At this moment, they were looking forward to the deadlock between the Wright civilization and this mysterious unknown civilization.

In the end, it is best to directly play a lose-lose situation.

In this way, the Wright Civilization's control of the Horton River System will inevitably fall into the lowest ebb.

Only then did they have the possibility to set foot on the advanced arm-spinning civilization, and even destroy and replace the Wright civilization.

However, this possibility is probably very small.

Because, they also know the difficulty of fighting across the river system.

Not to mention how long it will take to get here.

Even with the help of natural wormholes, this time will definitely be very long.

This is bound to cause difficulties in replenishment.

Once the supply cannot keep up, what is the difference between a battleship and an iron coffin?

Therefore, they guessed that the number of battleships sent by this unknown advanced arm-spinning civilization must be very limited.

The number of A-class (arm-spinning) warships may not be too many.

It is too difficult to compete with the super-standard combat power of the Death Star Fortress.

Even in the past three months, the other party has some laying on the second forearm spin.

That would definitely not be able to supply the demand for a large number of A-class (arm-spinning) warships.

Especially a war weapon of the level of the Death Star Fortress.

The energy required for that kind of thing to drive is absolutely exaggerated.

In this kind of battle across the river system, even if the opponent has a Death Star Fortress battle group, there is absolutely no ability to send it over.

This away game is too bad.

However, even so, they can secretly get some advanced technology from the battlefield to strengthen themselves.

Even if it can't break through the ranks of advanced arm rotation-level civilization.

But even if you can take one more step in the intermediate arm rotation level civilization and become more powerful, it is still good.

The three Death Star Fortress battle groups of the Wright Civilization are the closest to the Qingxiao Empire.

Therefore, it is from the Qingxiao Empire, and then leads to the intersection of the second forearm spin and the first forearm spin.

Emperor Qingxiao and a high level can be sure that this is definitely a deterrent to them.

Because, these three Death Star Fortress battle groups pass from the vicinity of their main star system.

The terrifying size of the Death Star Fortress, as well as the countless muzzles that flashed out like a hedgehog, made everyone who saw it broke out in a cold sweat involuntarily.

Especially the gun muzzle that is thousands of kilometers wide in front is even more terrifying.

The Death Star Fortress of the Wright Civilization also belongs to the Death Star Fortress of the energy weapon type.

However, Shen Yi's Death Star Fortress fires laser weapons.

The Wright Civilization's Death Star Fortress emits particle rays.

Although they belong to the category of energy weapons.

However, laser weapons focus more on burning, while particle weapons are better at penetrating objects.

Of course, it's hard to say which is better.

As far as the killing effect is concerned, laser weapons are more aimed at warships, while particle weapons are more aimed at living things.

And the weapons of the Wright Civilization Death Star Fortress.

A high probability is also due to the situation in the Hexin mining area.

After all, there are only those monsters in that place that are enough to shred the arm-spin-class battleship.

On the contrary, because of the dominance of the Horton River family, the Wright civilization has not played against other civilizations.

And because it was ready for war.

Shen Yi will naturally not forget the issue of intelligence.

When the Wright Civilization Fleet arrived at the first small arm, he had already seen the movement.

Those huge monsters that were three times the size of the Death Star Fortress he owned caught his attention.

"It's so big... how much material does it take to dismantle?"

There was a rare trace of greed in Shen Yi's eyes.

Today, even if it is a stellar-grade material... no, even if it is a D-grade (arm-spinning) material, he has already despised it.

However, the meanings represented by the three huge A-level (arm-spinning) level Death Star fortresses are completely different.

The resources needed to build these Death Star fortresses are too large.

Shen Yi's side is still because of the 100-fold strengthening system, so the A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress only needs to build a C-level (arm-spinning) Death Star burst.

In terms of resource consumption, it is also far lower than the ordinary A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress.

Correspondingly, the resources consumed are less than one thousandth of others.

Even, if you count those B-grade (arm-spinning) materials and A-grade (arm-spinning) materials.

Its cost is even less than one ten thousandth of the others.

It is conceivable that these A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star fortresses are so tempting to him.

With the ability to strengthen the system by a hundred times, as long as he builds something at the A-level (arm-spinning level) level, he may be able to directly touch the next civilization.

"Master, do we need to take the initiative?

Shen Er was completely excited.

The flickering light in a pair of eyes is extremely amazing. If you look closely, you can see that countless data torrents are surging.

She has started to go into full power operation.

Used to calculate the various outcomes of this battle.

If she did this before, she couldn't do it.

However, after being upgraded to become the strategic commander of the battleship.

Her ability has been greatly increased, and even if she has a complete war with the Wright Civilization, she can control it with ease.

What's more, the other party has only sent three Death Star fortresses at this moment.

If not because of the lack of understanding of the other party's situation.

I'm afraid she doesn't need to spend too much effort to calculate the various possibilities.

"Well, take the initiative to attack, don't let the battlefield on our territory 々︾.

Shen Yi nodded and said.

Although he didn't know the power of the other party's Death Star Fortress.

But he is very aware of the power of his Death Star fortress.

