However, Qianshuang Civilization did not know that it was not the Qingxiao Empire that attacked the Chiyan Civilization.

It is a more terrifying existence that has the power to crush the entire Horton River system.

As for the news of the Qingxiao Empire, it said that it was a suspected high-level arm-spinning civilization.

They didn't believe even a single punctuation mark.

If this is really an advanced arm-spinning civilization, you will send two fleets over there?

Don't you just want to fish in troubled waters, first shock them, and then grab the site ahead of time!

Although they did not look down on the forearm spin before.

But that doesn't mean they won't pick it up when these forearm spinners are in front of them!

And the reaction of Hunting Wen civilization should be relatively normal.

Just sent a reconnaissance fleet over.

They were pinned down too many troops in the Hexin Mine area, and there was no extra energy to spare at all.

If you don't solve the troubles in the Hexin Mine area.

There is a high probability that their strength will directly fall to the throne of the old-fashioned intermediate arm-spinning civilization.

Therefore, even if he knew that there was a crisis here, it might really be the existence of an advanced arm rotation-level civilization, and he couldn't separate too many thoughts.

The only thing that can be done is to make this reconnaissance fleet have 10 B-class (arm-spinning) battleships and 500 C-class (arms-spinning) battleships.

As for more, with the situation of Hunting and Wen civilization, it cannot be drawn out.

For a time, the three forces had a total of 130 B-class (arm-spinning) battleships, 3,700 C-class (arm-spinning) battleships, and 200,000 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships.

The mighty rushed towards the three small arms.

Such a fleet is even enough to pose a threat to an intermediate-level arm-spinning civilization.

If it is a weaker mid-level arm-spinning civilization, it may even be destroyed in the hands of this fleet.

However, Shen Yi is not an intermediate arm-spinning civilization.

Moreover, these three fleets are not friendly partners.

Instead, they all have their own minds.

It is impossible to cooperate well.

However, Shen Yi didn't care much about the movements of these three forces.

How to quickly occupy the current second arm spin is what he needs to consider.

The rest is left to Shen Er.

Moreover, the power of his subordinates is now very exaggerated.

After expanding the fleet to three times its previous size.

Now he has 15 A-class (arm-spinning) Death Star fortresses and 30 B-class (arms-spinning) Death Star fortresses.

These Death Star fortresses alone are enough for the civilizations of the Horton River System, including the advanced arm-level civilization of the Wright civilization, to drink a pot.

What's more, there are 450 other A-class (arm-spinning) warships and 5,000 B-class (arm-spinning) warships.

Today, he has truly qualified to challenge the entire Horton River system.

Time flies, three months flies by in a blink of an eye.

With the establishment of the last star system, the Dyson sphere was occupied, and the second forearm spin was completely occupied by Shen Yi.

As Shen Yi had expected before, after occupying the second forearm, Tech Ascension Games really popped up an announcement.

[Congratulations to player Shen Yi, who took the lead in occupying a small arm spin, and received rewards designated C-level (arm-spin level) blueprint X1, designated D-level (arm-spin level) blueprint X3, D-level (arm-spin level) material X300 billion units, C Grade (arm rotation grade) material X100 billion units]

[Congratulations to player Shen Yi, who occupied a small arm within 8 months and won the title War Madman]

The two announcements were directly pinned to the top of the chat bar.

All players noticed these two announcements at the first time.

However, compared to the previous shock, the player will be much calmer at this moment.

"As expected, it is my God of Yi, who won a small arm in nine months, and now the strength of God of Yi should be comparable to the advanced arm-spin civilization.

"That's for sure, there are all A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortresses, that's the Death Star Fortress, isn't it!"

"That kind of war weapon is terrifying just thinking about it. If it wasn't for the limitation of traveling, this time would have been shorter."

"It's terrifying to carry my boss Shen Yi. With the help of boss Shen Yi, my salted fish has grown to a level comparable to a mid-level stellar civilization!"

"You're all right, you show your horse! Damn it! 35

"At the speed of Mr. Shen Yi, he should be able to take down the entire Horton River system soon, hahaha, I'm going to be comfortable!"

"Damn, I'm so envious!"

"Envy +1, beg Shen Yi's strategy to hurry up! 39

Compared with the previous shock, players have accepted the development speed of Shen Yi.

They even counted on Shen Yi to develop faster and include them.

Even those top players are the same.

Especially after knowing that after Shen Yi occupied, they would not care how they developed in the star system or even in the arm rotation.

The expectation in my heart is even more so.

Why do they work so hard to climb technology?

On the one hand, to survive in this dangerous universe.

On the other hand, it is to explore this vast and beautiful universe.

As for those who have a hegemonic mindset, although there are, they are very few.


In fact, if you think about it, you can know that if you want to dominate the universe by just relying on one person, can you really think that you have a plug-in?

Few dishes can't get to this level!

Especially after seeing the terrifying firepower of the arm-spin-class battleship, basically most of the players have died.

The enemy cannot always be on the same level as them.

If you want to develop, you will inevitably encounter obstacles from more advanced civilizations. The other party directly shoots down, and the star system is destroyed for you. You are still fighting for hegemony!

They are now counting on Shen Yi to call and shelter them.

In this way, their safety can be greatly guaranteed.

As for Shen Yi, he didn't pay attention to the information in the chat column at the moment.

All his attention was on this newly emerging title.

"Is there such an unreasonable title? Is this really something that can be done with high technology?"

Looking at the attributes about the title in front of him, Shen Yi felt that he might be dreaming.

Is it possible that the real world really has this kind of attribute bonus?

But in what form should this attribute addition be manifested?

The explosion rate and production consumption are understandable. As a game producer, this can be fully manipulated.

After all, whether it is a blueprint or a base to manufacture a battleship, it is actually a means of creating an advanced civilization for the game.

But this title attribute is a bit outrageous!

[War Madman: When starting a war, the movement speed of the warships under his command increases by 30%, the weapon damage increases by 30%, and the reload speed increases by 30%] 10,000.

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