right? There is a common saying in the universe, there is a reason for finding mercenaries when you have difficulties.

Because Han Zhen told Angman and the two that he was fully organizing all the ship operators! In this way, part of the authority of the battleship must be handed over to a hired battleship captain. The risk is extremely high. None of the heavy mercenaries can be trusted. After all, the authority of the battleship captain is the largest except for the captain. Yes, if the battleship is full of his people, then he can take the battleship away at any time!

After hearing this, Han Zhen frowned deeply, and rejected the proposal to find mercenaries to help him open the battleship.

It was Yuli's turn to introduce the slave trading market to Han Zhen in detail. Although the Mocha Empire was not a country where the slave system prevailed, it did not completely abolish the slave trade. In fact, not only the imperial system did not exist, but some countries such as the republic and the constitutional system also promulgated partial legal regulations on the slave trade. Slaves may be called differently, and they are covered up with pleasant names, such as hirer, servant, servant, debtor, etc., but the essence is still the same. A person who has completely lost his freedom of movement is a slave! There are many sources of slaves, prisoners of war from defeated countries, citizens of those who destroyed the country, family members of those who betrayed the sentence, etc. All of these provided a large number of sources of goods for the slave trade.

The management of slaves in various countries is very strict. If a slave is caught after escaping, the owner is first found according to the slave identification. If no one claims it within the specified time, they will be dealt with directly. Most of them are strangled. If it is valuable, it will be sold again after changing the logo of the National Slavery Administration, and the previous actions must be indicated on his information. It is conceivable that he will be sold again. The slave who was caught and sent back to the original owner had to pay a fee for it, and the end of the escaped slave was basically executed. If he didn't die, it would be even worse!

All countries have a very mature method for the management of slaves: chips are implanted in very important places in the body. For example, the slaves of Mocha have a chip embedded in the cervical spine at the back of the neck! In any place with internet access, after connecting to the slave controller, as long as the number is entered, he will die if he wants to, or faint if he wants to, and he can also directly mark the location of the slave. This method is not only suitable for this country, but also applicable to other countries; brainwashing is also a common method. Many methods are used in training to instill the importance of obeying the master, one year, five years, until the slaves are domesticated. ...

In other words, using slaves is much safer than hiring people? Han Zhen asked after You Li finished speaking. Han Zhen didn't shout to liberate them as soon as he heard the slaves appeared, he wasn't so stupid yet! You can say that Han Zhen’s ideological awareness is not high, but existence is reasonable. Slavery has existed for so many years, and it is impossible not to oppose it. Why is it still there? When you think about these issues yourself!

When listening to Yuli's explanation, Han Zhen also thought of Wuna, Wuna is also a slave in name, why didn't Ray Herman give him the controller? Is that the sign? No, maybe it's because the female slaves of Canon have such a good reputation that they are different from popular slaves. As long as the female slaves appearing on the market have never been betrayed, there is no need for any chips to control them. Well, it sure is! It's not easy for Han Zhen to ask You Li about the Kanon female slave, as long as they think about it, they will think of Wu Na, and they still don't want them to know.

Yes, boss, the safety of slaves is indeed much higher, but it also has a disadvantage, that is, good slaves are too expensive! A low-level slave who has only completed the domestication process and has no skills, the price It is around 5,000 yuan! Ordinary slaves refer to those who have received five to seven years of study and have some knowledge of a skill, and the price is more than 10,000 yuan! Medium-sized slaves have systematically learned useful skills. It varies from 30,000 to 50,000. Higher ones will be even higher. The starting price is 80,000. Most of the ship operators we want are between the middle and high levels. The managers of the department are the most popular talents in the slave market, and they are very popular! Youli paused for a while and then added: Boss, there is no trading market in Uva, and there are only three places in Wuzhong planet. The slave trading market, what I know is what a friend who worked in the slave market in Ebony Tan City told me, and it has been more than three years, so I can’t guarantee that the prices I mentioned are still the same.”

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