Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 121: Adjutant: I always feel that things are going too smoothly...\r

Leon's plan can be said to be very good.

This was the limit he could think of when he couldn't figure out Shen Yi's actual intelligence for the time being.

If his plan really succeeds, Shen Yi will definitely be knocked out by more than five Death Star Fortress battle groups in an instant.

However, Shen Yi has another BUG-level war robot like Shen Er.

In terms of tactical command, after many battles, he has already mastered it.

A mere Leon who has never fought against other civilizations.

How could his thoughts not be counted by Shen Er.

"Master, the opponent suddenly launched a surprise attack, presumably carrying a super weapon. We can sacrifice a small amount of warships to consume the opponent's super weapon, just like last time."

"Or let the S-class (arm-rotor-class) warships be dispatched to intercept the opponent's attack.

Shen Er's eyes flickered, constantly calculating what to say.

Compared to the last time, they took more initiative this time.

Not only can you choose to sacrifice a small number of warships, but you can also dispatch S-class (arm-spinning) warships.

Not to mention that the Aegis-class stance interference frigate can intercept 90% of the missiles.

Just hit it directly with other Assaulter-class Armed Assault Ships or Shadowman-class Ghost Ships.

You can also directly intercept the opponent's missiles.

Moreover, because of the opponent's super weapon, the highest power can only threaten the A-level (arm rotation level).

Even if it was in the center of the explosion, the S-class (arm-spinning) battleship that hit it would suffer some damage at best.

It only needs to consume a small amount of resources, and it can be repaired directly.

"Sacrifice a small amount of battleships. If the S-class (arm-spinning) battleships are dispatched, the opponent will probably run away."

After Shen Yi thought about it for a while, he spoke directly.

With the existence of the title, he can reduce the resources by 50% when making battleships.

In addition, resources can be recovered from warships.

Even if these warships were destroyed, he could still get the resources for producing warships back.

Moreover, after so many battles, Shen Yi also figured out the situation of these civilizations.

Almost the vast majority of the advanced materials he obtained from the other side came from these warships, and much less in other areas.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Er's eyes flickered, and he quickly began to finalize the plan.

In fact, she thought so too, but it was impossible for her to replace Shen Yi in making the decision.

She will make her own decisions only at those particularly critical moments and when Shen Yi has also given authorization.

Otherwise, even if she has the highest authority, she will ask Shen Yi.

Soon, the fleet on Shen Yi's side moved.

A large number of decoy fleets quickly assembled, but among these battleships.

Only a small number of warships reached the A-class (arm-spinning class) after strengthening.

This is the bait she is going to expose to the other party, so that the other party can bite the hook with confidence.

As for the huge Death Star Fortress, it was actually only a Death Star Fortress that reached the B-level (arm-swirl level) after being strengthened.

It's just that the body size is made to be particularly large, and it is no different from the Death Star Fortress of the A-level (arm-spinning level) level.

This is not a problem for Shen Yi.

As long as you think about it, don't say that it is a grade bigger, even if it is bigger by several grades, there is no problem.

It just causes a lot of waste of resources.

However, if these Death Star fortresses are used as bait to deceive the opponent's super weapons, then this loss cannot be regarded as a waste.

What's more, even if they were destroyed, Shen Yi could recover a lot of materials.

It can be said that as long as these Death Star fortresses do not move very much, the other party will never be able to find the problem...

Of course, this is also because Shen Er bullied Wright's civilization radar enough.

They can easily expose what they want to expose to the other side's eyes.

Otherwise, if you change to a civilization with a good radar function, doing so will be of little use.

As for the real Death Star Fortress battle groups, they were parked 50 billion kilometers away, beyond the range that the opponent's radar could not capture.

The radar on his side can lock the movements of the Wright civilization fleet.

Even if they are separated by a distance of 50 billion kilometers, they can still see the distance of each other.

It is completely possible to operate remotely and arrange the other party clearly.

More importantly, the upgraded artificial wormhole beacon ship and artificial wormhole generator ship are also the key this time.

Shen Yi has already made up the game and opened a huge fishing net, just waiting for the entry of the Wright Civilization...

0.・・・・Seeking flowers・・・…

At this moment, the Wright Civilization side has no idea that he has been calculated.

When Virgo was besieged before, he couldn't convey the information at all. The previous three light-years of the battlefield had been completely blocked by Shen Ling.

Although the Wright civilization used some means to know that Vergo's fleet had been completely destroyed.

But they don't even know how they were destroyed.

As a result, there was a problem with the intelligence of both sides, which caused Leon to make a serious misjudgment at the moment...

"Master General! The enemy Death Star Fortress battle group has been searched, and the enemy Death Star Fortress battle group is 500 million kilometers southeast of us!

"Lord General! The enemy Death Star Fortress battle group has been searched, and the opponent is 300 million kilometers northwest of us!


"Lord General, searched for the enemy Death Star Fortress battle group..."

A series of reminders kept ringing.

For a time, they directly searched for the appearance of seventeen Death Star Fortress battle groups.

"Good guy, I said how could that waste of Virgo fail, is there too many battle groups in the Death Star Fortress!

"What the hell are the wastes of the intelligence department doing! The other party's operation in the second arm rotation is definitely not only for a short time, I am afraid that this will soon turn the second arm rotation into a base!

Leon frowned tightly.

Even their Wright civilization has only two dozen Death Star Fortress battle groups in service.

In addition to those under construction and not in service, the total number of Death Star Fortress battle groups will not exceed 25.

But the other party dispatched 17 Death Star Fortress battle groups at one time to conduct an expedition across the river system.

This is something that the Wright civilization simply cannot do.

No matter how much time the Wright civilization takes, it will use the maximum resources.

At most, only 7 Death Star Fortress battle groups can be sent to other river systems.

It's a full two times the gap of the opponent...

It is conceivable what they would have been crushed into had it not been for the home game.

"General, are we going to release all the world-annihilating fission missiles?"

The adjutant on the side hesitated: "I always feel that things are going a little too smoothly..." Wan.

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