Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 104: Kill me with a battleship of this level, am I worthy?\r

Although it will not directly sink the B-class (arm-spinning) battleship.

But it can definitely make B-class (arm-spinning) battleships suffer a lot of trauma.

Especially when the size of this B-class (arm-spinning) battleship is not large....

This trauma is even more deadly.

Small means that the interior will be very sophisticated.

Any small damage can cause problems for the entire warship.

This is a problem that no civilization can avoid.

Of course, all of this is premised on the premise that it can threaten the droplet-type interstellar shuttle...

The second forearm is in the base of the Death Star Fortress.

Shen Yi looked at Shen Er who was teasing the other party, and there was a strange look in his eyes: "Shen Er, do you still have such a bad taste? 39

Although the teardrop-type interstellar shuttle ship is still only a B-class (arm-spinning class) level.

But under a hundred times of reinforcement, the speed and defense of the drop-shaped interstellar shuttle ship have reached the peak level of the B-class (arm-spinning class).

Not to mention this kind of electromagnetic shock, even if it is facing a full blow from the B-class (arm-rotation-class) main gun.

With the special shell of the drop-shaped interstellar shuttle ship, it can be done unscathed.

After all, this is a super battleship made entirely of B-class (arm-spinning) material compression!

Except that the attack is slightly worse, basically relying on impact and laser attacks that barely reach the B-level (arm-spinning level).

Droplet-type interplanetary shuttles have almost no flaws.

Absolutely can be regarded as the top existence in the B-class (arm-spinning class).

It has even barely reached the level of A-level (arm rotation level).

To be honest, this fleet of B-class (arm-spinning) battleships from the other side really poses no threat to the drop-shaped interstellar shuttle.

Unless the number of opponents is three times more than that, it is about the same.

"If we can't officially start the war, we can only have fun with them."

Shen Er glanced at Shen Yi with some resentment.

However, she also knows that what is needed now is not to expand, but to digest the existing territory.

Otherwise, the ground will be like rootless duckweed.

The opponent can easily infiltrate these places into a sieve.

Whether it is in the next battle or in the future defense, it is very disadvantageous.

It is easy for the other party to know some information that should not be known.

However, if Dyson spheres can be established to form a huge intelligence network, the situation is completely different.

Even A-class (arm-spinning) battleships are difficult to hide in front of the Apocalypse-class Dyson spheres that have reached the C-class (armspinning class) after strengthening.

Although it cannot be said that it can easily block the opponent.

But at least you can know that the other party has come, and prepare for counterattack in advance.

"Cough, wait until these forearms are taken off, there is room for you to play, don't worry!

Shen Er's resentment caused Shen Yi to cough twice in embarrassment, then moved his face away and said embarrassingly.

What the hell, why did he suddenly feel a trace of guilt.

However, I want to take down these three forearms.

The time required is not short.

According to Shen Ling's analysis, it will take at least half a year.

Moreover, this is still in the case of having a warship with abnormal speed such as a drop-shaped interstellar shuttle.

However, these three small arms add up to have nearly 30 billion galaxies after all.

This speed is actually very terrifying.

If you change to other arm-spinning civilization, it will take at least a thousand years to do this.

And, it's still the fastest.

If it is slower, it is not impossible to spend tens of thousands of years.

"Well, I'll leave it to you here, I'll go take a shower first!"

In order to avoid Shen Er's eyes attacking, Shen Yi made an excuse and got up and walked towards the bathroom.

However, he just got up when Shen Ling, who heard the voice and heard the news, came running outside the door: "Master, I will help you rub your back~"

After possessing a body, Shen Ling became extremely clingy.

Even Shen Yi was a little surprised by this.

However, Shen Yi did not refuse.

He has no interest in Man of Steel, but he is still very interested in rubbing his back.

At this moment, under the control of Shen Er, a gorgeous dodge show began.

Because the opponent's possible attack patterns have been calculated in advance.

It was too easy for her to anticipate these incoming attacks.

Plus a full Mach 130,000... No, in order to look more like it, it was increased to a speed of Mach 150,000.

She kept 'dangerously' avoiding those attacks.

The entire water drop-shaped interstellar shuttle ship is like a butterfly, which is extremely flexible.

It turned out that the attack of these 200 C-class (arm-spinning) warships was completely avoided.

However, instead of feeling depressed, the third prince became even more happy.

"I didn't expect that this battleship could maintain such agile movements under such circumstances! Good! Good! That's great! If you can master this technique, you can destroy the Qianshuang civilization at your fingertips."

He shouted with uncontrollable excitement.

The plan to come to Stormwind Civilization in person this time is really wise!

If not, how could he possibly encounter such a powerful B-class (armspin class) warship.

If the technology in it can be absorbed by the Qingxiao Empire, their fleet strength will definitely increase a lot.

"Karsi, use all your strength! You must not let His Highness let it go!

The third prince hurriedly shouted at the communicator.

His tone was full of determination to win this water-drop-shaped warship.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Kalsi's voice came through the communicator.

As the confidant of the third prince, he is also one of the leading figures of the young Zhuang faction in the empire.

