Interstellar Farmer

Chapter 141: Ship Operators (Part 2)

day! Although I don't know how many battleships I can exchange for the original species of my two plants, my guarantee is ten ships, and less than ten ships are out of the question; the model of the battleship is of course the best one. A warship requires at least five hundred people. Let’s say five hundred! Ten ships equals 5,000 people. Regardless of whether the price has changed or not, it is calculated as three years ago. One person is only 50,000, and 5,000 people is 250 million! Han Zhen unconsciously took out the bank card in Shenmu to have a look: breaking one dollar into ten petals is not enough to spend! Not to mention buying some high-level talents....

Han Zhen stood up abruptly, startling You Li and Ang Man, and they didn't dare to speak, knowing that the boss was worried about money, and it was his own displeasure to speak out now.

Looking for Yi Tu re-fulcrum? I only know him now! But 250 million is not a small amount, and he is just a small person in charge of the evaluation point. Can he allocate so much money? It doesn't matter, it makes him worry about it, if he doesn't lend it to me, then I'll get it back and see if he wants it!

After thinking about it, Han Zhen picked up the contact device and dialed the number Yi Tu left for him.

Squeeze out every penny in Yi Tu's hands, let him sell the iron and send 70 million. This is a temporary loan of 30 million from the bank in the name of the evaluation point. It is impossible to add more! There was no mention of switching to another family, and that was just used by Han Zhen to threaten him. If he really wanted to change his family, he didn't know what would happen!

Seventy-nine million yuan is far from the minimum 250 million yuan Han Zhen imagined, but there is always a way to use less money and less money! It’s a big deal not to have ten battleships, but just two ships, as long as they can reach Weixi, everything will be easy to handle after arriving in Weixi!

With two local snakes, especially Ang Man, who is proficient in brains, he found out the exact address of the slave trading market in a short while, and Han Zhen chose the one in Wutan. After sailing at full speed for an hour, the hotel's cloud car came to the Ebony City on another continent. Why didn't you drive a bigger and more comfortable tourist ship? Han Zhen now wants to keep a low profile and has no place to think about it. How could he burn the buns to do this? The tourist ship stopped at the hotel and stopped moving.

Wutan’s slave market was built with great fanfare, and it must be a part of the landmark buildings in the city. Not to mention one of the tallest buildings in the upper city that can be called hundreds of meters, just say the one in front of it is hundreds of meters The tall huge golden yellow humanoid statue can make people breathtaking.

The cloud car landed on the landing pad, and under the protection of twenty bodyguards, a group of people entered the market together with a market guide.

There is no Han Zhen phenomenon where people are tied with a rope and placed in front of them for exhibition, nor is it locked in a huge iron cage for people to appreciate slowly and then bid. Polygonal holographic platform. All the platforms are classified, and you can find the information of the person you want to buy before each classified platform, and all the slaves' information will appear here. There are not many people in the market hall, only dozens of people gather around a platform and press there, which is far from saturation; at the same time, it is also very quiet, only the introduction given by the market explainer in a low voice sound.

This made Han Zhen a little disappointed. In his memory, the slave market should be a tense and disorderly atmosphere amidst the noise, but it was not so quiet that everyone could hear the sound of a needle falling.

Sir Han (Yu Li told the commentator Han Zhen's name and title at the beginning), the commentator leaned behind Han Zhen and said with a modest smile: My company guarantees that all the slave information is accurate and absolutely not There will be any falsehoods! In terms of price, it is definitely the most fair in the whole Wuzhong. Even in the entire Mocha Empire, it has a reputation of high quality and low price! As long as you buy slaves from the low market, we can guarantee the quality of the slaves! ...All the servants of our company have been classified in detail, and each platform here can choose the servant you think is satisfactory according to the classification. When using the platform, you can choose from a large holographic screen, which is open ; You can also view it on a small screen, which can ensure maximum privacy, allowing six people to choose together on it at a time;... The eight yuan in the front is announced by the company after having a special servant The bulletin board, there is no direct pricing for anything that can appear here, if you are interested, you have to move to the second floor, where our dedicated sales staff will be in charge of negotiating transactions with you...

