"...I was still praising the beauty of life just now, why did the foundation cut the program, it would be good to watch more warm and healing programs."

"The archives show is the best meal, I can cook three bowls in a row in front of the screen every time!"

"Red Sea object? Where is the Red Sea? There are too many places called "Red Sea" in the entire universe, and there are three full pages of interstellar travel advertisements from Baidu's search alone. "

"The entrance to another world? Is this the parallel world or the world after death? Anyway, no matter which one is confirmed, it's quite scary."


Star train.

Walter Yang had just returned to the train, sat on the sofa to take a rest, and the Foundation started to work again.

When he saw the lines of words in the sky, his pupils dilated slightly.

He knows about "world bubbles", which can also be said to be parallel universes.

Does the "Red Sea Object" have the ability to connect different parallel universes?

He couldn't help thinking about it.

The screen is still going on, and as the black screen disappears, it is replaced by a large section of document content.

【Containment: Red Sea object】

[Item Number: Containment-093]

[Dangerous level: Euclid]

[Item Description: "Containment-093" is a predominantly red disc carved from a composite stone similar to cinnabar. 】

["Containment-093" can be comfortably accommodated in the palm of most people without wear and tear. "Containment-093" changes hue when held by a living being. It is currently believed that the color changes depending on the remorse possessed by the wielder. 】

[If "Containment-093" is removed from the mirror and left unattended, it will search for the closest mirror-like surface. "Containment-093" has been observed to move and tumble along the largest possible circle within feasible range, and then gradually increase to alarming speed. The mechanism of this acceleration is currently unknown. 】

[If there is an obstacle between "Containment-093" and the nearest mirror-like surface, it will use this momentum to break through the obstacle and continue to maintain its course and speed until it comes into contact with the mirror-like surface. 】

[Despite the extremely high collision speed, neither "Containment-093" nor the mirror will be damaged. 】

[Special Containment Procedures: It should be ensured that "Containment-093" stays on the mirror at all times and is under video surveillance. 】

With the emergence of new archive content, viewers noticed that this "Red Sea Object" seemed to have a strange obsession with mirrors.

The mirror has always been a rather important image.

Even until civilization entered the interstellar era, some people still stubbornly believed that the mirror connected the real world and the mirror space.

"I don't understand. If someone holds it, it will change color, and if no one holds it, it will look for a mirror. Why is this containment rated as Euclid? It's not even as dangerous as a "zombie virus" right? "

"What is the basis for it to be rated as Euclid? Can the changed color attract horrors? Or will there be unexpected changes when combined with a mirror?"

"My guess is that after displaying a certain color, the "Red Sea Object" will directly kill the holder. "

"Did the Foundation not release all the documents this time? Or is there some other reason? It completely failed to understand the danger of the "Red Sea Object". "

"It's speed, keep accelerating, and then use this feature to design the "Red Sea Object" as a one-time weapon, but as long as there is a mirror near the opponent, it will capture it... I don't understand. "

Behind are a few photos of "Red Sea Objects", which look so ordinary.

Those photos are the mirror and the red disc placed on it from different angles.

If you don’t know, you might think it’s some kind of postmodern art.

Walter Yang crossed his hands and fingers in front of his chin, and looked at Pam:

"Pam, do you think it's dangerous?"

Pam combed her big ears, then hugged her left ear to her chest, turned her big eyes a few times, and finally shook her head:

"Pam didn't think anything of Pa."

"But why is there no record in this document, what would happen if someone took the "Red Sea Object" and put it on a mirror? "

After saying this, Pam continued to take the cotton cloth and carefully wiped the furniture in the viewing car.

"But why is color associated with remorse? What does remorse determine?"

The screen fell into brief darkness again.

When it lights up again, the scene that appears is finally no longer a world of ice and snow, but a European-style town with a sense of history.

But as more details are released, the audience has to wonder what era the world is in:

Rickshaws, horse-drawn carriages, trams and steam cars coexist, but there are helicopters flying in the sky;

Clergymen in priestly robes sit on the trial seat and pass judgment on the guilty. Candlesticks are placed on both sides of the wall, but personal terminals are placed by their hands;

On the sea, the old-fashioned steamboat and the streamlined white yacht sail together. There are a large number of sailors in burlap clothes on the deck of the former, and girls with mosaics on the deck of the latter;


Sections of short videos are spliced ​​together to piece together a world full of weird dissonance.

In this world, it seems that more than a certain level of technology has been artificially monopolized.

Except for a certain group of people, others are not even qualified to use this technology.

At this moment, a young male voice sounded from outside the screen:

"Gentlemen, this video is from an anonymous person who calls himself "Dimension Traveler". "

Then, the camera zoomed out, and an elderly scholar with silver hair appeared in the picture.

He was standing in front of the conference room, explaining what happened in this picture to the virtual projection.

And everyone sitting in the meeting room has the Foundation's epaulettes on their shoulders.

"According to this anonymous person, there is such an unknown false god who travels through the multiverse, and it sows destruction and death."

"False gods can secrete a special substance called "God's Tears", which can turn people into half-human rotting monsters called "Unclean". "

Then, on the other side of the old man, a huge figure appeared——

It looks like a human, but without legs;

It crawls on the ground dragging its heavy torso with its two arms, and the arms seem to alternately grow and shrink from the body;

Although it has a head but no five senses, it does not know how to eat;

Its complexion is almost completely white, its skin is smooth and hairless, and a brown liquid is constantly oozing from its body, which evaporates quickly;

Its length is marked as more than 150 meters, and its height is marked as more than ten meters.

Seeing this scene, the audience knew one by one that the familiar foundation had returned.

"Little Chic looks like a real thing!"

"Nuclear explosion, orbital bombing, star annihilation, now randomly select the Foundation's final disposal method."

"Is this false god out of his mind, first brought about a technological explosion, and then engaged in "unclean ones"? Does it have any weird quirks? Like to watch other people go bad? "

"Who told me how the special substance "Tears of God" makes people "unclean"? ? ? Physics doesn't exist again, does it? ? ? "



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