These ace star fighter squadrons, even for the death star fortress battle group of the Wright civilization.

are very important roles.

Because, each Death Star Fortress battle group is equipped with only one ace starfighter brigade.

Each ace star fighter team is composed of 200 A-level (arm-spinning) level star fighters.

Fighter pilots are carefully selected among millions of pilots.

Definitely the most elite group of ace drivers in the Wright Civilization.

Even in the face of a battleship of the same level, it can easily take down the opponent with ten.

And these 600 A-class (arm-spinning) star fighters consist of three ace brigade.

You can even challenge those A-class (arms-class) fleets that are not equipped with the Death Star Fortress.

To intercept 100 missiles in this area is simply overkill.

However, for the sake of safety, Vergo issued such an order.

But unfortunately, these A-level (arm-spinning) interstellar fighters are also in Shen Er's calculations.

Therefore, it did not bring her any trouble.

Just as these 600 A-class (arm-spinning) starfighters just took off.

The harsh siren sounded into Virgo's ears.

"ALERT ALERT! Artificial Wormhole Wave Detected, 8 Million Kilometers away!

"Alarm Alert! Artificial Wormhole Detected..."

Vergo's face changed drastically: "What? This time it went directly to 8 million kilometers?"

He could hardly believe his ears.

What is the concept of 8 million kilometers?

If you switch to those laser weapons that reach the speed of light.

It only takes more than twenty seconds at most to hit them.

With the attack range of the arm rotation level, it is no different from hitting them with a gun tube!

If it is the Death Star Fortress battle group, there is no need to worry about the opponent's attack.

With the protection of the energy barrier, before the energy is exhausted, the opponent cannot break through their defense at all.

But for interstellar fighters, it is completely different.

Even starfighters also have a certain defense.

But under the attack of the A-level (arm-spinning level) level, there is absolutely no possibility of resistance.

Coupled with the intensive artillery fire that the opponent can use 100% of the time.

If these starfighters are out of the range of the energy barrier.

It will definitely melt under the opponent's attack in an instant.

This feeling of being directly interrupted by someone, made Virgo so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

He has little experience in fighting civilization though.

But how could he not understand that this artificial wormhole opened by the other party was aimed at the ace star fighter team that they took off!

07 In this case, even if he forces the ace starfighter team to take off, it will only increase casualties.

But if the ace star fighter squadron did not take off, they would not be able to intercept all the missiles.

For a time, he was directly caught in a dilemma.

"General, why don't you let the ace star fighter squadron wait in the energy barrier, and then choose to attack after the opponent's attack is over! 39

"Anyway, the opponent's speed is not particularly fast, and it's still too late!

At this time, the adjutant on the side said in a low voice.

Virgo's eyes suddenly lit up, this is indeed a good way.

However, at such a close distance, even if they do intercept it, it is probably too late.

However, he actually had a bit of luck in his heart.

After all, the level of these missiles is probably B-level (arm rotation level).

Even if they resisted this wave of attacks, could the opponent still kill them all?

"Then do this, let the ace star fighter team stand by in the energy barrier, wait for the opponent to attack, and immediately go to intercept!""

Vergo quickly gave the order.

And the three ace star fighter squadrons that flew out of the Death Star Fortress.

He also quickly waited in the energy barrier.

In terms of executing orders, these ace star fighter squadrons are still very reliable, and they are basically static.

But, when these starfighters stopped and waited.

After half a minute, they still did not see the attack released from the artificial wormhole that was opened.

This made Virgo and the other soldiers a little confused.

"Is this kidding us?

Vergo's face became very ugly.

He had never heard of any battleship that could remain unactivated after it was fully charged.

Wouldn't the barrel really be broken!

This proves that the opponent did not have a cohesive attack at all.

Although he didn't plan to let the ace star fighter team go out, there was still a hint of grievance in his heart.

It was as if all his thoughts had been calculated to death by the other party.

"Could there be such a terrifying commander in this world?

Virgo had some doubts in his heart.

Soon, these missiles also entered the interception range.

The close defense means of the Death Star Fortress battle group were immediately revealed.

A large number of laser weapons were triggered, and countless missiles took off and intercepted them.

Of course, this is only part of the close-up weapons.

After all, they also need to beware of subsequent attacks by the opponent's main fleet.

If there is no close defense weapon to intercept the attack of the opponent's main fleet, then they will at least consume more than 50% of the energy.

Under the interception of these weapons, a large number of tactical pulse jamming missiles were intercepted halfway.

In the end, it was almost the same as what the Wright Civilization calculated.

Only twenty-three tactical pulse jammers penetrated the firepower network.

Approaching a place less than 500,000 kilometers away from the other party.

This distance is basically unstoppable.