Boss, he just said that the outside is regular goods, and the inside is good goods that need to be negotiated before they can be traded. You Li whispered next to Han Zhen.

Well, let's take a look here first, and then go downstairs later. After Han Zhen finished speaking, he looked around, and after walking inside, he found a platform that was empty. There are many vacant platforms here. , but there is no need to fight. Seeing this, twenty bodyguards immediately formed a circle outside and pushed the explainer out.

The holographic hexagonal platform is very simple to use. After pressing the classification button you need, the platform will automatically log out the list you need. It didn't take long for Han Zhen to get started.

Damn, the division is really detailed: the division of the civilization level of the original country, the division of gender, the division of appearance, the division of age, the division of physical strength, the division of brain development, and the division of skills Divisions...these are not surprising, what is strange is that there are also divisions of average survival age, division of developmental potential assessment,...and so on! It seems that buying a slave is not an easy task!

Ang Man, let me tell you to choose, the skilled man who can operate each part of the ship, regardless of the others, how much does it cost per person? Han Zhen called Ang Man over to operate.

After pressing a few times quickly on it, Ang Man said: Boss, it seems that the price has increased! The most common weapon operator costs more than 70,000! These are all beginners, after less than five years of training , The price of a novice who has not participated in a drill, the price of a skilled person is about 100,000, the most expensive is the galaxy map analyst, radar observer, and engine manager, and their price has reached 120,000!  …”

Han Zhen was speechless, the price did not rise like this! Is this still a slave? Even buying a life is not worth the price!

Han Zhen didn’t put on a show anymore, and after pulling away the high man, he did it himself. It was really expensive, and the ones that caught his eye were all more than 100,000 yuan, which is a fart! It's better to go directly to Weixi with a boat ticket!

Han Zhen pressed harder and louder, and in the end he almost smashed the thing! The commentator who was driven outside was so nervous that he almost called the police when he heard the sound.

Huh? Han Zhen noticed some cheap goods in the scrolling list, about 30,000 yuan. After reading the comments later, he knew that some would come after escaping, and some were suspected of killing the master. When I went to the records of skills, I found that they were all inexperienced hands who couldn't live again. Didn't it mean that these slaves who were both incompetent and problematic would be strangled? Why would it still be sold here?

Han Zhen turned his head and signaled the bodyguard to let the interpreter outside in, and pointed to the slaves above and asked.

Sir Han, this is because the source of slaves is relatively scarce at this stage, and the demand for slaves in the market is relatively large. After the second training, our company lowered the price to the lowest price and sold them to the outside world. Actually, just pay attention point, they can be used, and relatively speaking, they are relatively cost-effective, after all, they are cheap! When the commentator saw Han Zhen hitting the platform, he realized that the so-called jazz was a master without money, and there was no point in his words. Started to be so humble.

After Han Zhen heard this, he lost interest in these cheap goods. Others can be close, even if he is a novice, even if he doesn’t understand anything, it doesn’t matter, but he has no loyalty, and he just wants to escape or kill the master. You can't even ask for excellence!

Sir Han, in fact, we also have very cheap slaves for sale. I wonder if you are interested?

Oh? Is it really cheap? Which one is it? The cheap ones are of course interested. The money in their hands is only enough to buy the manpower needed for a battleship. Is it true that they only drive one battleship? past? What about the minerals obtained after selling the original species? Looking for a caravan to send it over? That risk is too great! Wealth is touching!

That's it. The guide quickly pressed a few times on the platform and brought up a list of dozens of pages, Don't you think those slaves are all expensive? These are our cheapest slaves, There is no distinction of rank or anything, one person is 10,000, and at least one hundred people can be bought at a time, you can choose! The corner of the lecturer's mouth couldn't help twitching twice, and he couldn't hide his disdain.

Ah! This, these are all raw! Why did you introduce these to my boss? Are you looking for death!? You Li said angrily after taking a look.

