In matters related to war, Shen Er can take any shape.

For example, now, there is no scruples about the difference between men and women, and there is no coldness like before.

Instead, he lay expectantly by the pool, staring at Shen Yi.

Shen Yi looked extremely embarrassed.

I don't know where Shen Er learned this trick from.

Robots don't seem to have gender, though.

After all, Shen Er could have been pinched into a male appearance at the beginning, but Shen Yi injected a lot of female thinking and shaped the female appearance.

"I know, I know, you go out first."

Shen Yi sighed helplessly.

Being stared at by Shen Er of the opposite sex, Shen Yi was still very stressed.

Unfortunately, this is not a normal beauty.

It's a living Iron Soldier.

It is an existence made of thousands of tons or even tens of thousands of tons of metal materials.

Don't look at Shen Er, it seems that he is just a command-type robot.

However, at her level, as long as she can get close, even a C-class (arm-rotor-class) battleship will be fine.

Thinking of this scene, Shen Yi lost all interest.

Although her suggestion is also very important.

"Master, this matter may cause us to be targeted at the same time by one high-level arm-spin-level civilization and three intermediate-level arm-spin-level civilizations. With our current military strength, we can still handle this crisis.

"In addition, my level cannot support a war of this level!"

Shen Er did not withdraw immediately, but grabbed Shen Yi's arm even more aggressively.

There seems to be some coquettish connotation.

Shen Yi: "???"

He looked at Shen Er like a ghost, is this still his war chief?

"Who did you learn this from? Where did you learn it?"

Shen Yi glanced strangely at Shen Ling, who was kneeling on the edge of the pool behind him.

It seems that there are only three of them in this base.

Could it be that it wasn't taught by Shen Ling, or could it be taught by him when he was sleepwalking?

"It's Master Shen Ling. In the video Shen Ling gave me, she said that if a woman acts like a spoiled child, it will increase the success rate of the request. Don't you like it, Master?"

Shen Er straightened up, and the coquettish expression on his face suddenly disappeared, and changed back to his usual aloof appearance.

She did not hesitate at all about this behavior of betraying her friends.

After all, for her, Shen Yi is her master, and she will not conceal even the slightest bit of Shen Yi.

However, Shen Ling never thought to hide it.

Instead, he said confidently: "These are what I saw in those TV dramas and movies! Does the owner feel nothing at all?

Shen Yi: Crystal 95

He glanced at Shen Er, who had become cold again, as if only war could change it.

It seems that he somewhat agrees with Shen Ling's words.

Shen Er who looks like this is actually a bit terrifying.

Especially when the command room fell into autism, it was like a resentful spirit.

Sometimes he was taken aback when he saw it suddenly.

Although it was true that 903 was a little uncomfortable before, it was better than what it is now.

"It's still the same as before.

Shen Yi rubbed his forehead and said.

Shen Er's face changed instantly, and he directly embraced Shen Yi's arm, his eyes full of anticipation: "Master, what do you think of my suggestion! If we don't expand our army, there is really no way to deal with those civilizations!"9

Shen Yi was speechless: "Who is to blame! You can handle these things better!

With Shen Er's method, how could this matter be handled so crudely.

Previously, the drop-type interstellar shuttle had shown performance that surpassed the B-class (arm-spin class).

However, because the appearance is only made of B-grade (arm-spinning) materials.

It is easy to associate people with advanced arm-level civilization.

However, he didn't mean to blame Shen Er in particular, those civilizations would have to face it sooner or later.

The reason why he didn't attack was simply because the distance was too far.

He hadn't eaten his own territory, which could easily lead to some losses due to the lack of troops at home when the opponent attacked.

This situation is not what Shen Yi wants to see.

But if the opponent takes the initiative to attack, Shen Yi is still happy to see it happen.

Only war can give him a lot of resources.

And he basically won't suffer in wars, even if the battleship is destroyed, he can dismantle the resources spent on construction.

Therefore, he is not afraid of war at all.