If it is bombarded with full force, even detonating a star is not difficult.

Although even the Death Star Fortress may not be able to withstand the power of the star explosion.

But that would definitely lead to huge losses.

On the contrary, there is a vast starry sky near the natural wormhole between the first forearm and the second forearm.

No star exists within two light-years nearby.

Even if the other party wants to perish together, they can't do it.

"Yes, Master!"

"The first to fifth Death Star Fortress battle groups are dispatched!"

Shen Er quickly issued an order.

The Death Star Fortress battle group that was originally lurking near the natural wormholes of the second forearm and the first forearm suddenly moved.

Because it was not sure which direction the Wright civilization would come from.

Therefore, they have prepared the Death Star Fortress battle group in the direction of the first arm spin and the third arm spin.

The first to fifth Death Star Fortress battle groups are the fleets guarding the direction of the first forearm.

The Death Star Fortress battle group under Shen Yi's command was much stronger than that of the Wright Civilization.

The main core is mainly composed of an A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress and two B-level (arm-spinning) Death Star fortresses.

Then it is matched with 30 A-class (arm-spinning) battleships and 300 B-class (arm-spinning) battleships.

Such five Death Star Fortress battle groups have completely crushed each other in terms of strength.

Plus his Death Star Fortress can move with fleets.

This kind of terrifying mobility is very exaggerated even if you look at the entire arm-spinning civilization.

At least, few civilizations can master this kind of technology in the level of arm-spin-level civilization.

And this time, five Death Star Fortress battle groups were dispatched directly.

In fact, Shen Er had been holding back for too long.

I want to vent out.

"However, Master, with the other party's technological heritage, it is very likely that there is some kind of super weapon, and we may have to prepare for losses."

At this time, Shen Er reminded.

"Super weapon? Lose it if you lose it, as long as you can keep the other party, we will never lose anyway."

Shen Yi shook his head and didn't take it to heart.

Is there any super weapon for the Wright civilization?

Anyway, he thinks there should be.

Just like the nuclear weapons in the hands of major powers on earth.

Even fifth-generation fighter jets are as fragile as washi in the face of nuclear bombs.

Wouldn't an advanced arm-spin-level civilization master such similar means?

Anyway, he doesn't believe it, there is no battleship that surpasses the A-class (arm-spinning class), and there will naturally be losses in the face of this weapon.

But still, he will never lose.

The opponent's battleship level is much higher than his.

Using the same force to exchange one for one with the opponent, or even ten for one, he will definitely still earn blood.

Because the gap between the basic level of the battleships between the two sides is too great.

One is the C-level (arm-spin level) level, and the other is the A-level (arm-spin level) level. It is natural to imagine who is more valuable.

"Yes, Master!

The torrent of data in Shen Er's eyes gradually converged.

She has done all the calculations and deductions, and it is time to launch an attack.

Five Death Star Fortress battle groups led to the first small arm in batches.

And the Qingxiao Empire fleet guarding over there, when they saw the huge black spheres.

The heart just kicked in the throat.

The commander-in-chief of the fleet in charge of guarding this side even screamed: "How is it possible! There are so many Death Star fortresses!

Although the size of these Death Star Fortresses is not large.

Even the largest diameter is only 500,000 kilometers.

It is incomparable to the Death Star Fortress of the Wright civilization.

But this is still Death Star Fortress!

It is a true weapon of war that transcends the boundaries of civilization.

At least, in their three mid-level arm-spinning civilizations.

Only the old-fashioned mid-level arm-spinning civilization, Hunting Wen civilization, has a Death Star Fortress.

And it is precisely because this Death Star fortress is in danger in the Hexin mining area.

Only then will the power of Hunting and Wen civilization be dragged into the Hexin mining area.

And the picture of the three Death Star Fortresses that appeared in the battle group of the other side's Death Star Fortress was really shocking.

This special Death Star Fortress battle group can be configured like this?

Even the Wright Civilization can't afford such a slapstick operation!

After all, the resources expended to build the Death Star Fortress are terrifying.

"Retreat! We are no longer able to deal with this place!"

The commander-in-chief immediately issued an order to let the Seventh Fleet, which is responsible for front-line reconnaissance, choose to retreat.

However, his order was too late.

Thousands of Falcon-class starfighters have taken off from the Death Star Fortress.

At a speed comparable to that of a B-class (arm-spinning) battleship, it flew towards them rapidly.

Although these B-class (arm-spinning) battleships are somewhat inadequate when facing the same level of interstellar battleships.

But it is still a B-level (arm-spinning) level star fighter.

For the B-level (arm rotation level) and below, it also has huge lethality.

Moreover, that flexible speed is far from what a huge spaceship can have.

Almost in just a few minutes, these interstellar fighters have come to the top of the Seventh Fleet and started an intensive fire raid.

Although the 7th Fleet's close-range artillery has also been opened to the limit.

But in the face of the extremely flexible interstellar fighter, there is no way at all.

Moreover, due to the constant harassment, the fleet's movement speed was greatly reduced.

