“Didn’t disappear?”


Joel repeated two sentences and looked at the stranger, hoping to get the corresponding mystery from him.

But the other party just nodded and had no words.

It seems that he doesn’t want to explain too much.

Joel is not disappointed either, he has experienced enough disappointment and frustration during this time.

Compared to hunger, cold, monsters, this is nothing.

“I’ll help you heal your injuries, but I don’t have anesthesia or painkillers here.” He said calmly.

Robert accepted Joel’s kindness.

Before he could say thanks, his thinking ability was immediately washed away by the hydrogen peroxide poured on the surface of the wound, and evenly smeared in the medical alcohol.

An indescribable sharp pain emanated from the wound, running down the nerves upwards, stirring his brain.

It’s like a skull being torn open, pouring a basin of boiling mercury, and then applying high-voltage electricity inside.

Robert gasped for air, more air intake and less air out, his hands clenched into fists, his green tendons burst out, and his face turned pale.

He had heard a story that in the ancient country of the East, which had a lot of connections with administrators, a general was poisoned with arrows, and he actually sobered up and asked the doctor to scrape his bones to cure the poison.

Robert couldn’t help but admire and tried to emulate his predecessors.

So, he broke the work in the next second.


Joel tried to distract Robert a little, so he talked about the other party’s origins, but he just clenched his teeth, covered in sweat, and did not answer.

Joel bandaged his wound with a clean bandage, fortunately, there were no large open wounds on Robert’s body, and it only needed to be simply disinfected and treated.

But Joel’s professionalism is still beyond Robert’s expectations, he thought that the other party would help him bandage casually at most, but he didn’t expect that the techniques and the like were very professional.

“Ah, a long illness has become a doctor.”

Joel explained.

“If you want to live in this damn world, you can’t do without this skill.”

With that, Joel turned his forearm over and showed it to Robert.

Scars like small worms, crawling on them, like the medal of merit of this lone man.

Robert thanked Joel, and when the treatment was over, he suddenly scolded:

“Gan fucking …!”

28 “Lao Tzu’s command may no longer be useful. ”

With that, he took off the headphones and put them aside.

After a while, he spoke:

“I work for the foundation.”

“A ghost place like a combination of prison and research institute.”

Joel packed up his medical supplies.

These things are very valuable, use a little less.

“Foundation? I have heard about this organization, which was mentioned on TV broadcasts not long ago. ”

“Yes, Foundation.”

“I’m an agent of the Foundation, and if there is no damn apocalypse, my main task is to go sightseeing, finding anomalous objects in the process and keeping them from injury.”

Robert said.

Joel teased:

“Then you’re doing a terrible job.”

The whole world was ruined by abnormal existence.


Robert laughed.

He felt that he was better now, maybe he let go of something and stopped deliberately hiding something.

“Yes, it’s terrible.”

He recalled the O5 meeting explaining the apocalyptic rhetoric, omitting the unspeakable, picking and choosing, and telling Joel the truth.

“Something happened within the foundation, and at the same time some things were lax in guarding, causing the foundation to lose control of a certain place.”

“This led to a very bad situation…”

“At the Foundation, we call it …”

“GH-0 Death Greenhouse Condition.”

Joel couldn’t understand.

Perhaps these strange combinations of words are simple for the agents and the like who infiltrate the foundation all day long.

But he didn’t understand at all.

It’s a bit like a teenager with excess self-awareness, a phrase created to show his own existence.

“Dude, what do you mean, I don’t understand a little.”

Robert stared into Joel’s light brown eyes for a while, and his expression became serious.

“This means that all humans on Earth have been wiped out, but the Earth itself is still intact and can host life.”

He said every word, there was no adhesion between the syllables, and his voice was cold, as if pronouncing a judgment.

“What happens after the extinction of humanity?”

Robert smiled strangely and did not answer.

Maybe it’s a bit silly, maybe there’s another reason.

Joel asked:

“Is anyone else alive?”

