Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 111: Unless the opponent has fifteen Death Star Fortress battle groups, they are dead!\r

She was very satisfied with the result.

After all, she herself doesn't think it will have much effect.

After all, the other party is an advanced arm-spin-level civilization, and it has come a long way on the arm-spin level.

If it was so easy to deal with, she would have to doubt the other party~ whether there is any conspiracy.

"Furthermore, according to my calculations, although the opponent blocked this wave of attacks, it would definitely lose a lot of energy. If there is no accident, the opponent will temporarily stop the offensive and wait for the arrival of supplies. That is to say, the next Will enter our offensive rhythm!

Shen Er followed the analysis.

Shen Yi's words raised Shen Yi's brows slightly, showing a hint of surprise: "Oh? The other party still can't fight back? - Can you be sure?"

Although his brain is much better than before.

It is even comparable to the brains of some stellar civilizations.

However, it is still impossible to calculate such a huge amount of data.

So, I don't know what will happen to the other party.

"Yes, there is an 80% probability that unless the opponent's energy storage equipment exceeds the advanced arm-spin civilization by more than 30%, their fleet will never dare to act rashly.

"Next, we can cut off the opponent's back path and cut off the opponent's supply line! Leave the opponent behind!

Shen Er looked calm.

After turning on the war mode, she also became a lot more serious.

In fact, the current scene also exceeded her expectations.

Because, she did not expect that the effect of the title would be so amazing, and it could actually increase the power of the fleet so much.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to cause the current effect.

"Well, then leave it to you to do it!"

Shen Yi nodded, full of confidence in Shen Er.

Not to mention that Shen Er's current technology level has reached A-level (arm rotation level).

Even if you fight against those top veteran advanced arm-spinning civilizations, you will definitely not fall into the disadvantage.

The fleet he currently has is enough to make him invincible.

If the boosting effect of the title is added, the firepower on his side can be comparable to 21 Death Star Fortress battle groups.

Even if the opponent has some super weapon in hand, there is no need to be too afraid.

At least, the opponent's three Death Star Fortress battle groups will all be left behind.

And once he has this wave of resources, his strength will take a huge leap again.

On the other side, Vergo's news was quickly passed back to the Wright Civilization.

The leader of the Wright civilization and the twelve elders gathered again.

However, compared to the confidence they had last time, their faces became much ugly.

"It actually showed the firepower of more than 7 Death Star Fortress battle groups? Is the opponent so strong?""

An old-faced elder frowned.

An old face that was like a dead tree was even more covered with ravines, which was extremely terrifying.

"I believe more in Vergo's speculation that the other party should be trying to intimidate us and buy time for himself. 99

"After all, with such a huge fleet of the other party, the daily resource consumption will be a very terrifying number. If there is no supply ship, it will not be able to support it at all. 99

Another old man twisted his beard and said with squinting eyes.

"Hmph, no matter what the opponent's situation is, don't we dare to fight when we occupy the home court?"

A veteran with several scars on his right eye snorted coldly and said coldly.

Speaking of which, he was once a general of the Wright Civilization.

He has experienced countless wars and is well-known in the Wright Civilization Army.

If it weren't for the retirement due to his age, he would have to fight on the front line.

However, he is also a typical hawk of the Wright civilization.

At this time, all the elders turned their attention to the top position, silently watching the middle-aged man in the video in front of him.

The leader of the Wright civilization has repeatedly watched this video dozens of times.

It seems to want to study something out of it.

It's a pity that after the opponent opened the artificial wormhole, the attack instantly shot out from the opposite side.

Perfectly seals the entrance to the artificial wormhole.

They can't get any information out of it at all.

However, the leader of the Wright civilization is the strongest leader of the Wright civilization after all, and he found a lot of information from this video.

"Judging from this video, the opponent should have at least 5 Death Star Fortresses at the A-level (armspin level) level, 10 Death Star fortresses at the B-level (armspin level) level, and as for the other A-level (armspin level) level Death Star fortresses ) The number of warships should be around 120. If you add the frigates that did not take action, it should be around 130~150, while the number of B-class (arm-spinning) warships should be more than 1,000, and the number of frigates should be 1,300~ 1500 or so. 35

"This is definitely the strongest enemy our Wright civilization has ever faced..."

The leader of the Wright civilization looked slightly condensed and said in a deep voice.

If it wasn't for them taking the home field advantage, he really didn't know how to face such an advanced arm-spinning civilization.

Across the distance of the river system, such a powerful fleet can be dispatched unexpectedly.

In short, their Wright civilization is far from being able to do it.

But he had never heard of such a powerful civilization near the Horton River System!

More importantly, he found a message.

That is, the other party seems to have mastered some very powerful artificial wormhole technology.

Able to directly breach their defenses, opening artificial wormholes 130 million kilometers from their Death Star Fortress battle group.

This distance is basically no different from stuffing the gun barrel into their mouth.

