“…… If you have any difficulties, you can confide in me. ”

Perhaps in Clara’s eyes, these words were nothing more than the comfort of the elders to the child.

But such words fall in the eyes of viewers who have seen the archives, which is tantamount to saying that no matter what wishes Clara makes, God can help her get it.

This is the divinity, the existence above the reality distortionor.

“I don’t envy at all, really.”

“Oh, I believe it, really.”

“Ah~ so envious. So envious. I’m so envious. Envy. Envy to death. It’s really enviable. I’m really envious…”

“Less madness, this is divinity, there is the supreme divinity behind, in case you meet the supreme divinity who goes out for a walk one day, you can make a wish to him.”

“It’s like saying that divinity and supreme divinity are cabbage, our civilization has not even seen a strange thing until now, let alone those containment objects of the foundation, it really makes people pretend to be divine, supreme divinity, that is the chosen one among the chosen ones.”

“It is recommended to first think in your heart what wishes you want to fulfill, although it is impossible to make a wish to become a divine nature, but at least you can become a reality distortion.”

“A couple upstairs in my fight is because the man’s wish is an endless harem, and the woman’s wish is an endless little white face.”

“It is recommended to lock it up and don’t let it out, thank you.”

Off-screen, countless people held their breath, they were in mixed moods, some were jealous of Clara’s good luck, some envied Clara for meeting God, some felt that this was deserved by a kind child, and some watched all this flatly, and there was no reaction.

But without exception, they were all curious about what this little girl named Clara would ask God to do for her.

Give her inexhaustible wealth?

Hold supreme power?

Or have powers comparable to star gods?

Or true immortality, overlooking eternity?

Bringing a loved one back to life?

Exhaust the truth of the universe?


At this moment, the figure with white hair and red eyes seems to have become a stand-in for countless audiences, and her mouth is about to say for them the ambition that has been buried in their hearts for a long time.

“Thank you, Grandpa.”

Clara said timidly.

She has been with robots for a long time, rarely communicates with humans, and has never seen humans whose style is completely different from that of the people in the lower areas, and she is a little afraid of life.

“Clara was at the entrance of town and heard someone coughing in the house…”

“It was a seriously ill sister who was unfortunately blind, and she told Clara that her sister had gone to the Rift Realm and was there looking for something valuable…”

As Clara narrates, the story of a sister looking for her sister unfolds before the audience’s eyes.

This is still Belloberg, the part of the surface is called the upper zone, and the hollow urban area located underground is called the lower zone.

The lower districts suffer from the erosion of the rift, monsters roam everywhere, and parts of the city are forced to abandon, such as Rivet Town.

“Clara tried to help her, but never found her sister.”

God raised his head slightly, looked at the place Clara said, sighed slightly, and after a while, put a loving smile on his face again.

“Kid, besides that, do you have a wish you want to fulfill?”

Clara was stunned for a moment.


She repeated the simple word, a moment of dazedness flashed in her big eyes, and then she became flexible again.

Countless fantasies sprang up in Clara’s heart:

That’s her desire to give the robots of the “family” human emotions;

It was her desire to make everyone in Belloberg able to live on earth again;

It is her desire for people to live a prosperous life and no longer fight each other;

Is that……

Clara’s heart swelled, and an inexplicable urge made her want to say these unspeakable things all at once, no matter what form.

But she eventually restrained.

These things are like strange stories from ancient books, Santa Claus who falls from the sky stuffs presents into children’s socks, and rubbing ancient oil lamps will make the lamp god fulfill the holder’s three wishes.

It was a beautiful childhood fantasy, and it was pleasant to think about, but when Clara began to help Shvaro take some of the pressure off, she inevitably quickly faded into maturity that should not belong to this age.

“Although Clara has many, many wishes that she wants to fulfill…”

“But Mr. Shvaro taught Clara that her wishes would ultimately be fulfilled with her own hands.”

God asked:

“Even if it’s hard? Not even possible? ”


Clara was holding the dirty metal parts, her red eyes were so clear that she seemed to be able to see the mind underneath.

If the eye is the window of the soul, her heart should be red.

“Good boy…”

God rubbed Clara’s white hair again.

But in the next moment, his expression changed slightly, and when he looked up, his gaze passed through the thick formation and crossed the cosmic void that was countless distances.

“Child, promise you to wait a little, I have one thing to go, rest assured, it won’t be long.”


Clara nodded.

The next moment, the figure of God disappeared directly from the place,


“Hey, after holding back for a long time, she made this wish?”

“The little girl is called kind-hearted, how come it comes to your mouths is about to become a super cosmic level big fool [beep]…”

“Yalilo-VI is also a masterful spirit, but I checked the whiteness, it said that the civilization on this planet was destroyed hundreds of years ago, and by the way, I recommended a few merchants who produce starships.”

“That’s promotional advertising, most of it is fraud, who really orders me laughs at who is an amber.”

“You say, is there a possibility that we are going to Yalilo-VI now, so that we may run into the next containment?”

“6, your family made interstellar routes? It is recommended to carefully read “The Planning and Design of Interstellar Routes”, this matter is not as simple as you think. ”

“Urgently, I am King Gigi! I also want to meet God-sama who has a kind eyebrow! ”

“NMD, why! Why not me! ”

“Don’t use mortal vision and mentality to speculate on God’s thoughts, this is the greatest blasphemy. As a god, it is great enough that He can communicate directly with mortals, and consider whether neither the Amber King nor Ahab ever spoke to mortals as equals. ”


Meanwhile, in a corner of the galaxy, a thriving interstellar civilization ushered in its darkest hour since their history.