At the full speed of Mach 400,000, the tactical pulse jamming missile would only take three or four seconds to reach the distance of 500,000 kilometers.

Even those ace star fighter squadrons at this distance simply cannot intercept them all.

What's more, at this moment, these ace star fighter squadrons are still suppressed in the energy barrier, and they don't dare to come out to intercept them.

The only thing they can do now is to wait for the missile to reach 200,000 kilometers before choosing to go out to intercept it.

Otherwise, it is easy to lead to useless work, whether it is the mother or the queen.

But these tactical pulse jamming missiles are not used to attack the opponent at all.

Instead, it interferes with the other party and interrupts the other party's energy barrier.

So, they are theoretically pulse waves.

You don't need to get too close at all to have an effect on the other party.

When there was still 200,000 kilometers away from the Wright Civilization fleet, the twenty-three tactical pulse jamming missiles exploded instantly.

It turned into a blue ripple and washed away toward the front.

Vergo's face changed in an instant.

"It's a pulse attack! Damn!"

Pulse attack is naturally impossible for him to be unfamiliar. In the Hexin mining area, they have encountered many monsters with this ability.

The ability to instantly interfere with their electronic devices when they just encountered it.

It really caused them a lot of trouble.

However, they have no means of defense in the face of such means.

Only the impact of pulse attacks on them can be reduced as much as possible.

With the ability of the Wright Civilization Death Star Fortress battle group today, it is possible to restore the electronic equipment within three seconds.

But it's fine if it's normal.

But they are now about to be attacked by more than six Death Star Fortress battle groups!

Attacks of this level, even if they have energy barriers, need to consume a lot of energy to resist.

And if there is no protection of energy, their Death Star Fortress battle group, I am afraid that there will be huge casualties in an instant.

The opponent's Death Star Fortress is not a decoration, it is an extremely thick laser beam that spans hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

Enough to inflict huge damage on them.

What's more, there are those other warships' attacks.

It can be said that at this moment Vergo was faced with the deadliest crisis he had ever faced!

"Immediately launch a world-annihilating fission missile and attack the two largest attacks! Be sure to block this wave of attacks! Otherwise, none of us will want to live!

Vergo quickly shouted into the channel.

Now their time is running out!

Once let those pulse attacks scrape their fleet.

Their energy barriers will collapse and disappear, and their electronic devices will fail.

Even if they can recover within three seconds, where did they get three seconds now!

Moreover, he found that the opponent's attack just fell on the node where they were hit.

This means that it is all calculated by the other party.

In this deadly three-second period, it is absolutely impossible for them to have any chance of survival.

Fortunately, when he ordered the launch of the world-destroying fission missile before.

The commanders of the other two Death Star fortresses have already given orders to prepare the World Destruction Fission Missile for pre-launch.

Otherwise, if it takes half a minute to install the fuze, I am afraid that the daylily will be cold.

Once the electronic equipment fails, they have no chance of launching a world-destroying fission missile.

Moreover, even if there is this opportunity, the damage of such a close detonation will only be greater.


Two sturdy missiles were propelled by blue flames.

Fly in the direction of the highest concentration of previously detected attacks.

There is a full Mach 700,000, which is a world-annihilating fission missile that is close to the speed of light.

Almost 300,000 kilometers away from the Death Star Fortress in an instant.

In less than four seconds, it was more than a million kilometers away!

This terrifying speed makes the scalp numb.

However, Vergo's face did not look good.

"Too close... this is too close! Still farther! At least not in the center of the explosion!

There was a hint of fear in his eyes.

But now there is no way, under the sudden attack of the pulse attack.

He can only make such a decision.

Otherwise, that intensive attack is enough to make them pay a heavy price.

Now they are surrounded by more than six Death Star Fortress battle groups.

The loss suffered by one point is too great, and there is no possibility of escape at all.

Ten seconds later, the World Extinction fission missile flew almost 3 million kilometers!

However, the cabin turned into darkness in an instant.

Pulse attack has arrived!

In just an instant, the electronic equipment of the entire Death Star Fortress was forcibly turned off.

If it weren't for their experience in this area, their countermeasures were not bad, I'm afraid many electronic devices would be directly burned in this wave.

However, Rao is so that they have been unable to carry out more operations.

Only some mechanically operated turrets were still firing.

However, what can this do?

A mechanical device that can be operated by a human can also deal with an interstellar fighter of the same level.

But for a battleship of the same level, it is no different from scratching a tickling.

It doesn't weaken the power of the incoming artillery fire at all.

Moreover, because of the shutdown of the radar, they could not judge how far the World Destruction Fission Missile flew.

This is what worries Vergo the most.

Within the range of 4 million kilometers, it is in the maximum killing range of the world-annihilating fission missile.

