Jarileo-VI, Goethe Guesthouse.

March Seven and “Star” looked at the picture of Robert leaving, and felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts, one left and one right, grabbed Bai Xuan’s hand and asked him to help smooth out the unpleasantness in his heart.

Bai Xuan was caught in the middle and didn’t know what to say, so he complied with the wishes of the two and used some fingering by the way.

In short, “gently kneading and slowly twisting and erasing the double pick, the first six after neon clothes”.

Until Robert left, the man named “Joel” was still leaning over to tend the garden, and he lived quietly and naturally in the reborn civilization.

The years are quiet.

He was finally free from the suffering and torment of the end times.

Although standing here, it is no longer Joel who has experienced the end of the world.

I don’t even remember that the world has a foundation.

I don’t even know that he alone can survive the desperate apocalypse where monsters are rampant, and he can save a foundation agent by chance…

So, is it “Joel” who lives here?

Is it the real Joel living in the world, a cheap copy, or just a fake that can be thrown away and reproduced at any time?

Is Robert coming to visit someone with Joel’s appearance or a phantom who is supposed to live here?

All kinds of problems sprouted like spring grass.

All of this is related to memory.

And memory is the weakness of March 7.

Rebooting the world, replicating life, and implanting memories undoubtedly evoked some bad thoughts in her.


Bai Xuan heard March Seven’s sobs.

He turned his head and saw that the pink-haired girl was twitching her nose, her chest was shaking with sobbing again and again, and large tears rolled down the corners of her eyes.

She quietly wiped her tears again, and after wiping them, she quickly withdrew her hand and turned her head to look in Bai Xuan’s direction, feeling slightly apprehensive in her heart, afraid that her appearance would be discovered.

As a result, just with Gengami’s line of sight.

“Don’t look.”

As if one sentence was not enough, March 7 added, “You haven’t seen all the way you usually cry, there’s nothing to see.” ”

Crying quietly, crying loudly, crying until you faint… Anyway, March Seven doesn’t think it’s good when he cries, but Bai Xuan likes to unite with “Xing” at this time.

“Okay, then don’t watch it.” Bai Xuan turned his head to look at the projected image projected on the ceiling.

“Really don’t watch it?” March 7 suddenly came to interest.

“Let me see!” “Star” sat up and looked at March Seven.

The two people immediately took Bai Xuan as the boundary and moved their hands and feet.

In the evening, it didn’t take long for the three of them to sweat slightly, and their bodies were about to catch fire.

“Stop, I said stop, stop and finish the show first.”

Bai Xuan’s proposal was ignored.

Coincidentally, at this point the picture ends, lines of text emerge, and the brightness of the entire room becomes extremely low.

[Event: The First Civilization Reboot]

[Time: year, month and day.] 】

[When the site containment failed, the foundation’s attempt to re-containment failed, and the shelter that broke through the containment destroyed the site, site, and site one after another, and the situation was out of control, confirming that the K-level doomsday scenario occurred. 】

[Containment-2000 was launched, and the process of restarting human civilization began. 】

[With the permission of the O5 Council and the final permission of the administrator, all the staff of the Foundation made every effort to mobilize materials, forcibly transfer the population, and keep it in different sites in batches, the details are as follows.] 】

【Data Deletion】

[After years of work, the fifth human civilization has been successfully rebuilt, and after guidance, all irrationalities have been successfully explained, and the foundation now adopts rhetoric for astronomical and geological anomalies. 】

【Data Deletion】

[Human civilization has once again embarked on its own journey. 】

[Loss: Fourth Human Civilization. 】


【Containment: Mechanical séance】

【Project No.: Containment-2000】

【Hazard level: Thaumie1】

[Special containment measures: The entrance to Containment-2000 is disguised as an abandoned ranger site in Yellowstone National Park. 】

[The outside of the containment-2000 is surrounded by hexagonal Schranton reality stabilization anchors arranged every 20 meters to prevent hostile abnormal interference intrusion. 】

[The operating condition of each Scranton Reality Stabilization Anchor must be checked every six months and replaced if necessary. 】

[In any K-level scenario that would make the existence or function of containment-2000 unsustainable, Procedure CYA-009 will be executed as quickly as possible.] 】

[All of the remaining Foundation’s facilities worldwide will monitor the development of the K-level scenario and protect all possible supplies under the Guernemet agreement until all remaining sites respond to the Containment-2000 inquiry “alarm release ~ removal” in accordance with document 2000XKAC-1.9.9.] 】

[Once the code name “Alarm Dismissed” is received, the program Lazarus-01 will be executed.] 】

The lines of archival text disappeared one by one, but the regrets in the hearts of countless viewers have not yet dissipated.

With the line of file text disappearing, everyone watching the live broadcast was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Since the issuance of the foundation’s resolution to restart civilization, every member of the foundation has devoted themselves to this crazy and great cause, regardless of the previous staff.

