Containment – 343, “God”, left the planet.

The miracles he performed were like bombs detonated in water, causing an uproar.

The residents in that star field, whether they had intentions or not, were interested in the live broadcast of the foundation, they were illuminated by that gentle light.

For them, under that light, the miracle of resurrection from the dead may not be reproduced, but it has indeed cured the disease in their body.

This is already a great favor, a kindness that is difficult to repay.

Soon after, the barrage was like an avalanche, and various scripts belonging to different language families filled the screen, and it looked like the whole screen was white.

“God! It’s God! I saw God with my own eyes! ”

“Hahaha, I can get out of bed and walk again, I almost forgot what it was like to be able to move freely.”

“It’s amazing, I personally watched my classmate be killed, but when God appeared, she was actually resurrected… Can you experience that a person who dies in front of his eyes, comes back from the dead, and then excitedly tells what the world looks like after death, I suspect that he is still dreaming. ”

“No, this is not a dream, I am one of the people who came back from the dead, after being killed by the antimatter legion, I feel that the whole person is floating upward, there is a black hole in the sky, and countless silent souls float there together… Then a light enveloped me, and I woke up. ”

“I just had an urge to bow down out of thin air, I don’t know if you have this feeling, just like people should eat and drink, it seems to be an instinct.”

“In the same way, I really begin to doubt now that the God of the Foundation is really the creator of the universe…”

“There is a new question, the God who is classified as divine created our universe, and what kind of existence will other divinities, as well as the Supreme Divinity that has been added to the word Supreme? Could it be the creator of the multiverse, the foundation can contain these beings, is the administrator a member of the supreme divinity? ”

“It’s hard to say, the first divinity that appeared existed like this, what the subsequent divinity would be like, I didn’t dare to think about it, let alone those supreme divinities.”

“This is divinity, listen to God.”

The discussion in the live broadcast was extremely lively, and at the same time, an invisible wave had appeared on the planet that was saved.

Countless people spontaneously became believers in God, sincerely thanking Him for reaching out in time to save their civilization from danger.

The area where God appeared and walked was considered holy.

Students laid bouquets of flowers, residents of the city arrived, and many more vied for airfares, ferry tickets, shuttle tickets, and pilgrimages from all over the world.

The rich and powerful people of this planet are determined to erect statues of gods.

On this day, it was also renamed “God Falling”.


Xianzhou Luofu.

The women’s boudoir is classical and elegant, with trees in the courtyard outside the window, and branches swaying slightly with the night breeze, rustling.

The night was quiet, but it was hard to hide Fu Xuan’s hot mood at this time.

Carved mahogany beds covered with damask bedding.

Fu Xuan lay on his side, dressed in a gauze without a trace, and the feather fan swayed gently.

“Alas, just a few seconds, like a dream… It is still hard to believe that such a miracle has actually come. ”

Fu Xuan couldn’t help but murmur, she was finally able to understand why every time she divined the future related to the foundation, the trigram she got was vague, or she simply failed to divination.

Among the objects to which her divination points are at least several gods, and even among them are higher supreme divine beings.

In the eyes of others, the diviner is like a divine stick, and she is the one who has no strategy in this group of divine sticks.

But no matter how divine sticks are, they also belong to people, and it is difficult to overcome the difference between man and god.

This is the most stable and unbreakable barrier.

If Erudite Venerable was willing to lend her personality and computing power, she might still be able to peek into a star and a half, but this was obviously impossible.

Fu Xuan pinched his eyebrows, he could no longer raise the mind of the existence of the Fortune Calculation Foundation.

“If the general asks, excuse himself to be unwell.”


Jarileo-VI, Goethe Guesthouse.

Unlike other places in the galaxy, the Pioneer Squad was not too impressed by the power of God, nor did they rush to discuss how God would affect the situation in the Galaxy.

The room did not have lights on, and the lighting relied only on the dim natural light outside the window.

March Seven was in high spirits, wrapped the white sheet around his body, learned the movements of God, slowly raised his right hand, pointed his index finger to the sky, and solemnly declared:

“Let there be light!”

