In addition, there are 20 Shadow Killer-class ghost battleships lurking nearby.

It also quietly approached the three Death Star Fortress battle groups of the Wright Civilization.

Inside the magazines of these Shadow Killer-class ghost battleships.

Also loaded with several tactical pulse jamming missiles.

With their concealment ability, they can definitely touch each other within 30 million kilometers.

However, because the two sides are fighting fiercely at the moment.

Therefore, this distance may be farther, about 50 million kilometers.

As for using artificial wormholes to launch, Shen Yi didn't think about it.

But unfortunately, the fluctuation generated by the artificial wormhole is too great, and the other party has the ability to find it.

Once detected, these missile attacks are easily intercepted.

However, now there are two attack methods, which is actually very good.

At this moment, Vergo was facing attacks from all directions, but he did not notice the movements on Shen Yi's side.

When these starfighters approached them after a full 20 million kilometers.

Their radar detected the information here.

"General Vergo, there are a lot of energy fluctuations, and it is heading towards us at a speed of Mach 380,000, but it seems that it is not a battleship, but a star fighter!

In the command room of the main Death Star Fortress, a soldier shouted hurriedly.

At this moment, facing such an overwhelming attack, even these soldiers were a little panicked.

It is not that they have not encountered dense monsters attacking them.

However, such a direct shot across a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers makes them completely unclear about the attack method of the other party there.

It was the first time they faced each other.

Moreover, the firepower of the other party seems to have no conflict at all.

Like raindrops, it fell on them densely.

This psychological blow is undoubtedly very terrifying.

If they weren't, they would be considered veterans who had been fighting for hundreds of years. If they were ordinary recruits, they would have been frightened long ago.

"Interstellar fighter? But it didn't reach the speed of A-level (arm-spinning level), it should only be a B-level (arm-spinning-level) level star fighter, fortunately! 99

"Nine Zero Seven" breathed a sigh of relief in Vergo's heart.

As long as it is not an A-level (arm-spinning) level interstellar fighter, there is not much threat to them.

However, this also cannot be taken lightly.

"All the first to twelfth star fighter squadrons take off, don't let each other get too close. 35

Vergo ordered.

Who knew these space warships might not come with some weird stuff.

He didn't dare to take the risk of blocking the other party to come to die.

Moreover, he has full confidence in his own starfighter squadron.

After all, in many cases, in order to save resources, they sent space fighters to deal with monsters that were not particularly strong.

At the same level, he did not think that the other party could compete with them.

Unless the opponent is also battle-hardened!

It is a strong man who was killed from the dead!

"Yes! The first ~ twelfth hangar is open! Please take off the first ~ twelfth starfighter group!"

The next moment, on the three Death Star Fortresses, twelve hatches opened one after another.

A large number of interstellar fighters are densely packed like bees flying out of a honeycomb.

The Wright Civilization's star fighter squadron has a full 700 aircraft.

Twelve star fighter squadrons, adding up to a total of 8,400 aircraft.

Although it is only B-level (arm-spinning level), it is enough to destroy an intermediate arm-spinning-level civilization.

Although firepower, defense and other aspects are not as high-level warships, the flexibility of interstellar fighters is not comparable to that of warships.

After giving this order, Virgo didn't pay attention here.

Instead, he looked at the soldier in charge of the radar.

"Is there a large enemy force ahead?"5

Vergo asked.

"The general has not been found yet. The electromagnetic shielding ability of the other party is too terrible. Unless we aim all the radar waves ahead and turn on the maximum power, we will not be able to detect the general situation ahead."

The soldier in charge of the radar said immediately.

However, he is also very clear in his heart that this situation is actually quite normal.

After all, the enemy they faced before was the monster in the Hexin mining area.

There is simply no such electromagnetic barrier capable of shielding radar signals.

Plus they have no civilized threat.

Therefore, their radar function is actually very backward, and it cannot reach the level of advanced arm rotation level civilization at all.

At this moment, facing an enemy of the same level, there will naturally be a difference.

If it were not for this reason, they would not have fallen into this passive situation at all.

However, after all, he is just a little soldier in charge of radar, although his rank is not low, even because of his post in Death Star Fortress.

Compared with many officers one or two ranks higher, they can be on an equal footing.

However, if you look at the entire Wright civilization, it seems insignificant.

Even if he did, no one would listen to him.

Before what happened now, let those high-level officials believe that there will be enemies attacking the Wright civilization?

How is that possible!

If an advanced arm-spinning civilization wants to fight across the river system, it will inevitably hurt its muscles.

That's a sign that only top-level arm-spinning civilizations can do.

There is no advanced arm-spinning civilization that is so crazy.

After all, fighting across rivers meant that supplies would be very difficult, and the fleet sent out was like a kite with a broken string.

Which civilization would dare to take such a risk to fight at someone else's home?

And if the opponent is a top-level arm rotation-level civilization, then there is no need to fight.

They just raised their hands and surrendered.

It is precisely because of this that the radar has not been paid attention to, and at this moment, it has suffered a big deflation.

