"Is it interfering with the enemy's electronic equipment... The other party should also have defensive measures, right?"

Shen Yi frowned slightly and asked.

Electromagnetic pulse He naturally knows that the means of those monsters in the Pacific Rim is electromagnetic pulse.

However, the effect of tactical pulse jamming missiles is much more powerful than the electromagnetic pulse methods of those monsters in the Pacific Rim.

Not only the attack range is much more terrifying, but it can also play a role in the arm rotation class warships.

This is not comparable to those monsters in the Pacific Rim.

However, when a weapon appears, there is bound to be a means of interception.

Shen Yi didn't think the other party would have no preventive measures.

"Theoretically, there is no means of defending against electromagnetic pulses, and at most it can only shorten the time affected by the impact."

"With the enhanced ability of tactical pulse jamming missiles, even advanced arm-spinning civilizations are not so easy to offset.

Shen Er explained.

The only way to isolate electromagnetic pulses is to build a warship that isolates all electromagnetic signals.

But is it possible?

Isolation of all electromagnetic signals means that it is impossible to receive all information from the outside world.

Is interstellar warfare, relying on the naked eye to lock the enemy's position through the hanging window?

Even clairvoyance is not enough!

The combat radius of the arm-spin-class warship is at least tens of millions of kilometers.

If you can't lock the enemy through the radar, I'm afraid you don't even know where the enemy is.

As long as it receives external signals, it will be affected by electromagnetic pulses.

Not to mention the paralysis of internal facilities, at least it will be greatly affected.

No matter how good the countermeasures are, it will take at least a few seconds to repair.

If this time can be used properly, it will definitely cause huge damage to the enemy.

Of course, how to grasp this time point is Shen Er's business.

Shen Yi won't ask too much.

But judging from Shen Erruo's upgraded ability, it is not difficult for her to calculate the advanced arm rotation level civilization.

Moreover, there are two guarantees of space fighters and ghost battleships.

It is not difficult to project this tactical pulse jamming missile.

"The battle is coming soon, get ready for the battle."

"Shen Ling, you are in charge of all resources to support this battle. 35

Shen Yi smiled slightly and told Shen Ling.

With his current background, it is enough to start a war with the civilizations of the Horton River System.

From struggling on the planet nine months ago to now competing against the entire Horton River system, the growth in it is unimaginable.

If he hadn't experienced 07 personally, even Shen Yi himself would not have believed that all this was true.

"Yes, Master! 9

Shen Er and Shen Ling said in unison.

The selected four things were quickly produced.

【Battleship Strategic Commander】

[Grade Rating: Grade A (Army Rotation Grade)]

[Ability: Possesses extremely powerful command ability, can independently command and complete advanced arm-level civilized wars and deduce advanced arm-level wars in advance]

[Consumption: 300 trillion energy is consumed every day]

【Shadow Killer Class Ghost Battleship】

[Grade Rating: Grade B (Arm Rotation Grade)]

[Ability: Possesses extremely powerful stealth ability, and it is impossible to find traces at the same level. A-class (arm-spinning) warships need to be close to 1 million kilometers to be discovered. The maximum sailing speed is Mach 300,000. After the stealth function is turned on, the maximum speed is Mach 250,000. , Equipped with 16 warwind torpedo launchers, which can cause a huge blow to A-class (arm-spinning) warships in the case of sneak attacks]

[Consumption: 100 trillion energy is consumed every day]

【Falcon-class starfighter】

[Grade Rating: Grade B (Arm Rotation Grade)]

[Capability: The maximum sailing speed is Mach 380,000, equipped with a laser main gun and 4 Falcon missile launchers, which can pose a threat to B-class (arm-spinning) warships. Although the tactical value is not as good as that of a high-level interstellar warship, it is superior in low price]

[Consumption: 50 trillion energy is consumed every day]

【Tactical Pulse Jamming Missile】

[Grade Rating: Grade B (Arm Rotation Grade)]

[Capability: The maximum flight speed is Mach 400,000, and the maximum killing range is 20 million kilometers, which can instantly interfere with all electronic equipment within the explosion range]

【Consumption: None】

After being strengthened, the abilities of these four things have become even more terrifying.

Even if an advanced arm-spinning civilization faces this level of attack, it will definitely feel the scalp tingling.

Although the shortcomings of these ships are also obvious.

But in the face of their great advantages, these can be ignored.

And Shen Yi's side was ready for war.

Qingxiao Empire, Qianshuang Civilization and Hunting Wen Civilization have almost finished sorting out the information.

At this moment, in the Qingxiao Empire, a group of high-level officials gathered.

"The other party has completely occupied the second arm spin. No matter what civilization the other party is, it must have wolf ambitions for the Horton River system. The second arm spin is likely to be the bridgehead for the other party."

The Marshal of the Qingxiao Empire said solemnly: "Furthermore, according to our previous test, the probability of the opponent being an advanced arm-spin-level civilization is as high as 70%. The number of B-class (arm-spinning) warships has exceeded 3,000, which is far from an enemy we can deal with.

"My suggestion is to inform the Wright Civilization not to let our soldiers die in vain.

