Bai Xuan looked at the “star” who continued to explore the corridor, since she had searched nearly a thousand garbage cans, she seemed to have awakened some incredible proclivities, and even wanted to come down with the announcement on the side of the road.

After March Seven’s persuasion, and his whipping, “Star” compromised and promised to put the trash can back in place.

Trash can sex.

Such a label, even if it is placed in Americana, is extremely explosive and belongs to a very small number of very few.

The cancer of the earth can run for the prime minister of the small day country, and presumably the “star” can also bring some new variables to the competition of Americana’s great leader.

Bai Xuan raised his right hand and lightly pressed it on Xing’s shoulder.

“Do you want to keep listening?”

Since landing on Arilio-VI, he has monitored the impact and erosion of the star’s nuclear forces on the surrounding environment.

The entire Arilo-VI, except for the foundation base protected by the anchor of reality stability, is left with the protection of Beloberg, which has not been completely eroded by the star core power.

The base has created a three-dimensional Maginot Line with a realistic stable anchor, which is naturally unbreakable.

As for Belloberg, the few poor conservation forces, in addition to helping to keep warm, only slowed down the speed of star core erosion.

Since the outbreak of the cold wave, nearly a thousand years have passed, even the last fortress, part of Beloberg’s urban area has been swallowed by the rift, and there are monsters roaming in it, which is no longer suitable for human habitation and survival.

The first time Bai Xuan entered here, he felt a restless force.

In the Goethe Hotel, the level of this power has increased.

Every time the “star” listens sideways, it is like throwing a stone into a waterhole, causing the water ripples to stir and overlap each other, and standing waves appear.

Still no movement.

“Star” is very strange, such a luxurious hotel, in one day, only four guests stay?

Or four aliens.

The Goethe Hotel is operated in this way, and it has not gone bankrupt, it can only be said that the owner behind the scenes has a lot of money.

If you think about it, it feels even more strange, the entire Beloberg has a population of only one million, who are the guests of this hotel?

It can’t be those who don’t want to go home for the time being after the banquet…

Is it a day to open the party…?

“Star” scratched his gray hair, and his fingertips were on Bai Xuan’s waist:

“It’s strange, there don’t seem to be many guests here.”

“887 yes, it’s so strange.”

“Xiaobai is also a repeater~”


Bai Xuan took out a bottle of mineral water out of thin air, handed it to “Xing”, took out a bottle himself, raised his neck, and drank it with a grunt.

There was silence in the hallway, only the sound of swallowing liquid.

“Star” looked at the squeezed plastic bottle in his hand, blinked, and took it into his carry-on space.

I have to say that in learning new skills, she is a little more talented than March Seven.

March Seven had just learned to grab that album from the void.

As for how to intercept time and space and make photos, the two people are at a loss.

“How about we go back?” “Star” asked tentatively, “Or wait for March to recover and visit the night view of Belloberg together?” ”

Bai Xuan thought about it, it was better to take a stroll, and when the star core disappeared, there would be many strange scenery that could no longer be seen.

March Seven should have recovered almost after so many rounds of strengthening himself.

“Okay,” Bai Xuan nodded, “let’s go and call Little March.” ”

He took Star’s hand and held her fingertips in his hand.

Just as they passed a closed door, behind the solid wooden plank, there was a faint sound of crackling, thinking that there must be a guest living in this room.

“Star’s” heartbeat two beats faster, and his blood was tense.

She was pretty sure there wasn’t anyone in that room.

Rao is Bai Xuan, with the help of authority, the moment he saw the emptiness in the room, he was also stunned for a moment.

“You heard a sound there, right?”

“Star” asked.

Bai Xuan nodded and used some small skills to help “Star” twist the handle.

The classical door slowly opens to one side along the trajectory prescribed by the bearing, revealing the secrets of the interior to the two alien visitors.

The floor surface is spotless, the quilt on the bed is not wrinkled, and the trash can is empty, which does not look like someone living here.