Sheng Fan? What do you mean? Han Zhen didn't show any sign of anger, and asked You Li in a very calm tone.

Boss, look, most of the data columns of these servants are empty, and there are no evaluations. This shows that they are some primitive people captured from primitive planets. They are mentally retarded at all, and they don't understand anything. It is very difficult to teach. These savages have always been the cheapest among slaves. Three years ago, one of them only cost more than 1,000 yuan. Even if the price has increased now, it is impossible to exceed 2,000. We will deal with him as if he was taken advantage of! You must not let him go lightly!

Raw! If the earth hadn't been rated as a first-level civilization, the hats of these primitive people and savages would definitely be confirmed! I seem to have heard who said that these aborigines captured from the primitive planet became slaves, who said it? Han Zhen thought, by the way, it should be what Wuna mentioned when she talked about her Canon star: either it was not directly strangled, or it was sold so cheaply that no slaves were required!

I'm sorry, I need to explain, the commentator said without a trace of panic on his face, First of all, these slaves are not raw, but familiar!...

Familiar? You Li and Ang Man interrupted the commentator together.

Yes, it is the familiar ones. The raw ones refer to the generation captured from the primitive planet, and our slaves are all descendants of those raw ones. They grew up in a civilized environment since they were young, so they will naturally be It’s called Shufan.” The guide carefully explained a new term that Han Zhen and the others had never heard of, “Now, these Shufans are not as stupid as their parents, and they accept new things very quickly. , it can be said that these slaves have very good skills in their hands, that is, they are not much different from ordinary slaves who have been trained for five or six years! Buying such an easy-to-use slave at a price of 10,000 yuan is absolutely super. Worth it!

Oh, that sounds good, but why don't you sell them as normal slaves? If that's the case, everyone can buy more than 100,000 yuan! Han Zhen asked.

Well, the commentator said after being taken aback for a moment, you know that people who have not been injected with gene needles live only a few decades, which means that they will die when they are in their prime. And a gene repair liquid The price is 100,000 yuan, which is a huge expense. It is really not worthwhile to invest this amount of money on them. Moreover, even if we want to invest, the regulations do not allow it. We can enjoy The people who use the genetic repair liquid must be civilized talents of level two or above. We dare not take the risk of injecting primitive people. Also, although they are stronger than the raw ones, their intelligence, responsiveness, acceptance, etc. In terms of aspects, there are still some gaps with us civilized people.”

Gene repair liquid, this is a good thing. Han Zhen has not injected it until now. As long as he injects this thing, the average age of a person can reach about 170 years old, aging time, metabolism time, disease resistance Ability, physical strength, reaction speed,... Even in terms of intelligence, it is not without benefits. Some of the third-level countries have implemented free injections of gene repair fluids for all citizens, and Mocha is one of them, and it has been completed in the baby state when it was just born.

There is no denying the possibility that the longer the human race evolves, the better it will be. Which of the third-level civilizations is not calculated in tens of thousands of years, it must be much stronger than the thousands of years of primitive people's history, but this is not absolute. Han Zhen can't feel any gap between himself and the Mocha people!

Will the gap really be as huge as this kid said? Han Zhen was skeptical. This gene repair solution should have also played a role in widening the gap, right?

Apart from the difference in survival age, is there a big difference in other aspects? Han Zhen asked.

Not too big, um, not too big! Whether they are raw or familiar, they can still be regarded as advanced intelligent creatures, who know how to learn! The guide started to sell cheap goods again, And they all They are the most honest group of people, and I have never seen anyone who is more honest and obedient than them. As long as there is a stutter, there will never be any rebellious behavior! Think about it, buying a dozen familiar servants for the price of one servant Fan, you will never regret it!

Boss, you can't listen to him, this person is definitely evil! Primitive people are useless to us, you think... You Li hurriedly said aside.

Han Zhen stopped him with a wave of his hand, thinking to himself, honestly? obedient? This is a very reassuring premise. Just when he wanted to ask another question, a voice sounded from outside the circle of bodyguards.

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