Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 119: Sure enough, the Minister of Finance and the Marshal of the Military Department are nat

Of course, although the world is not short of miracles.

But the appearance of miracles is based on the fact that the levels of the two sides are not particularly large.

At least it has to be possible between the same level of civilization.

As far as the gap between Qianshuang Civilization and Shen Yi, the Death Star Fortress battle group, there is no possibility of any miracles happening.

Unless it was Shen Er who was controlling this Death Star Fortress battle group suddenly short-circuited.

A large number of artillery fire and missiles flew frantically from the more than ten fleets of Qianshuang Civilization towards the Death Star Fortress battle group flying at high speed in the distance.

At this moment, they have completely neglected to save energy and shells.

They just want to survive under the terror and oppression of the other side.

However, the distant Death Star Fortress battle group was still flying at a high speed, as if they had not noticed the incoming attacks at all.

However, this is also very normal.

If the A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group is facing an intermediate-level arm-spinning civilization, care needs to be taken.

Then, the Death Star Fortress battle group will not be touted so high.

Their status is like the status of the aircraft carrier battle group on the earth.

As long as the aircraft carrier battle group is dispatched!

So if you want to compete with the opponent, you can only launch super weapons, or also dispatch an aircraft carrier battle group of the same level.

Beyond that, no third possibility exists.

The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed, and the struggle of the Qianshuang civilization fleet was as if the ants launched an attack on the elephant.

Although it looks extremely spectacular, the actual combat power is only 5.

Facing the peak combat power of the advanced arm-spin-level civilization, the mere intermediate arm-spin-level civilization is indeed a full-fledged scumbag.

Soon, this Death Star Fortress battle group ripped apart countless artillery fire.

In the terrified eyes of the commander-in-chief of the Qianshuang Civilization Fleet, he slammed into it.


An astonishing shock wave immediately spread out towards the surroundings.

The energy barrier held up by the fleets near the impact center suddenly distorted violently.

At the same time, countless D-class (arm-spinning) battleships were twisted and torn apart instantly under this terrifying force.

Even if it's just this impact, it's still not something that their warships can contend with...

Only C-class (arm-spinning) warships could barely survive this impact.

Moreover, even if the loss is so tragic.

They also did not stop the footsteps of this Death Star Fortress battle group.

The other party was as if the elephant had smashed through a layer of spider web, and was not affected at all.

Where it was hit, a large vacuum hole appeared directly.

As for the commander-in-chief of the Thousand Frost Civilization Fleet...he had already died in the previous violent impact.

"What the hell is this...々"."

Some of the Qianshuang Civilization soldiers who were located in the marginal area and were not affected at all, looked at the vacancy with fear in their eyes.

This is a picture they simply cannot understand.

Because the Wright civilization has not launched a war against civilization very much.

Therefore, it was the first time they saw the Death Star Fortress battle group exert its power.

"Alive...are you alive?"

"Does the other party just want to pass by?"

"Great, we don't need to face this monster!

More Qianshuang Civilization soldiers cried and cried.

Facing that level of terrifying existence, the pressure brought to them is simply too great.

This is almost like an ordinary person, holding a small dagger and facing the Tyrannosaurus rex.

The gap between the two sides is enough to make people desperate.

What's more, the small dagger in his hand can't bring even the slightest sense of security to himself.

However, will Shen Er let them go?

Don't say that this group of people took the initiative to provoke a war.

The light is Shen Yi's desire to make the Horton River system his future center of power in the universe.

It is absolutely not allowed to have any civilization that can threaten itself in the Horton River System.

Even those players who have the idea of ​​getting stronger.

Shen Yi would never allow the other party to appear in his territory.

Of course, if it was such a player, he would not be willing to stay in his territory.

In this case, Shen Yi would still give face and send the other party out.


The terrifying main artillery attack from the Death Star Fortress.

Instantly blasted into the center of this incomplete fleet.

In just an instant, a circle of huge blood-colored translucent spheres spread out all around.

All the battleships that had been impacted were instantly destroyed.

Death Star Fortress Destruction Mode... A large fleet designed to destroy those low-level civilizations.

Only the Death Star Fortress battle group of the same level is capable of blocking this attack.

And if there is no Death Star Fortress, even the conventional high-level arm and civilized fleet cannot survive.

This is where the Death Star Citadel is scary.

And after the fleet that destroyed the Qianshuang civilization.

The Death Star Fortress battle group in the distance did not stop at all.

He did not want to check the elimination situation, but quickly rushed towards the big arm where Qianshuang Civilization was located.

Shen Er was very confident in the previous attack.

She didn't think any battleship could survive this level of attack.

Even if it is a powerful B-class (arm-spinning) battleship, there is absolutely no possibility.

And the fact is indeed as she predicted, there was no mistake, only a piece of wreckage remained silently in place in the space.

"`"The annihilation is complete, Shen Ling, you can go to clean the battlefield."

Shen Er retracted his gaze and said plainly.

"No problem, this wave of resources should be able to produce a lot of trial-grade Dyson spheres again!"

Shen Ling's unusually happy voice sounded.

I don't know if it was because of Shen Yi's influence.

She also has a hamster-like personality now, and it will be a particularly pleasant feeling to see these Dyson spheres gradually established.

But Shen Er turned his head over immediately after she finished speaking, his face full of dissatisfaction: "No, I annihilated this batch of enemies, and 60% of them should be used to produce warships!

And Shen Ling jumped up as if his hair was fried, and gave Shen Er's forehead a headbutt.

Straight (Nord's) made a violent metal collision sound: "Why! I don't agree! You can only have 40% at most! 99

Shen Er was not to be outdone in the slightest, as a robot, she didn't feel any pain, and she also pushed her hard: "It's just that I defeated it! 95

"You fart! Then I won't give you the resources I mine!

" can you do this!"

"What happened to me! You started first!""

The two women headbutted each other, hitting a piece of sparks.

Shen Yi, who was watching, was shocked.

Sure enough, the Minister of Finance, who is in charge of internal development, and the Marshal of the Army, who is in charge of the army, are naturally dead enemies!

The same is true for robots!

Fortunately, Shen Ling and Shen Er are both A-level (arm rotation level) robots.

You don't need to worry about body damage.

At least, this kind of headbutt that made him feel extremely terrifying had no effect on Shen Ling and Shen Er.

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