3,000 B-class (armspin class) is too scary.

Even if they add up the three intermediate arm rotation-level civilizations of the Horton River System, there are not so many.

Unless they use up all the information and use it to build B-class (arm-spinning) battleships, they can touch the opponent.

However, if the foundation is consumed to nothing.

Not to mention whether they can afford it or not, even if they can afford it, it will set them back economically.

Trapped in a debilitating situation.

"The old minister agrees with the Marshal's suggestion, our Qingxiao Empire can't afford it!

A cabinet minister also stood up and bowed.

"My minister agrees!"

"The old minister agrees!

Other ministers also spoke up.

The previous temptation had already cost them a lot of troops.

Everyone no longer wants to see continued sacrifice.

Moreover, no matter what, they have now won the first arm of the Storm Civilization, and even if there is no gain in the follow-up, they will not suffer at all.

Although the resources in these places are very poor.

But something is better than nothing. They can build these places up as long as they spend some time.

Used as a dwelling for the lowest class residents!

Of course, all of this presupposes that they can solve this big trouble.

"Having said that, our fleet still needs to be dispatched, leaving the first, fourth, and sixth fleets, and sending all the other ten fleets over, Marshal Allen, the commander-in-chief will leave it to you.

Emperor Qingxiao said solemnly.

The Wright Civilization was never a good man.

If they show their intention to use the Wright civilization, it is likely to cause the other party to target them.

That kind of result is definitely not acceptable to the Qingxiao Empire.

Compared with an unknown civilization that does not know its strength, the Wright civilization gave them more fear.

After all, they still have a hard time forgetting the demise of Qianxuan Civilization.

What did the Wright civilization do?

Sent a fleet?

No, the other party didn't do this at all, just used some means, and the Qianxuan civilization disappeared.

This undoubtedly made them extremely jealous of these intermediate arm-spin-level civilizations.

Who knows if this day will come to him.

The only thing they can do is to try their best not to let the Wright Civilization catch everything.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Marshal Allen of the Qingxiao Empire bowed his hands and responded respectfully.

The reaction of Qianshuang Civilization was similar to that of the Qingshuang Empire, and they also occupied the third arm.

Although the third arm rotation on the bright side is still in the hands of Chiyang Civilization.

But in fact, all the people in the third small arm rotation have been replaced by people from Qianshuang civilization.

In this case, they naturally don't want to see the third forearm spin being taken down.

At the same time, they are also afraid of the Wright civilization staring at themselves.

Similarly, a total of 16 fleets were dispatched to 13, leaving only three fleets that were good at defense, guarding the important places of Qianshuang civilization.

On the contrary, it is hunting Wen civilization, and there is not much reaction.

It was only a symbolic dispatch of three fleets to the nearest third arm.

However, with their current situation, it is not bad to be able to draw three fleets.

The fleets sent by the three intermediate-level arm-spinning civilizations add up to a total of 420 B-class (arm-spinning) battleships, 11,200 C-class (arm-spinning) battleships, and 70 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships. battleship.

Such a force has even more than doubled the total fleet of Qingxiao Empire.

Absolutely terrifying.

Even if it is not thought that the hunting civilization is in crisis, the number of fleets sent is insufficient.

The number of such a fleet is even enough to exceed the number of battleships owned by the ordinary old-fashioned mid-level arm-spinning civilization.

However, even if these three fleets add up, there is absolutely no possibility of competing with Shen Yi.

What's more, these three fleets are still inseparable.

Of course, these three parties also know that they are here to watch the show.

The main battlefield is the end of the Wright civilization.

At this moment, the Wright Civilization also received a joint request from the three-party intermediate arm-spin-level civilization.

The leader of the Wright civilization and twelve old men are sitting in the large office.

Looking at the table in the center of the crowd, in the virtual light screen, the information compiled from the information from the three-party intermediate arm-spinning civilization.

The leader of the Wright civilization is a well-built middle-aged man.

The appearance is similar to that of the earth people, but the eyes are strangely blue.

And the twelve old men opposite him were the top group of Wright Civilization.

All of them have lived for nearly ten thousand years.

However, because of the effect of genetic medicine, these old people are not because of the passage of time.

As a result, the thinking becomes dull and the brain becomes irrational.

On the contrary, except that the appearance has aged a little.

They are all old foxes who can destroy an elementary arm-level civilization with just their brains.

It is an existence that can give everything absolutely rational only for the continuation and strengthening of civilization.

"Although the other party has not exposed A-class (arm-spinning) level warships, this number of B-class (arm-spinning) battleships is not something that a mere intermediate-level arm-spinning class civilization can possess."

An old man with an old face said with slightly narrowed eyes.

"And the information on this warship... It's a speed that even we can't do, it's like a work of art. 35

Another old man pointed to the video of the teardrop-shaped interstellar shuttle in front of him.

That terrifying speed is simply not something that a B-class (arm-spinning) battleship can master.

Moreover, they can't build this body shape.

The technical content required is too high, let alone research, they have no clue.

This definitely involves space and other technologies...

"Pay attention to the size of the opponent's warships, which are also a notch smaller than the size of the same-level warships. Even we have a hard time compressing the B-class (arm-spinning) warships. The opponent's technology level seems to be higher than ours..."