This situation is beyond what the vast majority of people in the galaxy know about organizations.

——The Foundation did not have a dispute or a struggle for power on this issue.

Such a thing is unimaginable, and even within the organization that follows the same star god, there will be a considerable degree of conflict due to the different ideas of individuals.

Although many people don’t want to admit it, there really isn’t a single organization in the entire galaxy, or a star god.

It can make the vast majority of people leave the decision to restart the universe to them without any scruples. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even the star god Fuli praises him in spite of legends:

“He sits in the middle of the Pure Land and watches everything in the world tirelessly repeat the mistakes of the past.”

“After everything comes to an end, Fuli will use the memory of the universe as a blueprint to bring the worlds back to life.”

Following the path of the streamer, it will also make a move that is despised.

What’s more, they still can’t believe that Containment-2000 can really restart a civilization.

The history of the growth of civilization is also the history of suffering of a civilization.

No civilization is smooth sailing in the process of moving forward and does not make mistakes, the difference is that some civilizations make mistakes and cannot rise again, and some civilizations can react in time and adjust quickly.

Containment-2000 gave the civilization in which the foundation operates an unlimited chance to start over, and gave them the ability to shape history as they pleased.

This is terrible.

Any factor that is judged to be unfavorable to the development of civilization can be eliminated in advance by the Foundation.


Xianzhou Luofu, Taibu Si.

In the evening, Tai Bu Si was quiet, and there was no one except her.

The evening is like fire, the breeze is coming, and Fu Xuan is like a beauty in a painting, holding her cheek with one hand and quietly looking at the sky dome.

“If the Immortal Boat is allowed to restart, what will history become?”

If Xian Zhou can really choose to start over, of course, the people of Xian Zhou will no longer choose to cross the universe void for two thousand and seek the blessing of immortality.

After this, there will be no damage to the Immortal Boat, and the Immortal Boat will not expand or plunder externally, let alone give birth to the Patrol Star God.

Perhaps, the fairy boat will not set sail…

Fu Xuan shook his legs, his pink bun trembled, and the pattern on the white stockings was slightly wrinkled.

But this is all an unrealistic deduction based on looking back at history from the perspective of the present.

History affects the whole body.

Today’s fruits may have been planted thousands of years ago.

“No wonder the Foundation doesn’t activate the mechanical séance until the end of the world.”

Fu Xuan smiled, his golden eyes as calm as water.

“When civilization comes to an end, no matter how it is restarted, the result will not be worse than this.”


Jarileo-VI, Goethe Guesthouse.

After tossing, Bai Xuan and “Star” wandered together in the corridor leading to each guest room, changing their mood.

March 7, which committed the crime of laziness, was once again unable to move, unable to rise again.

“Star” pressed his ear to the door, confirming one by one.

If she had changed the world, her behavior would undoubtedly be hung on the Internet and criticized.

Strangely, it seems that the entire hotel tonight is really only occupied by Bai Xuan, March 7, “Xing” and Danheng.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded next to Bai Xuan’s ears.

【Ding! You have successfully completed the settings about the foundation, and from then on, if there is a deviation in the before and after settings of the foundation, you can use the mechanical séance to fool the past. 】

[You managed to make the entire universe think that the current universe may have been restarted by the Foundation.] 】

[Astronomers who have not had time to rest well have been urgently summoned to increase investment and intensity in observing the universe, establish a more complete picture of galaxy motion, and confirm whether the current universe is a native universe. ] (of De Zhao)

[If there are no surprises, they will not gain anything. 】

[But! 】

[Remember the galaxy you used to test your abilities?] It has a small effect on the surrounding space-time, but this effect is too weak for anyone to observe the corresponding anomaly in the short term. 】

【Ding! The scope of the curtain of the world has increased. 】

【Ding! You have obtained the Starkiller Base, and although the fireworks of the planet are beautiful, please also consume appropriately. 】

【Ding! You feel the presence of fate, and you seem to see beyond the universe, at the end of existence, there is a great being who manipulates one incomprehensible powerful being after another, dancing in the world. 】

Now you can prepare to drop off your next containment.] 】

The system prompts that a giant base transformed from a planet appears in the star field under the curtain.

It has the appearance of a frozen planet, and in its equatorial part, there is a metal structure that surrounds the entire star, and there is an incomparably huge cannon port.

As for the existence of fate, Bai Xuan could only vaguely see an illusory silver long river, and when he tried to cast his gaze on the river, he only felt a moment of vertigo.

Bai Xuan’s heart couldn’t help but be shocked, even though he could easily destroy a river system and arbitrarily change the celestial phenomena, he couldn’t see the truth of fate, let alone see the sentient beings floating in fate.

He silently wrote this down and waited until later to investigate.

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