However, after exploring towards the front at full power.

They finally got some results!

"General, we have detected a large number of fleets 700 million kilometers ahead, including more than 50 A-class (arm-spinning) battleships, and more than 3,000 B-class (arms-spinning) battleships.

"However, it is hard to say whether there is a Death Star burst, but there is a huge vacancy in the center of the opponent's fleet, which is suspected to be the possible location of the Death Star Fortress!

The soldier in charge of the radar said excitedly.

In the vast interstellar battlefield, radar is the eyes of the fleet.

In addition to judging the general situation of the opposing fleet through the transmitted signals, it is impossible for them to achieve holographic projection.

Unless it is close to the distance of 5 million kilometers.

However, this information is enough to make Vergo feel excited.

"Okay, the other party really appeared! The world-destroying fission missiles are ready! Kill them for me!

Vergo waved and ordered.

He didn't think that the other party was still cheating him at such a time.

Because there is no reason at all, does the other party know that he has a super weapon?

And if they don't know, what is the difference between the other party doing this and letting them go.

Virgo didn't think that this ruthless and merciless civilization would think of letting them go.

The only possibility is that the other party hides the Death Star Fortress.

More importantly, if the other party knows they have super weapons.

He also didn't think the other party would be willing to use so many A-class (arm-spinning) battleships and B-class (arm-spinning-class) battleships to seduce them.

Are A-class (arm-spinning) warships and B-class (arm-spinning) warships worthless?

Although the value of the Death Star Fortress is indeed amazing, it does not exceed the value of these battleships!

Moreover, even if the other party doesn't take the battleship seriously, can it still not take human life seriously?

Which civilization would dare to use its own soldiers as bait?

Are you really afraid that those soldiers will mutiny on the spot?

It is precisely because of this that he firmly believes that the other party is just too confident.

"Do you think our radar can't find you?"

"But it's a pity that you used the wrong object in your plan!"

Virgo smiled coldly.

At this time, the adjutant on the side also came over and said: "General, the fission missile is ready! 95

As a super weapon, the World Destruction Fission Missile is naturally always preset in the launch position.

Just load the fuze into it, and you can enter the launch state at any time.

At this moment, in less than half a minute, the ready-to-shoot state has been completed.

Vergo was also afraid that the battle would be fleeting.

It directly started the launch verification of the World Destruction Fission Missile, and then slapped it on the launch button.


A cold smile appeared on his face, as if he had seen the wreckage in the sky.

As the most powerful weapon of the Wright civilization, the world-annihilation cracking missile naturally has its powerful reason.

Even if the Death Star burst at the A-level (arm-spinning level) level, it is as fragile as paper in front of the World Destruction Fission Missile.

This is an attack that only S-class (arm-spinning) ships can resist.

The power is no less than that produced by the explosion of some smaller stars.

Of course, the killing range is definitely not as good as that of a star explosion.

The shock of a stellar explosion can easily affect distances of several light-years.

It's just an advanced arm rotation-level civilization, and it can't master this level of destructive weapons.

The World Destruction fission missile was also quickly shot from the Death Star Fortress where Vergo was riding.

At the sub-light speed of more than 700,000 Machs, it flew towards the target.

This terrifying speed is difficult for even the top arm-spin-level civilization to intercept.

And at the moment when the missile was launched.

Shen Er caught the movement.

"The other party really has a super weapon, it seems that my calculation is correct. 55

The corner of Shen Er's mouth evoked a sneer.

It's a pity that the opponent's super weapon can't play any role when she has calculated it.

"I just don't know how powerful this weapon is."

Shen Yi's expression was slightly condensed, and sure enough, these advanced arm-spinning civilizations cannot be taken lightly at all.

The speed of this missile actually reached more than 700,000 Mach.

You know, the speed of light is only Mach 880,000.

This means that the opponent's speed is very close to the speed of light.

I am afraid that even among the S-class (arm-spinning) warships, they are all very fast.

Once locked by this thing, the Death Star Fortress has no chance to escape at all.

Fortunately, Shen Er had already calculated this possibility, otherwise the loss would definitely not be the same as it is now.

"The opponent's attack will arrive in 50 minutes. Seventy percent of the battleships I left behind are frigates, which can test the opponent's power to the maximum extent."5

Shen Er also stared at the screen and said solemnly.

With the enhanced frigates such as Shen Yi, even in the same level, they are definitely very top-notch existences.

The super weapon used to test the opponent is suitable.

Moreover, this loss is simply incomparable to the resources that will be obtained.

Therefore, Shen Yi is not distressed either.

"Fifty minutes... It seems that we have to consider upgrading the artificial wormhole generator and the artificial wormhole beacon.

Shen Yi touched his chin and pondered.

Fifty minutes are nothing in the space battlefield.

There is simply no way to escape the lock of the other party.

But in fact, for artificial wormhole technology, it has been very long.

Coupled with the fact that the Death Star Fortress can carry other warships to move with it.

It is completely possible to complete the transfer when the other party launches.

