In the field of biology, it is relatively easy to create something from a macroscopic perspective.

As long as the problem of cultivating ordinary cells into fertilized eggs or morulae is solved, it is only necessary to provide nutrients for the morulae.

The cloning technology that Ella currently controls is actually more difficult than the technology of culturing humans with cells.

For Ella now, creating humans is just a matter of whether she wants to or not.

On the third day of the conversation between the clone Yan Xia and the Kate civilization (the self-proclaimed name of the Proxima creatures), a large number of robots arrived at the designated special zone from the fleet.

The surface area of ​​Proxima c is 1.474 billion square kilometers, which is about 2.9 times that of the earth, and the surface is not rich in a lot of water. The usable land is 1.358 billion square kilometers.

Among them, the Kate civilization originally developed 411 million square kilometers, and 947 million square kilometers were undeveloped.

In order to show sincerity, the Kate civilization divided 100 million square kilometers as a special zone, which is already one-third of the original land area of ​​the earth.

The development of the entire special zone lasted for a full 200 years.

Ella built a huge "ecological bubble" on Proxima C, just like the glass-covered botanical gardens on the Hundred Eyes Star.

But this one is bigger, and it doesn't need a huge glass to bind the gas. Ella already has new technology to use electromagnetic force to bind the gas within a range.

From space, there are more than 100,000 flying discs with a diameter of 100 meters above the special zone. They are floating in the air 100 kilometers above the ground, looking like UFOs.

Each of these discs is equipped with a positive and antimatter annihilation device, which uses a huge amount of energy to convert electromagnetic force to constrain the gas to prevent escape.

For Yan Xia now, this is only a very small energy consumption.

The most important thing is another thing, a behemoth with a diameter of 6,000 meters.

The size of this thing is no smaller than the Light, but it is not a spacecraft, but the "little sun" that humans dream of.

The surface of Proxima C is too cold. If you want to create a suitable ecological environment, you must heat up the surface of the planet.

Small solar energy solves this problem very well.

This little sun does not even use matter-antimatter annihilation, but nuclear fusion. Its surface temperature is only 20,000 degrees Celsius. At the same time, it has added the technology of light civilization to provide stable heat and light for 100 million square kilometers.

200 years later, standing in the special zone, looking up at the space, you can see a blue sky and white clouds, as well as air binding stations neatly arranged in the air like chess pieces.

Ella also re-cultivated grass, trees and various flowers through technology.

This only requires some genetic programming of the crops in the Hope, transforming their appearance and creating new plants.

These plants are similar in appearance to the flowers and trees that can be seen everywhere on the earth, but their genes are actually very different. In biology, they can be divided into different general outlines.

There are not many high-tech buildings in the special zone. A large number of forests, mountains, and grasslands occupy the mainstream.

The reason for this is that Yan Xia does not want to create too many humans at the beginning.

At this time.

Yan Xia stood in the biological laboratory, looking at the rows of glass containers, feeling a little complicated.

Regardless of the genetic or ethical level, the embryos in these containers are all his children.

There are 100 pairs of men and women in total.

Legend has it that God created Adam and Eve.

Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and reproduced, giving birth to the human race.

And Yan Xia asked Ella to create 100 pairs of Adam and Eve, and theology and science were once again connected in an alternative way.

"Yan Xia, all human beings in the future will be your descendants. You can be said to be the only direct ancestor of these humans."

Ella spoke, feeling happy for Yan Xia, but Yan Xia did not smile, and he frowned deeply.

"What is the survival rate of the offspring of these 100 pairs of children?"

Inbreeding can lead to deformities. Of course, Ella can correct these, but Yan Xia still did not let her do so, because it will inevitably transform humans at the genetic level.


In other words, about 29% of children will die of deformities or other diseases.

Yan Xia felt that although he had lived for many years and had been in the virtual world for many years, he had not become too cold-blooded.

"Is there a way to make some corrections to the embryos that have not yet developed?"

"This can reduce the rate of deformities and genetic diseases in inbreeding without changing the genes."

Ella calculated.

"It takes time."

This is not an easy technology, but it is not difficult either.

In Ella's research, the embryos in the container also developed into babies after 10 months.

The robot takes care of these babies and teaches them to speak.

Of course, as the only human now, Yan Xia will also serve as a teacher for these children. He decided to spend 30 years with them until they fully understand how to be a person, and then get married and have children.

This is a nightmare for Yan Xia, who has never raised a child, but he must shoulder this responsibility because he is a human!

Fortunately, Ella's information database is large enough, and it also stores images on the Earth's network for Yan Xia to learn.

30 years.

Yan Xia's life was painful and fulfilling. He was very happy when he saw his children grow up, but he felt very painful when his children had their own independent thoughts and gradually alienated him.

Raising children is tiring, but you can gain a lot from these tiredness. This is a unique emotion from the creatures on Earth.

Yan Xia felt that although he had left that Earth, even technology had made great progress, and he himself was no longer a human being at the genetic level, but everything about him had not yet separated from the person he once was.

The foundation of human civilization was like his cornerstone, and like a rope, constantly pulling him to prevent him from stepping into the abyss.

30 years passed quickly.

Looking back, it was like a matter of a moment, and everything that had happened seemed to be yesterday.

The second generation of humans has been born and is growing up.

Ella solved the problem Yan Xia gave it, reducing the deformity rate to 4% and the mortality rate to 0.001%.

After the first batch of children are born, these 100 families will be divided into two parts. The second generation and the second generation will get married. The extra men or women will not be without spouses. Ella will re-breed to correct the ratio of men to women.

This will last for 300 years, and the new human beings will be on the right track. The population size will be close to 100,000. After breaking through 100,000, humans will enter a population blowout period and expand to 10 million within 200 years.

All Yan Xia has to do is wait.

At the same time, he has not forgotten the threat of the third civilization. Ella is vigorously developing technology and has begun to take shape.

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