When the words fell, a circle of white light appeared behind her head, extremely dazzling.

“Star” snapped his hands.

It’s just that……

If only this light had been summoned by March Seven, instead of Bai Xuan holding a flashlight behind her.

Moreover, March 7 also overlooked the problem that in this environment, lighting from behind would make her face look dark.

Not like a god, but like a demon.

Danheng watched the “blasphemous” having fun, and couldn’t help but raise his hand to support his forehead and sighed:

“March, that is an existence that is not weaker than the Star God, and you are prone to lightning when you play like this.”

Where can God go after he disappears?

What a lower district of Belloberg!

In Danheng’s eyes, this behavior of March 7 is no different from turning into a rich evil creature in front of a patrol.

The pink girl clasped her hands to her chest and hesitated:

“Probably not… God probably wouldn’t be so careful…”

“Eh, you are like the Immortal Boat Alliance, patrolling the rich evil things for so long, and the Abundance Star God has not died with them.”

Saying that, she pulled off the white sheet around her body and handed it to “Star”.

Therefore, the latter also followed suit and solemnly declared:

“Let there be light!”

In the room, there was a second sigh from Danheng.

…… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After dealing with the antimatter legion in a star field, the god returned to Arylo-VI and appeared in front of Clara.

“Sorry, kid, just dealt with a little trouble.”

Clara watched with some curiosity as the old grandfather reappeared, her red eyes a little dull, as if because the way the latter disappeared and reappeared was too magical, just like those beings with supernatural powers in the story.

In Clara’s eyes, this old man with white eyebrows had a loving smile on his face, but just now because of some small things, he had to leave for a short time.

For this young girl, who is still in her infancy, the whole world is the same as usual.

She needs to continue to travel through abandoned towns, collecting metal parts that can be replaced, and constantly thinking about continuing the civilization of Arililo-VI.

What Clara didn’t know was what kind of power the grandfather in her eyes showed in the short period of time he disappeared, and how far-reaching it affected the entire universe.

What does “‘.little trouble” represent.

But it doesn’t matter anymore.

When God’s words fell, the light that shrouded an entire star field completely exceeded the constraints of all laws of physics, and was even more bizarre and shocking than the mysterious light screen made by the foundation.

Although the dominant belief in today’s civilization is still the star god who holds the destiny in charge, the god belonging to the foundation has proclaimed an even more ancient existence with unquestionable and irreproachable miracles.

Even the phrase “creator of the universe”, which previously seemed like self-boasting, became extremely real under the background of this great power.

If this universe is truly created by this God, He will re-proclaim His existence to all living beings and save civilization from peril.

Why continue to believe in the cold star gods who stand high above and do not cast their gaze on the supplicant?

“It’s okay, Grandpa, you are willing to help Clara, Clara is already very grateful to you.”

The girl in red and white hair is like a blank piece of paper, not impregnated with any evil.

But alone, running barefoot through abandoned towns teeming with monsters, even the effeminate white rabbit has a deeper understanding of the laws of nature.

For example, what things to ask for help and what to solve yourself.

God smiled and rubbed Clara’s hair:

“Come on, child (Wang Hao), let’s go help my sister find my sister together.”


Clara nodded and led the old man to carefully search the town.

Walking down the road, Clara asked carefully:

“Grandpa, are you a member of the foundation?”

“Yes, how did you guess that?”

God kept smiling, like a grandfather with a granddaughter.

Clara pulled out a display from under her coat and showed it to God:

“Clara has been using this to watch the Foundation’s live broadcast before.”

“Clara learned a lot from it, such as the fact that everyone lives on a planet, which is spherical, and the big ship that can sail in space is called a starship.”

She tried to say it as if she were showing parents the results of their learning.

The screen was so old that it not only had cracks, but was partially defective, and even had a low value for recycling as a waste product.

God smiled, raised his hand, and in front of Clara, created a brand new machine, the same type of tablet commonly used by researchers in the foundation.

He gave this as a gift to Claradon.

“This is too expensive for Clara to receive.”

“It’s okay, this is a reward for good children, I hope you can always be kind.”

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