"The expansion of the battleship is not a problem, but we don't have a command-type robot that suits you right now."

Shen Yi glanced at Shen Er and said.

If any of these blueprints are suitable for Shen Er, then Shen Yi has already upgraded Shen Er.

After all, Shen Er's value has been proven as early as in the fight against Chiyan Civilization and Storm Civilization.

Let Shen Yi not need to worry about war at all.

But unfortunately, with so many C-level (arm-spinning) blueprints, there was no one suitable for Shen Er.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we start a war, we will always find a suitable one! The main issue is the expansion of the army! If we want to deal with one high-level arm-spinning civilization and three intermediate arm-spinning civilizations at the same time, our current strength is insufficient!"

A look of joy appeared on Shen Er's face.

In my heart, I can't help but sigh that what Shen Ling taught is useful.

Sure enough, as said in the movie, the most unbearable thing for men is the opposite sex who can act like a spoiled child.

Although she's just a robot, she's also a good-looking female robot.

Shen Yi didn't know what Shen Er was thinking. He frowned and asked, "Then how many troops do you think should be increased, our current resources are not many."

If it is a star-level resource, he is not lacking here.

But even if it is an S-class (arm-spinning class) battleship, it is only a C-class (arm-spinning class) after it is strengthened.

This level is not bad for dealing with the primary arm rotation level civilization.

But if faced with an intermediate-level arm-spinning civilization, at best, he is a small soldier, and even the main battleship cannot reach it. (ahdg)

And if you are facing an advanced arm rotation level civilization, then there is no difference without cannon fodder.

Only arm-spin-class warships can play some key roles.

However, he does not have much arm-spin-level material.

The battleships he had built before had consumed almost 30% of his resources.

"It's almost enough to increase the number of troops to three times now!"

Shen Er said unceremoniously.

These words made Shen Yi almost slide directly to the bottom of the pool.

"How dare you say it... You don't leave me any resources!

Shen Yi shook his head helplessly.

Triple the number of troops, and he won't spend any of the resources he earned before!


Shen Er couldn't do those particularly sticky coquetry.

It's not that she can't do it, it's just that the set character belongs to the iron-blooded and cold-blooded category.

Therefore, even if it can be done perfectly by virtue of the instinct of the robot.

However, she still disdain to do so.

He just stared at Shen Yi eagerly.

The feeling of this kind of Gao Leng Yujie's pitiful gaze, to be honest, the lethality is still very terrifying.

Although Shen Yi had no interest in Iron Man, his heart could not help beating a little faster.

"Okay, okay, you can deal with it, don't really spend all the resources, just leave some spare.

Shen Yi pushed Shen Er's head away and said with some disgust.

What kind of world is this, even robots know how to act cute and coquettish?

However, Shen Er's decision was actually correct, echoing the current needs.

Otherwise, even if the other party acts like a spoiled child, it will be given for nothing.

And Shen Er would not do anything that would harm his interests.

Shen Er received Shen Yi's affirmative reply, and his face suddenly showed the same iron-blooded smile as before.

Although it looks beautiful, it can always feel a bloody smell.

Anyway, Shen Yi couldn't appreciate it at all.

Sure enough, things like gentleness and cuteness are completely irrelevant to Shen Er.

After Shen Er left, Shen Yi leaned against the edge of the pool, his eyes flickering: "However, will those civilizations really come over this time?"

In fact, in his view, this kind of thing is not necessarily.

Although his identity at the moment is a high-level arm-spinning civilization that suddenly appeared.

This will indeed make those civilizations with their arms twisted in fear.

But the problem is, it is precisely because he is a high-level arm rotation-level civilization, so it is possible to make those forces stand still.

Especially that advanced arm-spinning civilization.

Will the other party really be willing to choose to fight him when the situation is unknown?

I am afraid that the main thing is to try and negotiate.

Then draw it slowly!

The consequence of rashly starting a war is to lose both sides of the road.