Bai Xuan and “Star” stood in place, but there were footsteps.

“Star” was shocked and drew a bat from the void.

“The rules, that is… Whew-”

Without saying the words, the girl’s soft lips were blocked by Bai Xuan.

Inside the empty room, the voice of a strange man sounded.

“I’ve seen it.”

“There was nothing in room 237. He must have been just too bored to get our attention to deliberately make himself like that. ”

There seemed to be a woman in the room—she sighed gloomily, her voice trembling a little:

“No, honey. Let’s go, there must be something in this hotel…”

Yes, there must be something in this hotel…

These two are talking dirty things…

“Star” secretly slandered.

A disturbing silence followed.

But soon, the thunderous man completely tore this dead silence to pieces:

“I will never leave here! No one can get me out of here! ”

The sound stopped abruptly and the abnormality disappeared.

Then “Star” turned his head to look at Bai Xuan, and his golden eyes could see both curiosity and worry, and he didn’t know whether to stop or continue exploring.

“Still continuing?”

“Go on, even if it’s a ghost, can there still be a doomsday beast danger?”

“Star” nodded, exited the room, locked the door, and continued to press his ear to the adjacent door panel, carefully identifying the sound.


“Bang! Bang! ”

From time to time there was a muffled noise in the room.

It was the characteristic sound of some kind of colloidal hard object—most likely some kind of ball—smashing against a hollow brick wall.


Then, the object landed on the wooden floor and rolled “bonelessly” into the depths of the room.

It seems that someone picked up the sphere and threw it again: another “bang”, “bang”, and then “bones”.

Pick up, throw, “bang”, “bang”, “bones” … The cycle goes on and

Bai Xuan stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the doorknob, his four fingers bent and clasped on the metal part.

Just twist down with gentle force and you’ll face the strange room again.

“Do you want to confirm it?”


“Star” kept nodding up and down, like a lucky cat.

This is a chance to be alone with Bai Xuan, in case she really meets a ghost, not only will she not feel terrifying about ghosts, but she also has to thank the other party so that she has a suitable reason to be coquettish.

The corner of her mouth curved slightly into a shallow hook.


The door was opened again.

Without any surprises, no one was accommodated in the room.

So, the two continued to walk towards another room.

The room was filled with the sobs of a woman who seemed to be pleading with someone.

The voice was so broken that apart from feeling her cramped and frightened, it was impossible to tell what she had said.

At this time, a rough and shrill strange voice sounded terrifyingly:

“Danny is not here, Mrs. Torrens.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The woman seemed taken aback—her cries suddenly disappeared.

Bai Xuan and “Star” walked to another room.

There seemed to be a man and a woman in the room arguing loudly about something, but the words were so broken that it was impossible to tell without listening carefully.

“Honey, it was just a nightmare…”

The female (cidi) voice is slightly softer, but the man is a little hysterical.

“You have no idea how horrible the thing I dreamed about is, I take an axe, and then…”

“You wake up, it’s just a dream” the woman seemed to cry, “Look at you, what scared the child into”

Subsequently, the quarrel between the two was completely drowned out by the shrill cries of young children.

Suddenly, there was an eerie coolness at the back of the two men’s necks, as if someone had pressed the sharp tip of a knife against the skin there.

“What man?!”

“Star” suddenly turned around, looked behind him warily, and casually swung the bat, ready to attack.

She was not as panicked as she expected, and the adrenaline secreted in an instant made her breathing faster, her heartbeat and blood flow accelerated, her pupils dilated, and her thinking smart.

The power of destruction hidden in her body gives her the possibility to destroy all enemies.

“Calm down.” Bai Xuan spread his hands, “It’s me, there is no one else.” ”

“Star” breathed a sigh of relief, but only then did Bai Xuan’s second half of his words come out-

“What we met is probably not the current person…”

“According to folklorists and occult enthusiasts, this is a ghost, but in fact, it should be an afterimage left behind by the influence of the power of the star core.”