“Yes, but it is kept by the heart.”

After that, the Foundation agent remained silent, struggling to get up and pack his equipment.

Joel sat against the wall, repeating the conversation over and over in his head.

There are still people alive …

But they are scattered and preserved …

Language, one of the symbols used in human communication, contains the path to the truth.

Joel understood the meaning behind these words.

He shuddered.


The agent sat on the edge of the bed and began to put on his boots.

Joel looked at him and asked:

“What happens next?”

Robert did not hide:

“The Foundation will restart the world.”

“The Foundation has the technology to recreate almost everything, and it can be used to make humans very simply.”

“We will remove and contain foreign bodies, rebuild cities, and get people back in… It may take a long, long time, but eventually they will put the world back on track. ”

“We can even recreate memories and matter.”

The chill washed into the skin.

Joel’s consciousness is far away from this world, and Robert’s voice is far away.

He sat there in shock, motionless, while Robert slowly put on his blood-stained coat and tattered armor.

When Joel came back to his senses, Robert was fully dressed and standing by the bed.

Outside the window are ruins of ruins, the traces of people’s lives have been chaotically erased, and the beautiful courtyard in front of the house has been like a primeval forest, and various plants grow wildly, but there is still a little view on the window.

He paced to the place where the sun was shining, brushed the dust off the glass, and looked at the sun still hanging overhead, the yellow light was very dazzling.

I just remember that he invited his parents to visit here, and I remember that my brother’s family came here for the night, and there were many friends, and many details that I can’t recall…

“You are a bunch of bastards, and humanity will never forget all this!”

Joel suddenly regretted saving the stranger and knowing the content.

Robert looked at Joel and said with a smile:

“Why not? We’ve done this before. ”

Joel frowned, busy and frightened.

Although he did not want to believe the unidentified gentleman, as he had always thought that all his experiences so far were false, it was undeniable that the gentleman from the foundation was sober.

At least more sober than him.

“By the way, there’s another bad news for you… Your house will be submerged as part of the reconstruction of the world. ”

It’s like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Doom took everything from him, but he survived tenaciously like a cockroach.

If the Foundation does.

What is left of him?

Even the traces that proved their existence have completely disappeared.

Joel crashed:

“Please, don’t let them erase me.”

“Don’t let them hide us.”

“Please look for more, I know there must be more people trying to leave something.”

“Don’t let the world die in vain. Remember us…”

The sound fades. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When the picture turned, the camera came to the bottomless seabed, a deep-sea probe was slowly exploring, and the light path played by the searchlight was full of fine debris, blocking the view.

screen, the details here are given.

【Mariana Trench, depth: -11034】

Suddenly, a reflective metal box caught the attention of the audience.

It lies quietly at the bottom of the sea, revealing only a small horn, apparently a civilizational creation.

The picture fades, the background becomes a research room, and a researcher pulls a letter out of a metal box.

At the end of the letter, there are a few simple lines.


[Please look for more, I know there must be more people trying to leave something.] 】

“Don’t let this world die in vain. Remember us. 】


“Huh? BADENDING? Everything restarted? ”

“Didn’t Robert take Joel with him?”

“Are you dreaming, a group of agents will die only Robert, you are asking him to bring an ordinary person, isn’t that dying faster?”

“You should still bring it, stay in the house, sooner or later you will die, follow Robert on an adventure, at least there is hope of survival.”

“I just felt stuffy in my chest, especially when I thought that I might have experienced something like this before.”

“Don’t think about it, the price of restarting the universe and restarting a civilization is completely different, even after restarting civilization, various observations and records will make the foundation busy with fakes, let alone astronomical observations that are basically impossible to fake.”

“What’s entangled, you are you, just live your own.”


In the huge steel city underground, two men in white coats are engaged in discussions.

One humane:

“…… If we had to do this again, set the recovery date range and don’t go back more than 20 years from the event. ”

“If we do this, we will not only directly inherit many things that have not yet been destroyed, but it will also be easier to maintain historical continuity.”