"Actually, this may still exist with a high probability. According to the information obtained from the Chiyan Civilization before, this advanced arm-spinning civilization called the Wright Civilization is not as indifferent to the world as it is imagined."

"In the beginning, the destruction of Qianxuan civilization seemed to have something to do with the other party's handwriting. 35

Shen Ling sat behind Shen Yi and said while helping Shen Yi brush his hair.

Shen Yi couldn't help but be stunned: "Qianxuan civilization seems to be just a primary arm-spin civilization, isn't it worth letting an advanced arm-spin civilization do it?

The gap between the advanced arm-spinning civilization and the primary arm-spinning civilization.

That is even bigger than the planetary level to the arm rotation level.

This can be seen intuitively from the C-class (arm-spinning) battleships and the A-class (arm-spinning) battleships.

C-class (arm-spinning class) warships are no faster than Mach 100,000.

On the other hand, what about A-class (arm-spinning) warships?

Even the slowest A-class (arm-spinning) warships can hit Mach 400,000.

This is not as simple as a simple four times gap.

Mach 1 is 340 meters per second, and the difference of Mach 300,000 is a distance of 102,000 kilometers per second.

Such a civilization, targeting a primary arm-spinning civilization is no more difficult than pinching an ant to death.

"Master, this is just built without sufficient interest.

"But what if Qianxuan civilization mastered the superficial wormhole technology!"

Shen Ling replied: "Although the original Wright civilization was an advanced arm-spinning civilization, they did not develop artificial wormhole technology."

"So they planned the destruction of Qianxuan civilization?"

Shen Yi is a little speechless, an advanced arm-spinning civilization is actually playing a conspiracy?

Isn't this a little too outrageous.

"Maybe this is what those chat column players said, and you have to set up an archway when you become that."5

Shen Ling shrugged, she couldn't understand this wave of operations anyway.

If she wanted something, she would grab it directly with an absolute weapon.

If you can't beat it, say something else.

But if you can beat it, why use these methods?

However, this also further proves that the Wright civilization is not the kind of civilization that is high above and only focused on development.

The other party is a civilization like a soil tyrant.

It is absolutely impossible to tolerate the emergence of a new advanced arm-spinning civilization in the Horton River System, which is separate from itself.

"Never mind, it's just the next piece of meat on the chopping board.

Shen Yi did not continue to think deeply, but leaned back lazily.

Hmm...what a big evil.

It's a pity that it's all made of steel, he can't grasp it at all!

The Qingxiao Empire has also received the news from Karsi.

When he heard the appearance of a mysterious force suspected of being a high-level arm-spinning civilization, all the high-level officials in the empire, including Emperor Qingxiao, were bombed.

I just felt my scalp go numb.

That's what an advanced arm-spinning civilization!

Several of their intermediate arm rotation-level civilization, even if they are bundled together, they can't beat the existence.

At this moment, even the death of the third prince seemed insignificant.

"Notify Qianshuang Civilization and Hunting Civilization immediately! In addition, be prepared to notify Wright Civilization. Once it is confirmed that the matter is true, immediately notify Wright Civilization!"

Emperor Qingxiao immediately ordered.

As for directly informing Wright Civilization, he did not dare to do so.

If the other party is only a relatively powerful intermediate arm-spinning civilization, then they have fraudulent behavior.

If the Wright Civilization really wants to pursue it, they will be finished.

As an intermediate arm-spin-level civilization, it has mastered the existence of a big arm-spin.

They know very well that the Wright Civilization is not a good person.

Nor is it the kind of aloof king who is aloof.

That is completely a dragon entrenched on the highest peak, staring at the bottom of the dragon.

As long as they have some treasures that interest each other.

If you don't contribute at the first time, then this evil dragon will go down the mountain.

No civilization can bear the consequences.

Even if they are an intermediate arm rotation level civilization.

As for the other two mid-level arm-spin-level civilizations, it doesn't matter.

The other party is only at the same level as their Qingxiao Empire.