At this time, if you want to escape, the only way is for high-level warships to abandon low-level warships and choose to retreat.

The fate of the abandoned low-level warships can be imagined.

These starfighters alone are enough to eat them all.

But if they don't give up, then they don't even want to escape a battleship!

And there is a more serious problem.

That is, even if they give up these low-level battleships, will they really be able to escape the pursuit of these interstellar armors whose speed is close to the A-level (arm-spinning) level battleships!

However, the commander-in-chief of the Seventh Fleet just wanted to issue an order.

The ear-piercing sound of the warship's siren was heard.

"Alarm alert! The warship has been locked by the missile, and the speed of the missile is to reach the A-class (arm-spinning class), which is presumed to be a conventional missile equipped with the A-class (arm-spinning class) warship!"5

"Alarm alert! The battleship has been locked by missiles..."

"`"Alarm Alert!...35'

A series of reminders kept ringing.

However, the mind of the commander-in-chief of the Seventh Fleet had fallen into a blank space, and he could not hear anything.

"It's over..."

These were the last words he uttered.

The next moment, missiles that were extremely thick, even reaching several thousand meters, landed directly in the center of the Seventh Fleet.

In an instant, a huge plasma cloud covered the entire Seventh Fleet.

What an energy barrier!

What a B-class (arm-spinning) battleship.

At this moment, it is fragile like a bubble.

Under the infinite plasma, it was torn into countless pieces.

Only 5 A-class (arm-spinning) level Hurricane-class guided missile destroyers shot.

This fleet, which is considered an elite fleet in the intermediate arm rotation class, just disappeared into the universe.

Aside from the time the missile is flying, it doesn't count.

They couldn't even hold on for a breath.

Even, all materials below the S-level (stellar level) were instantly vaporized under this devastating blow.

This is the power of guided missile destroyers from the A-class (arm-spinning) level.

Only those with the same A-level (arm-spinning) level can resist attacks of this level.

"The fleet has been wiped out!"

"Resource recovery is available.

Shen Er's eyes narrowed, she had already received the message there.

"Very good, it's finally open!

There was a smile on Shen Yi's mouth.

In fact, he is also a hidden fanatical fighter.

After all, the war money is really too profitable, and these materials alone are enough to make him a lot of money.

Not to mention those dropped blueprints.

If he can have a B-level (arm-spinning) blueprint, he can manufacture even S-level (arm-spinning) technology.

It's just that the previous fight was only the primary arm-spinning civilization.

The highest number of battleships killed is only C-class (arm rotation class).

Therefore, he has never seen a B-class (arm-spinning) blueprint.

I don't know if this time, if so many B-class (arm-spinning) battleships have been defeated, I can give him a few shots.

Of course, it doesn't matter if this wave doesn't explode.

After that, there is a war for him to fight, and there are 3 A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortresses waiting for him!

Then don't you have to give him an A-level (arm-spinning) blueprint?

So far, he has only one wormhole wave detector that is A-level (arm-spinning) blueprint.

"Master, are we going to use the artificial wormhole to say hello to the enemy (Nuo's good) fleet?"

Shen Er turned his head and looked at Shen Yi with some anticipation.

This is not actually in her planned tactics.

And because it is an artificial wormhole, this wave is destined to not cause much damage to the opponent.

At best, it means more intimidation.

It can be regarded as saying hello to the other party, or simply provoking the other party.

However, this deterrence is also carried out before many human wars.

The purpose is to reduce the morale of the opponent and increase the morale of your own.

Although the robot has nothing to say about morale.

But Shen Er, who knew a lot of human war history from Shen Yi and the players, was very interested in this ritual-like move.

"Then say hello to them, and see if you can make any trump cards by the way."

Shen Yi looked at the interest in Shen Er's eyes, but did not attack the other party's enthusiasm.

Although Shen Er is a robot, even a blow is nothing.

However, he also wanted to see how the other party would react.

More importantly, he wanted to provoke each other.

The mere 3 Death Star Forts were far from satisfying his appetite.

He is not reconciled if he does not squeeze the other party dry.

"Yes, Master!"

The corners of Shen Er's mouth rose slightly, and the bottom of his eyes seemed to be ignited by a sea of ​​fire.

The next moment, all five Death Star Fortress battle groups began to charge.

At the same time, ten artificial wormhole beacon ships and ten artificial wormhole generating ships also sailed out of the five Death Star Fortress battle groups.

Came to the front of the fleet and began to lock the position of the Wright civilization.

The artificial wormhole beacon ship doesn't have to tear open the wormhole in front of itself.

Instead, beacons can be sent anywhere within 200 light years to guide the artificial wormhole generating ship to work.

This kind of technology is very rare even in the entire arm rotation level civilization.

That is because the 100-fold enhancement system is powerful enough.

Even this ability has been directly strengthened a hundred times.

Otherwise, even if it is replaced by the most peak arm-spinning civilization, it is already very powerful to be able to tear open the artificial wormhole within 20 light-years.

And when all fleets are fully charged.

The artificial wormhole beacon ship has also locked the location of the Wright civilization fleet... Code.

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