Even if they have dealt with the most difficult monsters, they have mastered the method of opening wormholes.

It is far from what this civilization can do.

The distance of 130 million kilometers may seem far away.

But in fact, the reaction time for the fleet was too short.

In just a few minutes, in the interstellar war, it is basically too late to do anything.

However, the leader of the Wright Civilization is indeed excellent, and just from the attack, the fleet that launched the attack on Shen Yi's side was inseparable.

With such a powerful ability, if he hadn't encountered Shen Yi who was open.

That is definitely a very scary hunter.

"Hmm... there are at least five Death Star Fortress battlegroups? They shouldn't have been given that long!

The old man with the scar on his face sucked in a breath of cold air and couldn't help but slapped the table and cursed.

I don't know how long the other party has secretly developed.

If this time it wasn't because of the Red Flame Civilization and Storm Civilization's attack on the second arm.

I'm afraid they don't know about it yet...

Thinking of this possibility, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Leader, I suggest that all the other fleets be called back except for the fleet responsible for staying in the Hexin mining area! Priority is given to solving the other side!""

"Bring an additional 10 World Destruction Fission Missiles for insurance!

An old man who used to be a dove, said in a deep voice.

Although he didn't like to fight and kill, after all, this would lead to the loss of the fleet.

But now that such a wolf-minded guy suddenly appeared in the Horton River System, he couldn't sit still!

If the opponent is allowed to develop further, the second forearm spin will be completely built into a base.

Then the opponent will have the ability to continue to send more troops.

Just now the other party has made them feel the pressure.

If you let the other party develop for a while, then what?

However, they can only draw at most three Death Star Fortress battle groups now.

After all, the site in their Hexin mining area is too big.

contained a lot of their power.

Otherwise, there must be a more secure approach.

Luckily they still have fission missiles.

If they carry ten World Destruction Fission Missiles, even if the opponent has ten Death Star Fortress battle groups, they can eat them all.

He didn't think the other party would be so exaggerated!

Sending ten Death Star Fortress battle groups at one time means that they have the ability to supply at least 50 Death Star Fortress battle groups.

That ability is beyond the reach of even the Wright civilization.

You know, the Wright Civilization is only 23 Death Star Fortress battle groups.

"No, let's get rid of the other party first, then we will shrink the defense line and send 5 Death Star Fortress battle groups, and then carry 15 World Destruction Fission Missiles. 35

At this time, the leader of the Wright civilization said in a deep voice.

"If the opponent really has the firepower of seven Death Star Fortress battle groups, it means that Vergo's three Death Star Fortress battle groups have the possibility of all sacrifices."

"We have too little experience in fighting with civilization, and I think Vergo may not be the opponent's opponent."

"So, we have to prepare for the worst.

The leader of the Wright civilization crossed his hands and looked at the elders.

"However, this will put a lot of pressure on our Hexin mining area. If we deploy 5 Death Star Fortress battle groups at one time, it will lead to loopholes in the defense in many places."

An elder said with some concern.

"Then just give up the places that cannot be defended, and tighten the defense line to reduce losses as much as possible!

"If we lose this battle, what's the point of holding the Hexin mining area?"

The leader of the Wright civilization has a sharp eye: "On the contrary, if we can give priority to destroying this powerful advanced arm-level civilization, then we may be able to make breakthroughs in technology, and then we want to take back what we gave up. A breeze! 35

As an excellent leader, he is no longer a short-term gain or loss.

Instead, look to the future.

After saying this, the elders didn't say much.

They are still very confident in Vergo, even if the opponent is really lost, they can definitely give the opponent a painful price.

In this way, plus the five Death Star Fortress battle groups sent out later, and 15 World Destruction Fission Missiles.

As long as there are no more than 15 Death Star Fortress battle groups sent by the other party this time, then they all have the confidence to gnaw them all down!

"Then do as the leader says!

"Well, deal with this matter as soon as possible, and let that kid Leon be in charge of this matter.

"Leon is really good, just leave it to him!

A group of elders quickly finalized the plan.

Then, the Wright Civilization began to rapidly deploy troops.

The five Death Star Fortress battle groups that had just come down from the battlefield and were still braving their murderous aura.

Carrying 15 ultimate weapons of the Wright civilization, the world-annihilating fission missiles rushed towards the second arm.

If it is normal.

If it is really an aggression launched by a powerful advanced arm-level civilization with sixty or seventy Death Star Fortress battle groups.

Then, the Wright Civilization may also repel the opponent.

After all, the power of the world-destroying fission missile is indeed amazing.

But unfortunately, Shen Yi can actually be counted as a 'local' with the second forearm spin.

It is not the so-called foreign advanced arm-spinning civilization at all.

Coupled with the double plug-ins he has, if the Wright Civilization immediately dispatches the entire army and dispatches all the fleets, it may cause trouble for him.

Even, to defeat him directly, can only give up this great site.

But unfortunately, the intelligence of the Wright civilization went wrong.