Naturally, he knew very well the value that this battleship represented.

It can be said that just relying on this battleship is enough to let the third prince ascend to the sky in one step, and completely stabilize the road leading to that position.

Basically, it is possible to reserve the identity of the next Qingxiao Emperor.

And at that time, he will also have the power of the dragon and become an existence above the ten thousand people of the Qingxiao Empire.

Under such a huge temptation, how could he not work hard!

"Stay recalcitrant! Flank me up and capture him, if the capture is successful, I will guarantee your official promotion!

Karsi looked at the teardrop-shaped battleship that was still struggling in the distance, and ordered with a cold snort.

Now the speed of the drop-shaped warship has been seriously dragged down.

Even if the opponent has a speed of Mach 150,000, it is far beyond the limit of a C-class (arm-spinning) warship.

But under such intensive attacks, even D-class (arm-spinning) warships can easily catch up with each other.

Once the encirclement is formed, the bird-catching plan can be transformed into a bird-cage plan.

Although it is only a word difference.

But he can say with great confidence that once a birdcage is formed, as long as it does not break through the boundaries of B-class (arm-spinning) battleships.

Then there is absolutely no way a battleship can escape!

At this moment, in his eyes, the other party has become something in the bag.

However, he didn't dare to be 100% sure until the last moment.

As one of the representatives of the Young Zhuang faction of the Qingxiao Empire, he believed that he would never forget this common sense.

The warships on both sides are rapidly shrinking the distance.

30 million kilometers...

20 million kilometers...

10 million kilometers,

5 million kilometers...

With the passage of time, the distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching.

It only takes five more minutes at most, and they can form a perfect encircling net.

Completely surround the teardrop-shaped battleship that is constantly dodging.

However, Kalsi didn't notice at all, they were getting farther and farther from the port of Stormwind Civilization.

Next to the Dyson sphere in the main star system of the Storm Civilization, there are no protective measures at all...

No, there are still protective measures in place.

However, it can only prevent the threat of C-class (arm-spinning) battleships at the highest!


2 million kilometers....

500,000 kilometers....

Getting closer, 3,000 D-class (arm-spinning) warships and 200 C-class (arm-spinning) warships have even begun to form an encirclement.

Just like a big net, it was wrapped towards the drop-shaped warship.

But at the next moment, the teardrop-shaped warship exploded at an incomparably terrifying speed in an instant.

The opponent was not affected by the electromagnetic shock at all, and directly rushed out of their encirclement at a speed of Mach 480,000, rushing towards the Storm Civilization Dyson Ball behind.

"Oops, the other party is plotting against us!

Looking at the teardrop-shaped battleship that quickly escaped from their encirclement, Karsi suddenly groaned in his heart.

Some panic and despair looked towards the back.

As far as the speed shown by the other party is concerned, it is even enough to surpass many A-class (arm-spinning) warships.

They simply have no way to intercept.

Even their weapons can't reach the speed of the other party, so how can they stop it.

His Royal Highness the Third Prince is still on the Dyson Sphere!

If the opponent smashes the Dyson Sphere, how can His Royal Highness the Third Prince still be alive?

It's just that at this moment he can only watch the other party go away, and there is no way to do it at all.

However, he did not know that the electromagnetic shock still had some effect on the droplet-type interstellar shuttle.

It just doesn't work that much.

It only directly weakens the speed of Mach 20,000 of the drop-shaped interstellar shuttle.

Compared to the speed of Mach 500,000 of the drop-shaped interstellar shuttle.

This speed is really insignificant.

Perhaps in the face of the same A-class (arm-spinning) warships, it is quite deadly.

After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is not big in itself, and only a small gap may lead to changes in the results.

But where are the A-class (arm-spinning) battleships on the field now?

For an intermediate arm-spinning civilization, there is no difference at all between Mach 500,000 and Mach 480,000.

No, it should be said that as long as it exceeds Mach 400,000, there is no difference to the intermediate arm-spinning civilization.

Anyway, it is the speed that they can't intercept at all, and they can't match it.

And looking at the third prince, who was like a comet, quickly passed through the encircling net, and came towards them, his face suddenly showed panic.

There was even despair on his face.

Because, he knows that these battleships he brought, there is no way to solve the current situation.

"Could it be that the other party came to target me?"

"Can you kill me with a warship of this level, am I also worthy?"

Countless thoughts flashed through the third prince's mind.

Even the marquee of life has appeared, and the scenes of the past are constantly flashing in front of my eyes.

This is that his body has sensed a fatal crisis, and his death has been pronounced in advance....

The speed of Mach 500,000 is extremely exaggerated.

Basically every second can reach a terrifying speed of 170,000 kilometers.

Even a distance of 50 million kilometers would only take five minutes.

Their lives were also caught in a five-minute countdown.

The leaders of Stormwind Civilization and a group of high-level officials also changed their faces at this moment, becoming extremely pale.

In just five minutes, they couldn't even start the spaceship and escape from here.

After all, it takes a certain amount of time just to get there.