Hearing this, “Star” knew that his opportunity had come.

She took the opportunity to step forward, hide under Bai Xuan’s black robe, and then look around vigilantly.


“Star” let out a sigh, and the tension relaxed.

Bai Xuan was stunned for a few seconds before he eased his mind, and the “star” was really getting more and more alive.

Just when “Star” thought that the matter was over, he saw Bai Xuan next to him raise his pure black eyes, and his gaze fell on the end of the corridor of the hotel.

Yes, what does exist here.

“Hello, two children~”

Bai Xuan said, and “Star” saw two little girls standing in front of the wall, under the light, staring at her and Bai Xuan.

They are obviously twins, no different from head to toe, black hair and black eyes, and cute dress.

“Star” found this scene extremely weird.


The twins stared at the two and spoke, without any emotion.



“Star” failed to understand what they were saying and tried to interrupt.

The twins, however, were like clockwork dolls, their eyes hollow, their bodies stiff, repeating the word.



“Star” only felt that it was dark in front of him, and when the vision was restored, there was no one at the end of the corridor.

Elegant décor, classic wooden furniture, nice patterns on wallpaper, bright lights illuminate the corridor.

It’s as ordinary as it was a hundred years ago.

Footsteps sounded, and the faint air flow brought the smell of food.

“What are you doing standing there? Going to dinner? ”

Danheng looked at the two people wearing the same black robe, a little puzzled, and then heard “Xing” explain the detailed explanation of the adventure just now.

Danheng held the lunch box in his hand, pinched his eyebrows, and his cyan eyes turned slightly.

“According to what you said, this is probably also the erosion phenomenon of the star core on the present world.”

“As we know, the star core is a magical substance that can have many mysterious effects on reality, and so far the galaxy has not been able to decipher its essence, let alone give a principle to explain many phenomena.”

“This is a mystery that even Lady Dark Tower has not been able to solve.”

Danheng explained that he seemed to have a certain understanding of this.

“Star” listened to the explanation, looking back from time to time, ready to give a possible sneak attacker.

Danheng took out a small notebook from his arms, which contained some intelligence, folklore, and strange phenomena that he had collected by hearsay in the city of Belloberg.

“I thought that these things were indispensable, but since you have all experienced this magical thing, you can also think that these rumors are true.”

Danheng handed the notebook to Bai Xuan and helped him turn to the page of the book that recorded these contents.

[The middle section of Second Avenue gradually lengthens, the pattern is similar to mitosis, and the surrounding area is implicated to produce spatial anomalies.] 】

[Hundreds of years ago, in a city whose name has been forgotten, there was a time anomaly, bounded by the city walls, and the time in the city was reversed back to the time before the cold wave, and no living creatures remained inside, including caravans that entered the city that day, convoys, wild animals that fled here, and anything that crossed the dividing line disappeared. 】

[A primary school and its nearby areas were suddenly disturbed by a strong magnetic field, causing interference with mechanical equipment in and near the primary school, and a large number of metal products were witnessed flying towards the primary school, which lasted for half an hour and disappeared. 】

[After the owner forgot to wind a clock, the hands began to beat irregularly, confirmed by the silver-maned iron guard, which was a code that had rarely been used, and after deciphering, the content was “Please save me, I am a clock”. 】

“Places that have been eroded by rifts are indeed more prone to paranormal phenomena, but places as frequent as Arilo-VI and Belloberg are really rare.”

Danheng said, shaking his head and sighing.

“If you want to find a place with so many anomalies, it is only the planet where the foundation is located.”

Right at this moment.

The voices of narration rang again on everyone’s mobile phones.

[Inventory of the Foundation’s Top 100 Containments! ] 】

On the screen, the silent picture lights up, and lines of text emerge.

[Ninety-second place: containment – 343, “God”! 】。

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