It caused them to take a wrong step, and now they are just a fly that has fallen into a cobweb and is struggling to the death.

0.・・Ask for flowers.

And at this moment, in the first forearm spin.

Three Death Star Fortress battle groups led by Vergo.

It was also quietly surrounded by the five Death Star Fortress battle groups controlled by Shen Er.

Countless airtight attacks were pounding toward the three Death Star Fortress battle groups led by Virgo.

It was true that they were a little dizzy.

"Damn, how many enemies are besieging us!

Vergo held onto the chair tightly, trying his best to stabilize his body in the frantically shaking command room.

The other party's artillery fire is too terrifying, and the electromagnetic shielding function is simply terrible.

Makes their radar hardly useful.

The only thing they can determine now is the location of the enemy.

However, it was impossible to know the approximate number of warships that the other party launched an attack.

Otherwise, he would have thrown a few World Destruction fission missiles directly!

But the opponent's attack seems to be everywhere, and it seems that a shot will change the place, and the moving speed is amazing.

It made him unable to determine whether the attack came from a small number of elite fleets.

Or from the opponent's main fleet.

If it killed several elite fleets with World Destruction fission missiles, even if there were many A-class (arm-spinning) warships.

That is definitely a bloody business.

Moreover, if you can't destroy the entire Death Star Fortress battle group with a single fission missile.

Then, everything is equivalent to meaningless.

It won't change the tide of the battle at all.

In other words, the Death Star Fortress that can destroy the opponent is also fine!

But he can't determine the location of the other party's Death Star Fortress at all now, but their energy is falling madly.

What made him feel even worse was that he was under siege.


Can the supply fleet really make it through?

If it weren't for the fact that he had brought some supply ships with him when he came.

At this moment, I am afraid that the energy has long been consumed by the other party.

"No, I can't continue like this! Retreat in the direction of Qingxiao Empire! By the way, I gave an order to let the fleets of Qingxiao Empire, Hunting Wen Civilization and Qianshuang Civilization come to harass each other!

Vergo quickly gave the order.

He didn't do it all to break through.

Rather, it allows the enemy fleet to gather.

Either let them go, or concentrate their forces to block the road.

And once the other party chooses the latter option, then he will directly give the other party a shot and beat out all the previous grievances!

He didn't think that the other party could block the World Destruction Fission Missile.

Although the technology level of the world destroying fission missile is only A (arm rotation level).

But the power is definitely at the pinnacle of the A-level (arm rotation level).

Unless it is an S-class (arm-rotor-class) battleship, it is absolutely impossible to block the world-annihilation fission missile.

The movement on Vergo's side also caught the attention of Shen Yi and Shen Er.

Seeing the three Death Star Fortress battle groups suddenly charging towards the rear at full speed, Shen Yi raised his brows slightly.

"It seems that the other party is trying to break through, but it may also be a trick, do you have any countermeasures?"

Shen Yi glanced at Shen Er who had a calm expression and asked.

Although the other party is a robot, it is under his setting.

Those mental activities will still be shown on the face.

This will also make Shen Er behave more like a human!

He will also look more comfortable.

"Yes, let's use the tactical pulse jamming missile first. If the other party really wants to play the knife trick at this moment, they will definitely relax some of their own defenses to make us believe more."

"And this is the chance I've been waiting for!

Shen Er replied calmly: "The other party's current actions are still in my calculations. 55

Shen Yi couldn't help but feel a sympathy for the other party in his heart.

Facing a super command robot that can deduce various battle situations in advance, it is definitely a very desperate thing.

However, Shen Er's situation cannot be replicated.

Her own technology-based battleship battle commander is actually not that good.

It's just that because of the hundredfold strengthening system, she has been increased in all aspects.

Therefore, it has the powerful ability now.

If it is a normal combat commander, it is at the same level as Shen Er.

But at most it is just to assist the captain in commanding.

It is simply impossible for Shen Er to play the three Death Star Fortress battle groups of the advanced arm-spinning civilization with applause.

Although Shen Yi didn't know exactly what Shen Er was going to do.

However, he had already foreseen the opponent's fate.

"By the way, master, I will sacrifice a few induced warships to attract the super weapons that may exist on the other side, which will cause some considerable losses."

Shen Er reminded.

"It doesn't matter, just leave the other party behind. 35

Shen Yi didn't care about this loss.

In a war with a civilization of the same level, there is no sacrifice!

It is already a huge victory to be able to solve the opponent at the least cost.

What's more, the value of his warships is actually not as good as one ten thousandth of the opponent's, even if it is exchanged for one or even ten for one, one hundred for one is a blood gain.

Of course, the same level of warships will still have this kind of loss.

Then Shen Er's command ability is very doubtful.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Er respectfully replied.

The next moment, thousands of interstellar fighters were immediately released from the Death Star Fortress.

Among them, tactical pulse jamming missiles are suspended in the belly compartment of several interstellar fighters.

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