Another old man with a vulture complexion clicked on a picture and said.

This is the picture taken by Hunting Wen Civilization's reconnaissance fleet when they were testing Shen Yi.

Of course, the reconnaissance fleet was directly destroyed without a doubt.

However, information about the Shen Yi battleship was passed on.

Of course, Shen Yi didn't expect to hide this.

Because it's not necessary at all.

Under the circumstance of absolute crushing, the opponent's knowledge of his strength will actually hit his morale.

Although Shen Yi couldn't make the battleship pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, it made Shen Yi a little regretful.

But it's just a pity.

"Well, in this way, it can be basically determined that the other party is an advanced arm-spinning civilization whose strength may exceed ours.

The leader of the Wright civilization, who was sitting at the top, also crossed his fingers and spoke in a deep voice.

His eyes were full of wisdom and majesty, and he was obviously not a puppet who was supported.

Although it may not live as long as these old foxes.

But his ability has been unanimously recognized by the twelve elders.

"However, it would be a bit too crazy to want to deal with us in our home court! 35

"Dispatched the idle third and seventh Death Star Fortress battle groups, carrying three World Destruction fission missiles, and went to the second arm to suppress them. 99

The eyes of the leader of the Wright civilization were full of domineering and pride, but also full of contempt for this intruding civilization.

Of course, he did not underestimate this unknown civilization.

The World Destruction Fission Missile is the ultimate weapon of the Wright civilization.

Even an entire Death Star Fortress battle group could not resist a single World Destruction Fission Missile.

In terms of attack power, this has even exceeded the level of A-level (arm-spinning level).

Carrying three at a time, plus three Death Star Fortress battle groups, as long as there are no more than 6 Death Star Fortress battle groups on the opposite side, they can easily deal with them.

And could there be more than six Death Star Fortress battle groups on the other side?

He didn't think the other party had this ability.

Even an old-fashioned advanced arm-spinning civilization would never have too many Death Star Fortress battle groups.

Send more than six Death Star Fortress battle groups at one time to launch the invasion 903 war across the distance of the river system.

Even if their Wright civilization is ten times stronger, they cannot support this level of consumption.

Does the other party really need supplies?

That kind of huge fleet is fighting across the river system, and the resources consumed are absolutely despairing.

"Yes, leader!"

The twelve old men stood up at the same time, with respect in their eyes.

For the strongest leader of the Wright civilization, these old monsters who have lived for ten thousand years are still very convinced.

The other party only has a thousand years of time, which has raised the Wright civilization to a higher level.

They believe in being led by each other.

Even if the Wright civilization grows into an old-fashioned advanced arm-spin-level civilization or even a top-level arm-spin-level civilization, it is easy.

Under the orders of a group of high-level officials, the terrifying war machine of Wright Civilization was also activated.

Although they have not clashed with these intermediate arm-level civilizations and primary arm-level civilizations in the Horton River System.

But if you really think that these Death Star Fortress battle groups are young master soldiers, you are really wrong.

In the Hexin mining area, they have experienced countless tragic battles with those terrifying monsters.

Even the Death Star Fortress battle group could be wiped out by accident.

How could they be young master soldiers!

This is completely a hundred battle elites who have been killed from the sea of ​​​​corpses.

Even if it temporarily will not adapt to the battle between civilizations.

But with their adaptability, they will also adjust at the fastest speed.

After all, those monsters in the Hexin mining area can find different types every moment.

If you can't adapt quickly, the only result is to be destroyed by the other party.

Therefore, whether it is the leader of the Wright Civilization or the twelve elders of the Wright Civilization, they are extremely confident in this action.

Moreover, if it really doesn't work, they will directly pull a dozen World Destruction fission missiles in the past.

This super strategic weapon, the Wright civilization can make a full 25!

They are confident that this is enough for all threats!

Soon, the news that the Wright Civilization's Death Star Fortress battle group was about to arrive also reached the ears of the three-party intermediate arm-spinning civilization.

Hearing this news, all the high-level officials of the three middle-level arm-spin-level civilizations showed a solemn expression.

His eyes are full of fear for these battle groups.

In the Hexin Mine, they had seen the Death Star Fortress battle group of the Wright civilization.

This is a team consisting of an A-class (armspin class) Death Star Fortress, 10 A-class (armspin class) frigates, 10 A-class (armspin class) destroyers and 5 A-class (armspin class) battleships A terrorist battle group consisting of 500 B-class (arm-spinning) warships.

This terrifying power, just one is enough to make them despair.

What's more, this time, a full three were dispatched.

Even if this is not aimed at them, it still makes them feel chilled.

Moreover, three Death Star Fortress battle groups can be dispatched so easily, and there is even enough power to guard 10% of the core mining area.

It can be seen that the Wright Civilization's Death Star Fortress battle group is definitely more than that.

This terrible force even made them feel hopeless.

Even if they step into the advanced arm-spinning civilization, can they really get rid of the shadow of the Wright civilization?

In other words, will the Wright civilization really allow them to step into the advanced arm-level civilization!

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