With today's defense, I am afraid that only A-class (arm-spinning) warships can survive by luck with their own shells.

But it also has a very high probability of being destroyed.

And if it is lower than the A-class (arm-spinning class) battleship, it will be directly shredded.

The entire Death Star Fortress battle group, not one in a hundred!

Unless they can get out of the 5 million km range, at a distance beyond the maximum kill range, then the B-class (arm-spinning) ships will survive.

It's a pity that they don't have an energy barrier now, otherwise the probability of survival will be greatly improved.

But now, all they can do is pray to God.

However, Vergo did not regret his order.

Because he knew that if he did not launch these two world-annihilating fission missiles.

In the end, only the Death Star Fortress and a small number of A-class (arm-swirl-class) battleships may survive.

After all, under the impact of the pulse, they were no different from standing and letting each other fight.

The next moment, Virgo was within sight.

A blue spot appeared.

He narrowed his eyes subconsciously, because he knew that this was the situation after the explosion of the World Destruction fission missile.

If he does not take precautions to look directly, even his strengthened eyes will be instantly blinded.

The moment after the blue light spot appeared, the dark space of the universe seemed to be torn apart by a band of blue light.

This blue light band seems to have no edge on both sides.

And, a giant blue sun.

At the place where the blue dot was before, it slowly rose.

At this moment, it is like the moment when the night and the dawn alternate, the stars are slowly rising...

Beautiful and full of deadly danger.

"Damn... can't get out of the core area!

Vergo's face became pale, and his eyes were full of fear.

He seemed to have seen his own death.

In the event of massive losses in the fleet.

Even if only three Death Stars exploded, they would not have any chance of escape.

After all, the other party can also have a Death Star Fortress of the same level.

Plus a massive Death Star Fortress battle group.

Enough to keep them all!

At this moment, he regretted that he was too careless, and he chose to take the initiative to attack without knowing the intelligence of the other party.

Later, after being attacked by the other party, he just chose to stay in place.

He didn't expect that the other party would surround him with 907s.

But now it's too late to say anything... The world-destroying fission missiles in front of them are enough to make them drink a pot!

One left and one right two rising blue stars.

The three Death Star Fortress battle groups of the Wright Civilization have been completely pinched in the center.

There's no chance of any luck at all.


A terrible blue wave swept in.

The battleships at the forefront turned into debris in an instant.

The largest piece is not even more than half a meter in size.

Those A-class (arm-spinning) starfighters were not spared at all.

These are the top ace fighter squadrons in the Wright Civilization.

Even in this battle, it did not play any role, and it was decomposed into countless fragments under this terrible impact.

Finally, there are those A-class (arm-spinning) level warships.

Although the impact did not directly tear their hulls.

But it pushed them towards the surrounding debris and other warships.

Even a battleship of the A-class (arm-spinning class) level, under this impact, is like a flat boat in the huge waves.

What's more, they still have no energy barrier.

Only the Death Star Fortress, with its sturdy shell, persevered firmly.

However, the appearance of these Death Star Fortresses has also become extremely miserable, full of countless large and small 'craters'

On the worst Death Star Fortress, there was even an A-class (arm-swirl-class) battleship inlaid.

The degree of damage has reached more than 40%.

Fortunately, however, the attacks from Shen Yi's Death Star Fortress battle group were all blocked by these two terrifying attacks.

Otherwise, the remaining Death Star fortresses and A-class (arm-spinning) battleships will definitely be smashed into slag in an instant.

"What kind of attack is this!

In the distance, Shen Yi, who saw this scene up close through the Shadow Killer-class ghost battleship, couldn't help but widen his eyes, his eyes full of shock.

Is this the super weapon of the Wright civilization?

Is this the foundation of advanced arm-spinning civilization?

This is a little too perverted!

The farthest attack range of the other party has even reached 300 million kilometers.

The attack level of this place is still comparable to the main gun attack of a B-class (arm-spinning) level battleship.

It is conceivable how terrible this super weapon is...

Fortunately, Shen Er planned properly, first deceived the opponent's super weapon.

Then he directly set up a combination of punches to knock the opponent into a daze.

Otherwise, how much would he suffer a little loss?

If according to his previous command method, these five Death Star Fortress battle groups, I am afraid all will be left there.

"However, is the other party's last attack in order not to give us their technology?"

Shen Yi said with some doubts.

Before the Shadow Killer-class ghost ship was destroyed.

He saw those battleships below the A-class (arm-spinning class), which were instantly torn into countless pieces.

There is simply no way that any technology will survive.

This kind of ruthless means to his own people, even his scalp is numb.

However, the opponent simply left behind only the A-class (arm-spinning) battleship and the Death Star Fortress, which made him a little uncertain.

Could it be that in this situation, the other party still expects to escape?

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