Even if there is an error in the message, the other party is only a relatively powerful intermediate arm-spinning civilization.

Then their three-way action is enough to win the other side.

If they divide up each other's resources, they may not be able to take that step...

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Immediately, a minister hurried out of the hall.

No one dared to delay this matter, after all, it was something linked to his own life.

"Everyone, the next step is to determine how many more troops to send over... We must keep the battlefield outside the empire!"

Emperor Qingxiao sat on the throne, looked at the ministers below, and said solemnly.

A battlefield at the mid-level arm-spin level can easily destroy a star system.

Although the stars are quite difficult to destroy, it is not absolute for the intermediate arm-spinning civilization.

They have many ways to directly detonate stars.

It's just that the consequences are very serious, even enough to spread over a distance of several light-years, and the price is too great.

If this level of movement is made on your own territory.

The loss would certainly be immeasurable.

"That's right, the old minister thinks that the first forearm where the Storm Civilization is located is very good. Anyway, the Storm Civilization has already existed in name only, and the main star system has been completely destroyed."

An old man in a Chinese robe stood up and said in a flat tone.

This old man in Huapao is the prime minister of Qingxiao Empire, with power and power, and his status is second only to Emperor Qingxiao.

At the same time, he is also the top wise man in the Qingxiao Empire.

"As for the decision of the fleet, it will be left to Marshal Katz.

Prime Minister Qing Xiao followed.

A middle-aged general with an aura of iron and blood stood up: "For the fleet, I suggest dispatching the Seventh Fleet and the Thirteenth Fleet. These two fleets are the closest to the first forearm. At the same time, the fleet is very good at defense. It is not easy to dispatch A-class (arm-spinning) battleships in a short period of time.

In his tone, in fact, he has already determined that this is an advanced arm-spinning civilization.

He had read the information that Kalsi sent back before.

As a general, he is very aware of the terrible data of this battleship.

This is definitely not something that an intermediate arm-spinning civilization can do.

So, he and these politicians think completely different.

Of course, he will not open his mouth and offend all these politicians.

The Seventh Fleet and the Thirteenth Fleet are one of the most elite fleets of the Qingxiao Empire.

There are these two fleets, plus the fleets of Hunting Wen civilization and Qianshuang civilization.

Even if the other party is really an advanced arm-spinning civilization, it is actually enough to test out the opponent's strength.

"Okay, do you have anything to add?"

Emperor Qingxiao nodded and looked at the others.

Seeing that no one else has any opinion, so the decision is made directly.

The two fleets have a total of 30 B-class (arm-spinning) battleships, 800 C-class (arm-swing-class) battleships and 50,000 D-class (arms-spinning) battleships.

Immediately, he rushed towards the first forearm where the Storm Civilization was located.

However, faster than them.

It is the Qianshuang civilization behind the Chiyan civilization.

When Qianshuang Civilization's fleet arrived at Chiyan Civilization, it only saw a piece of ruins, and naturally knew that the situation was not good.

In such a short period of time, it is possible to directly penetrate a primary arm rotation level civilization.

And only one battleship has been dispatched, which is clearly an existence of at least an intermediate-level arm-spinning civilization.

Therefore, they dispatched a full six fleets in the first time, with a total of 90 B-class (arm-spinning) battleships, 2,400 C-class (arm-spinning) battleships and 150,000 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships. battleship.

Go to the third arm spin where the Red Flame Civilization is located.

Not to avenge the Chiyan civilization.

Their attitude towards Chiyan Civilization was not much better than Qingxiao Empire's attitude towards Stormwind Civilization.

They simply thought that this battleship was sent by the Qingxiao Empire unruly.

Therefore, they want to help Chiyan Civilization and spin down the second forearm.

After that, support a puppet to completely turn Chiyan civilization into their vassal.

Although they don't look down on the 20 billion star systems with two small arms.

But it's a good income anyway.

Moreover, as long as the Qingxiao Empire can be made unhappy, then they will be very happy.

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