In addition to a series of things such as the launch of the spacecraft and the escape from the Dyson sphere, it takes more than five minutes to escape.

Moreover, they even escaped.

Can you really avoid that extremely fast battleship!

At this moment, in the face of absolute strength, these old foxes who have calculated for thousands of years can only stand and wait to die...

Five minutes later, the drop-shaped interstellar shuttle came to the Dyson sphere.

Directly against the countless rail guns and star destroyers, they slammed into the energy barrier of the strongest Dyson sphere in the storm civilization.

This layer of energy barrier can even withstand the continuous bombardment of the main guns of dozens of C-class (arm-rotor) warships.

It can definitely be regarded as the pinnacle of the primary arm-spinning civilization.

Available in front of a drop-shaped interstellar shuttle.

It is fragile like a bubble.

He couldn't stop the other party for even a second, and the other party broke into it directly.


This Dyson sphere has existed for hundreds of thousands of years.

After a whimper, it began to break and collapse.

The drop-shaped interstellar shuttle ship is like a flying sword, constantly shuttles in it.

Make this Dyson sphere collapse faster.

Whether it is the third prince, or the many high-level leaders of Stormwind Civilization, in the face of this kind of disaster.

Also vulnerable and no different from ants.

It died in this universe with this Dyson sphere.

Karsi in the distant battleship looked at this scene, and his heart was full of daze and despair: "`"It's over... it's over..."

He came out with the third prince.

Now that the third prince is dead, he is not to blame.

Going back will definitely face endless imprisonment or direct execution.

As for catching the culprit, what is the merit of the culprit?


The other party was clearly playing with him before!

Although this battleship is a B-class (arm-spinning) level on the outside, he seriously suspects that the other party is actually an A-class (arm-spinning) battleship.

Otherwise, why would their electromagnetic shocks have no effect on each other.

"General Kalsi, let's retreat first... The other party seems to be coming!""

At this time, in the communicator, the voice of the captain of another B-class (arm-spinning) battleship came from the communicator.

In the face of this strange warship of unknown level, this man has gone through hundreds of battles.

Even the captain of the B-class (arm-swirl-class) battleship who has played against Qianshuang civilization many times, his tone is full of panic.

Karsi could understand the other party's panic.

Because even he felt a trace of fear.

The situation at the moment made him feel like a mouse being played with by a cat...

When cats and mice are playing, their favorite thing is to play tricks on each other, and they will bite to death until they lose interest.

How similar is this to the situation today!

Kalsi also reacted at this moment, and hurriedly ordered: "Retreat, immediately retreat! 39

In fact, his business is not completely without change.

After all, what I encountered this time was an existence that was suspected of being an advanced arm-spinning civilization.

There is nothing he can do about the death of the third prince.

After all, it was the order from the Third Prince to capture that battleship.

That's why he was too far away to be safe for the Third Prince.

Of course, this is just some hope. There are too many people in the empire who hope that he is dead.

After all, his existence can (promisingly) stand in the way of many people.

Regarding the escape of the Qingxiao Empire fleet, Shen Er did not catch up.

The drop-shaped star shuttle is not a combat-type warship.

It is impossible to break the energy barrier of B-class (arm-spinning) battleships at all, and it is even difficult to break through the energy barrier composed of a large number of C-class (arm-spinning) battleships.

The only advantage of the drop-shaped interstellar shuttle is that it is sturdy and fast.

Just rushing up and confronting the fleet led by the B-class (arm-spinning) battleship is simply a daydream.

Now that the task has been completed, there is no need for her to persevere.

Moreover, what she is looking forward to more is whether after the strength is exposed now, will it attract the spy and attack of those civilizations.

Now A-class (arm-rotor-class) warships have been formed.

The number of A-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortresses alone has reached 5.

Others, such as the Hurricane-class guided-missile destroyer and the Howler-class laser battleship, numbered 100 and 50 respectively.

The number of various B-class (arm-spinning class) has also reached 5,000.

The number of C-class (arm-spinning) warships has reached 50,000.

Today's strength is no less than that of the advanced arm rotation level civilization.

Even because of the Death Star Fortress, it is stronger than some old-fashioned advanced arm-spinning civilizations.

There is no need to worry about provoking these civilizations in the Horton River System.

Although Shen Yi wouldn't let her take the initiative.

There are no conditions for attacking in the current conditions.

But that doesn't mean she can't wait for the enemy to hit the door to counterattack!

An unfamiliar advanced arm-spinning civilization invaded the Horton River System, this is the best news.

It is absolutely enough to instantly explode the remaining one high-level arm-spin-level civilization and three intermediate-level arm-spin-level civilizations in the Horton River system.

Can these civilizations tolerate such a thing?

It can be expected that the next moment is the moment when the forces of all parties launch an attack!

"However, if a high-level arm-spinning civilization and three intermediate arm-spinning civilizations attack together, the preparations now seem to be a bit inadequate! 35

"And my level is not enough to fight with advanced arm-spinning civilization!"

After Shen Er thought about it, he immediately rushed towards the bathroom: "Master, I propose to expand the fleet size and upgrade my main body at the same time!" Dian.

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