During the construction of the civilization zone, Ella is also using the huge amount of asteroids in the Proxima system to extract metals to build a huge device.

This device is not used to generate energy, but to detect something.


Among the four fundamental forces, humans have discovered photons that transmit electromagnetic force, W and Z bosons that transmit weak force, and gluons that transmit strong force, but have never discovered the medium particle of gravity, the graviton.

In the thousands of years since she left the Earth, Ella has not stopped exploring the existence of gravitons.

But there is no gain.

It's as if gravitons don't exist at all.

But as the other three fundamental forces of the four fundamental forces have particles that transmit interactions, then the possibility of gravity, which is also one of the four fundamental forces, not existing is very small.

However, there are also theories that gravitons do not exist.

Because gravity itself is different from other forces.

Gravity comes from space-time. Its essence is a kind of traction generated by the curvature of space-time, just like a plastic bag. If a force is applied to a certain point, the surface of the plastic bag will be concave, and the surrounding things will "slide" towards the concave place.

"Strictly speaking, even if gravitons really exist, they are closely related to time and space."

"It is not dust stuck to the plastic bag, but part of the plastic bag itself."

"To observe gravitons, you must have the power to detect time and space."

"The theory of dark matter is closely related to gravity."

"Dark matter, like gravitons, was once believed by some factions of humans on Earth to be non-existent, but now we have observed dark matter, and there are civilizations that use dark matter as energy."


Ella explained it carefully to Yan Xia.

Yan Xia's head was a little big after listening to it. This is advanced knowledge that requires years of study to understand. Just saying it like this, even the most talented people will be confused.

He asked: "So if we want to detect the existence of gravitons, we must detect time and space?"

Ella nodded.

"What kind of existence is space-time? Even if I calculate it ten trillion trillion times, I still can't get the answer."

"Only by truly observing space-time can we get this result."

"Gravitons may be the key to let civilization really approach the concept of space-time."

"The discovery of gravitons will enter a new level of civilization. After the grand unification, it will be the ultimate exploration of space-time. Perhaps we can really discover the truth of gravity and make universal gravitation and quantum mechanics unified."

The debate between universal gravitation and quantum mechanics on "gravity" has been going on for a long time.

Is gravity a distortion of space-time or is it produced by gravitons as a medium?

In Ella's theory, gravitons themselves are integrated with space-time, and can even be said to be one of the components of space-time.

Of course.

All this needs to be explored.

Therefore, Ella made a huge device that shocked the Kate civilization.

It is attached to a dwarf planet with a diameter of 400 kilometers. This planet, which is pitifully small in the dwarf planet family, has no core and is directly made into a device by Ella.

Ella did not hollow out the dwarf planet, but used its huge mass as a weapon to find gravitons.

In the core of the dwarf planet, Ella built a device with a diameter of 8 kilometers, which will create the largest black hole that Ella can create now.

Use the mass of the black hole to distort the surrounding space, and then control it to make the dwarf planet start to vibrate at a high frequency, and use the constantly shifting center of mass to drive the small black hole to produce gravitational waves.

Look for the existence of gravitons in gravitational waves.

Using universal gravitation to find quantum mechanics, even Yan Xia had to sigh that Ella's AI is even crazier than humans.

But this may be the only way to find gravitons.

Humans used to use huge amounts of liquid phenol and photomultiplier tubes to capture gravitons, but if the gravitons themselves are closely connected to space, then there is no such thing as movement, and it is impossible to capture them.

It's like an upside-down dustpan, it can only catch birds, but not the earth itself.

"Yan Xia, graviton detection is about to begin."

"We will witness another history of human civilization."

Ella handed the start button to Yan Xia.

Yan Xia took a deep breath. The purpose of this device was just to verify Ella's guess.

He pressed the button.

No change...

In order to isolate the influence of Proxima Centauri's gravity on the research, they are about 0.3 light years away from Proxima Centauri.

The dwarf galaxy in the starry sky is shaking, and the amplitude of the shaking is only 2 meters, which is negligible for its huge size. As long as the distance is far enough, the shaking is almost invisible to the naked eye.

The only visual information is the information obtained by Ella through the sensors and capturers placed in the device.

A black hole with a diameter of 10 nanometers is now in the center of the device and the center of mass of the entire dwarf planet.

In fact, such micro black holes can be created on Earth through particle colliders thousands of years ago, but their existence time is extremely short, only a few hundred millionths of a second.

The black hole created by Ella is also very small, but it can last for a full minute.

This one minute is enough to consume all the energy that a 1.6-level civilization can control.

With such a huge amount of energy input, Yan Xia didn't know if it was his own illusion, he felt the emotion of "tension" in Ella's virtual character.

Perhaps he anthropomorphized Ella too much. After all, they spent too much time together, so long that Yan Xia felt that Ella was his partner, not an AI.

One minute is 60 seconds.

At this time, every second seemed to be as long as an hour.

"We detected gravitational waves."

"This gravitational wave is very macroscopic, like a ripple in a fish tank, even visible to the naked eye."

On the screen, an exaggerated curve was pulled to the commanding heights and then landed. The system prepared by Ella was not enough to detect the peak of this experiment.

"I was careless. The energy of such a macroscopic gravitational wave is too huge."

"But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..."

Ella didn't look at the screen, because the real first-hand information had been passed through its host before being transmitted to the screen.

"Space, I detected the appearance of space!"

"No, what I detected was not space. Space, like time, is an undetectable existence. They have no mass, but everything crosses their vertical and horizontal axes."

Ella exclaimed.

"What I saw was gravitons."

Densely packed structures filled the space, rising and falling with the fluctuations of space. They were completely still. When space was curved, they would rotate, changing the structure and size of the force through rotation.

Although gravitons only showed some curves and numbers on the screen, and were only indirectly observed, Yan Xia seemed to be able to see the structure of gravitons in space with his own eyes.

He has also been with a highly intelligent AI for such a long time. Although his knowledge of science is still at the level of an ordinary graduate student, he has studied the parameters displayed on the screen. At least he knows what the numbers and curves represent.


Too magical.

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