“100 years is too long. We pull people to reconstruct history as if it were a non-existent chronicle to save time for population and agricultural needs. ”

“In addition, how many parts of the 20~2 [beep] century are we really trying to reinvent, and how many times? Isn’t it already difficult to restore the details of the First World War? ”

His words are clear, logical and contributing.

Those who listened nodded and accepted without any bureaucracy.

“I will take this advice during my tenure as Containment-2000HMCL.”

“Two world wars are enough, we don’t need to risk a third.”

He looks a little older, with a moving hairline and an expressionless face, like an emotionless robot.

It was Dr. Gears.

There was a sound of leather shoes on the ground, and a young researcher hurried over.

“Doctor, we found a human remains in sector 3382.”

He gasped and added the information he knew.

The body is 450~700 years old, and there are security documents of Dr. Clef around, but due to the age and poor preservation of the body, DNA matching cannot be performed.

Dr. Gears’ expression changed slightly, which was a rare miracle.

“Dr. Clef?”

“Yes, we also found this on the spot.”

The young man handed a clear plastic bag to Dr. Gears.

Inside there is a yellowed note.

[Why do we have to build this thing?]

When did we do it?

How long have we been doing this?

We know what?! 】

The lost revenant is howling.

“I think I heard someone say I’m handsome?”

A smile on the face of the question appeared in the room.

Dr. Gears pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked at the man.

He has a large nose, a grinning face similar to a Cheshire cat, a top hat on his head, and a shotgun on his back.

It was Dr. Clef 890, who died hundreds of years ago.

Before Dr. Gears could respond, a slightly tired voice sounded behind Dr. Clef.

“Yes, very handsome, do you want to know your previous self?”

Dr. Bright entered the room wearing immortality.

He took out a photo and handed it to Dr. Clef.

The photograph shows a highly distorted and deformed human body, which collapses in the cracks of the instrument, and the liquid produced by the decay has long dried up, leaving traces on the floor that are difficult to remove.

But for Dr. Clef, who has experienced high winds and waves, this is nothing.

Dr. Clef began to suspect that it was a prank by his colleagues, but when Dr. Gears showed the crappy quatrain.

He realized that this thing might indeed have come from him.

But he had no impression of this thing and this line at all.


Dr. Clef looked at his colleagues and did not voice the guess in his mind.


“Hell, how come Dr. Clef has died once in such a long time?”

“My God, it’s really implanted in memory, even Dr. Clef didn’t realize the truth of the matter at all.”

“How many times has the Foundation restarted their own civilization?”

“You might as well ask how many times their civilization has been destroyed by containments.”

“Copying humans, implanting memories, modifying history, adjusting for mistakes… It may also be necessary to repeat the great events that have happened in history, whether the foundation is good or evil… This is too weird. ”

“Take it easy, don’t worry.”


Green bushes reflected the sun, and in front of the white fence, a young man with light brown eyes was pushing a lawn mower and cleaning up the lawn.

A successful man in a suit stopped in front of the garden and patiently watched as the owner took care of the garden beautifully.

“Good afternoon, sir, how was the day?”

“Thank you for your concern, I’m doing very well.”

Joel wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled.

“Are you from out of town? I see you’re a bit raw. ”

The man nodded and smiled back:

“Yes, I came to a friend I hadn’t seen in many years, and he saved my life before.”

“Oh, do you need my help, I know everyone around here, you just need to describe his appearance, I can know who he is.”

The man shook his head and rejected Joel’s kindness.

“Thank you, I’ve found him, he’s doing well today.”

“Oh, that’s a delight.”

“Yes.” The foreigner smiled and said, “I wish you better every day after that than today.” ”

After that, he waved his hand and continued to move forward.

After walking for a while, Robert stopped at the intersection, against the light, looked at Joel who was still busy cleaning up the garden, and the corners of his mouth curled.

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