Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 118: Good guy, is Qianshuang civilization so courageous?\r

However, what Shen Yi never expected was.

When his fleet was heading for the third arm of the Chiyan civilization.

I actually met the fleet of Qianshuang Civilization on the way.

The opponent has gathered a fleet of fifteen B-class (arm-swivel-class) battleships to come over!

I'm afraid that most of the family's foundation will be taken out.

"Is this civilization crazy? How dare he!"

Shen Yi's eyes were full of shock.

Is this Qianshuang civilization head so iron?

This is probably crazier than the Frost Demon civilization he has seen before.

He dared to come up so bravely when he knew that he had the Death Star Fortress battle group.

Even Shen Yi had to admire this courage.

Or that the other party is an old licking dog, and cooperates with the Wright civilization desperately!

But he also didn't see in the information of the Wright Civilization that this Qianshuang Civilization is their dog-licking force!

"Master, are we going to destroy them all?"

Shen Er asked aloud.

"Just destroy it, everyone else has come up, and if you don't destroy it, it won't give you face!"

"By the way, by the way, send a Death Star Fortress battle group to destroy their main star system. I didn't plan to do 07 to them before."5

"In the end, they actually killed themselves!

Shen Yi spread his hands helplessly.

Before he solved the Wright Civilization, he really had no idea to deal with this Thousand Frost Civilization.

After all, the level gap between the two sides is too much.

Now that he even has S-class (arm-spinning) battleships, he doesn't even need to pay attention to the Wright civilization.

What's more, it's just a mere intermediate arm-spinning civilization.

However, if the other party takes the initiative to attack, it is another matter.

"Yes, Master!

A flash of fire flashed in Shen Er's eyes.

She has something to do before the follow-up fleet of the Wright civilization arrives!

Although this is only to deal with an intermediate arm rotation level civilization, it is completely a battle between father and son.

However, she is not picky at all.

Think of it as an appetizer before dinner starts!

Soon, the three Death Star Fortress battle groups that were originally spinning towards the third forearm.

Immediately, a fleet headed towards Qianshuang Civilization.

Since the other party has been brought to their mouths, it would be a bit too shameless if they didn't eat the other party!

At this moment, Qianshuang Civilization Fleet is here.

Still holding the excitement of stealing in my heart.

The commander-in-chief of the Qianshuang Civilization Fleet looked at the dark deep space ahead, with a smile and excitement that could not be concealed from the corners of his eyes.

As long as his plan succeeds this time, he will be one of the great men of the Qianshuang civilization in the future!

No, it should be said that the greatest great man!

Even this feat is enough to crush the great man who pushed the Qianshuang civilization to the intermediate arm rotation level!

After all, he is the existence who led Qianshuang civilization into the ranks of advanced arm-spinning civilization!

However, at this moment, a soldier in the command room panicked and shouted: "Lord Commander, we have detected a huge object moving at a super high speed at a distance of 300 million kilometers from us! The object is moving at a speed of at least Mach 450,000. above!"

"What? Above Mach 450,000?

The commander was taken aback and almost fell to the ground.

What kind of monster speed is Mach 450,000?

That has already surpassed the B-level (arm rotation level) and entered the A-level (arm rotation level).

Also, he noticed that the soldiers said over Mach 450,000, not just Mach 450,000.

This is because the speed that their radar can capture is only Mach 450,000!

This means that the opponent is a very terrifying existence even in the A-level (arm-spinning level).

"What is that, and how big is it?"

The commander-in-chief's voice trembled.

He was a little worried that this was the Death Star fortress of that civilization.

If it is really the Death Star Fortress, then they don't need to struggle.

His home stealing plan was all based on the fact that the opponent's main force was all dragged by the Wright civilization.

If they were to compete head-on, even half of the Death Star Fortress battle group was far from what they could compete against.

In other words, even if the Death Star Fortress battle group of the Death Star Fortress is excluded.

It's enough to put their entire civilization into a crisis of destruction.

Even if they have some means in the main star system, even ordinary A-class (arm-spinning) battleships cannot be easily destroyed.

But that doesn't mean they can stop the Death Star Fortress...

That level of combat power is not something they can compete with.

"About...about the size of a planet! The diameter is at least tens of thousands of kilometers..."

The soldier's face was pale, and he said this while holding back his fear.

This soldier once had the honor to go to a Wright Civilization to participate in a military parade.

Naturally know how terrifying the Death Star Fortress is.

Although the size of this one is much smaller than that of the Wright civilization.

But that is also the Death Star Fortress!

Moreover, from the speed of the opponent, it is not difficult to judge that the opponent is definitely a Death Star Fortress of the A-level (arm-spinning level).

This is simply not something they can contend with!

"It's over... The other party is definitely coming for us!"

"Why! Why is the Wright civilization such a waste! Even the other party can't be contained!

The commander-in-chief's face also turned pale.

He actually didn't think about this possibility, but it was only suppressed by him.

The temptation to sprint in this direction by acquiring the technology of an advanced arm-spinning civilization is too great.

Even if he did it all over again, he would definitely still choose to do so.

It's just that he will be more careful and vigilant, and he will never be reckless like this 907 time.

It's a pity that there is no life again, and Shen Yi will not be restrained by the mere Wright civilization.

The internal defense is so empty that an intermediate arm-spinning civilization can touch it.

At this moment, the Death Star Fortress in the distance is carrying an entire Death Star Fortress battle group.

Justice's terrifying speed of up to Mach 500,000 quickly collided with the fleet of Qianshuang Civilization.

It doesn't mean to brake at all.

A mere mid-level civilization fleet is not enough to make the Death Star Fortress battle group feel threatened.

Even, the former is not even qualified to threaten the Death Star burst battle group...

However, the commander-in-chief of Qianshuang Civilization would not be willing to just sit and wait for death.

But he was no longer in the mood to encourage any morale, so he gritted his teeth and roared: "Attack! Attack me! If you don't want to die, sink them all for me!""

Although he knew that the probability was very small, they were just a fleet of B-class (arm-spinning) warships.

Why have the guts to say that they will sink the Death Star Fortress battle group!

But he didn't want to die like this, what if a miracle happened!

In case one of their shells happened to hit the opponent's vitals, causing the opponent to explode and blowing up all the surrounding battleships!

Although these possibilities are small, it does not mean that they are completely absent.

At least, if they work hard, they can still have a glimmer of hope of survival, although this glimmer of hope is very slim.

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