– The antimatter corps invaded in a big way.

In Nanuk’s original plan, this time it was supposed to be the Extinction Maharaja himself to burn the entire galaxy.

Today, it is a few catastrophe pioneers leading antimatter legions like locusts to raid.

Although the Extinction Maharaja did not come here and practice the will to destroy, this does not mean that this civilization can successfully block the blade of the vanguard of the catastrophe.

For a civilization that did not have the protection of the envoy, it was difficult for them to even fight against the Doomsday Beast, let alone the vanguard of the catastrophe. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In addition, the virtual pawns under the antimatter legion, from head to toe, whether physical or entire spirit, are all born for killing and destruction.

Before the front of the antimatter legion, there was only the difference between dying now and dying later.

They did not leave any prisoners, men and women, old and young, men and animals, and none of them were left, and they were all killed.


Among the universities.

As the dead yellow leaves flutter in the wind, students carry books or tablets as they move around the campus.

Today is the first day of the new semester, and the freshmen have finally entered the university of their dreams.

Young people are full of vitality and yearning for the future, and every day they are either delving into academia, talking about the Black Tower space station, longing to become a genius like Ms. Black Tower who has left a name in the history of the universe, or chasing youth and love.

A young girl walked through the campus and after several roundabouts came to the library.

In this era, once separated from the identity of a student, there is little time to read again, and all the time and energy is filled by endless work.

The books she’s going to read today are the methodology for conducting research, and How I Joined the Genius Club, written by Ms. Hita herself.

Beautiful, talented and talented, Ms. Black Tower is the figure chased by countless girls, and even the object of soothing at night.

Walking on the leafy stone brick road, the girl raised her head and looked into the air, as if the Black Tower space station was hanging in the sky.

Suddenly, a densely packed gray figure appeared out of thin air, and a dragon with strange wings flapping its wings in the sky.

Antimatter Legion!


A bleak air defense siren sounded.

And the sky, falling!

Huge man-made structures break through the atmosphere, smoke and fall towards the ground!

That’s the space station built in orbit, the starship factory, the space refinery, and the space elevator connecting heaven and earth!

Chaos in the sky!

The ground is even more chaotic into a pot of porridge!

There were terrified screams, chaotic crowds pouring out of buildings, and desperate students jumping from heights and dying on the spot.

As if hearing the desperate cries of the people, the virtual pawns flashed out of thin air, narrowed the distance from the crowd, turned their bodies, drove their arms and long knives to rotate, slashed wantonly, and slaughtered at will.

In order to protect the students, the respected teacher was scattered on the ground, but the students also followed in their footsteps after a few seconds.

The students who were intercepted by the pawns were already killed and injured in less than half a minute, and even if they were alive, they were only alive, with internal organs flowing out, missing arms and legs.

Purgatory on earth!

Such a scene is too unreal, the girl stands in place, her expression frozen, her eyes dull, and she watched her friend who was admitted to college together die in front of her, without any reaction.

Someone tried to organize a revolt, but the man wielding the knife and the weapon were cut off along with the weapon.

Someone violated the traffic ban and tried to escape in an empty boat, but was shot down by a spell and smashed to the ground.



The huge space building is still falling, carrying billowing smoke, like the sky is falling.

The antimatter legion not only wants to destroy the physical bodies of all the people in this civilization, but also destroys the spirits!

The girl closed her eyes and slowly closed them in the fishy wind.

Suddenly, the whole world went quiet, not only the wind stopped, but even the sound of the siren disappeared.

All the surviving 963 people looked at the scene in front of them in amazement.

The world seemed to stand still, huge space buildings were suspended in a falling state, and blade-wielding pawns remained motionless.

And they are able to operate in it.

Someone, with an uncertain tone, said a word blankly:


But which star god?

How could they really cast their gaze on destroyed galaxies and civilizations?

At this time, they noticed a male approaching them, facing the antimatter legion and destruction.

He is dressed in a simple white robe, with a thick beard, and his face is angry, but he does not lose mercy.

Someone recognized His identity, Containment – 343, “God”!

Then, he fell to his knees, crawled on the ground, and cried softly, his body trembling.

“Please, please…”

A solemn and loving voice sounded.


Suddenly, the somewhat old looking figure instantly swelled and became an incomparably tall and huge human form of light.

The figure was dressed in a white robe, surrounded by a violent, blazing white but not dazzling light, and a holy circle of light behind its head.

When this human form appears, no matter what the deeds are, whatever the deeds are done, down to the head and up to the messenger, to all who see it.

All of them had the urge to bow down to this human form in their hearts.

He raised his hand and passed his palm through the planets without damaging it.

His voice is resounding, incomparably solemn, incomparably solemn, incomparably loving.

“Let there be light.”

In an instant, the entire star field lit up, regardless of time zone or orientation.

Even a section of the huge wall forged by the surviving star god, Creeper the Amber King.

And beyond the city walls, the complete figure of the greedy star god Obolos who is devouring the universe is highlighted in this endless ocean of light.

When the light dissipated, the antimatter legion that raged in this star field, bringing death and destruction, there was no trace of it.

And in that light, the people who should have died were standing intact in place at this moment, and their eyes were full of complicated emotions.

They all looked at the place where God was, but saw that there was no one there.

Only dead old trees sprout.

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