However, the current technology of artificial wormhole generation ships is still too poor.

The torn artificial wormhole can only pass through B-class (arm-spinning) warships at the highest.

Not to mention the Death Star Fortress battle group, even an A-class (arm-spinning) battleship could not pass.

However, if you want to upgrade the artificial wormhole technology, you still have to look at the artificial wormhole research laboratory.

Although the artificial wormhole research room can be upgraded with the base level.

But if you want to really upgrade, you have to need other conditions.

This is not only a resource issue, but mainly because the blueprints for artificial wormhole-related technologies are rather troublesome.

At least 10 D-class (arm-spinning) blueprints related to artificial wormhole technology are required.

Only then can the level of the artificial wormhole research laboratory be upgraded to the intermediate level.

And now he has only collected only 3 of them.

Of course, it would be better if there could be a C-level (arm-spinning) level blueprint.

Only three cards are needed to directly meet the needs.

And if it is a blueprint at the B-level (arm rotation level) level, it only needs one to directly meet the needs.

But unfortunately, he has not encountered these things at all.

However, when he eats these three Death Star Fortress battle groups, he may be able to explode.

After all, these three Death Star Fortress battle groups are at least C-level (arm-spinning) level battleships.

The blueprint that exploded, the lowest will be C-level (arm rotation level).

Fifty minutes is actually a long time.

However, Shen Er did not give the other party a chance to see the result.

When the other party made a move, he also chose to make a move.

Although the space fighter was intercepted by the other side.

But starfighters and ghost ships are themselves a bright and dark combination.

At the same time, rely on the ghost warship to sneak into the vicinity and launch tactical pulse jamming missiles at close range.

It would be better if the starfighters could break through the enemy's defenses.

Even if you can't break through, there is still a ghost battleship on top.

And Shen Er also quickly calculated the plan, and after confirming that it was correct, he directly sent the surrounding five Death Star Fortress battle groups to attack.

Because the battleships that were drawn as bait were basically frigates.

Therefore, the firepower on Shen Yi's side did not decrease at all.

In addition to the effect brought by the title, the power is even comparable to the six-and-a-half Death Star burst battle group.

However, this wave of offensive is no different from the previous one.

Therefore, Vergo didn't care too much at all.

In Virgo's thoughts, if nothing else, this wave of attacks can consume a lot of their energy.

But it will take some time to break through their defenses.

However, he did not know that there were already 20 Shadow Killer-class ghost battleships quietly lurking within 20 million kilometers away from them.

For the sake of being conservative, the location of these Shadow Killer-class ghost battleships is not too close to each other.

with the passage of time.

When this wave of attacks was only 50 million kilometers away from the Wright civilization fleet.

Shen Er did not hesitate to let the Shadow Killer-class ghost battleship launch an attack.

A full 100 tactical pulse jamming missiles flew towards the three Death Star Fortress battle groups of the Wright Civilization at the same time.

Although the tactical pulse jammer is only B-level (arm rotation level) level.

But their flight speed has reached Mach 400,000.

This has reached the lowest speed of the A-level (arm-spinning level), and only at the A-level (arm-spinning level) level can there be a possibility of dodging.

And such a close-range attack made Vergo startled.

"How can there be an attack here! What the hell is a radar doing!" 3.6

Looking at the 20 warships that suddenly appeared at a distance of only 20 million kilometers from them, he couldn't help roaring.

At the same time, a cold sweat broke out in my heart.

If it weren't for the missiles fired by the other side, the speed would be only Mach 400,000.

I am afraid that at most there is only a B-level (arm rotation level) level.

It can't be too destructive to them.

I am afraid he will despair.

If he was attacked by a world-destroying fission missile at such a close distance.

Then he can already write a suicide note on the spot.

This terrifying invisibility technology is simply more terrifying than the most invisible shadow beast he has ever seen.

The soldier in charge of the radar was also a little flustered: "General, the opponent's missiles are too flexible, we may not be able to lock them all, and it is estimated that we can only intercept about 70% at most! 35

Seventy percent is about 70 pieces.

This means that there will still be more than twenty missiles falling on them.

This is not good news for them.

Since the other party brought these missiles to such a close distance to launch.

This proves that these missiles must be of special use.

Either the power is amazing, or the effect is special.

In short, no matter what the situation is, if these missiles hit their fleet, it will not be a good result.

"Let all three ace star fighter squadrons take off! Even if they hit them with fighter jets, intercept these missiles for me!""

Vergo clenched his teeth and ordered quickly.

Looking at those flying missiles, he had a vague feeling of unease in his heart.

He didn't think that the other party would make useless work, but this kind of missile is not particularly fast, at most it is the product of the B-level (arm rotation level).

He had no idea what the B-level (arm-rotor) missiles could do to him.

But he was sure that the other party was definitely not trying to scare him.

Judging from the murderousness of the other party, this is likely to be some kind of attack planned by the other party.

However, all three ace star fighter squadrons took off, and they could easily intercept all these missiles.

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