It is normal for him to have such doubts.

After all, they just wanted to catch the other side by surprise, and then let the other side gather the Death Star Fortress battle group.

Thus giving them the opportunity to launch a world-destroying fission missile.

But now the other party has indeed gathered all of them according to their ideas.

But isn't this going too smoothly?

It went so well that it made him feel a little outrageous!

Could it be that Vergo didn't launch a world-destroying fission missile at all!

Otherwise, if the other party knew that they were holding super weapons in their hands, would they dare to come up to pick them up?

But this is not possible!

No matter how bad the situation is, even if the opponent has seventeen Death Star Fortress battle groups besieging Vergo's three Death Star Fortress battle groups at the same time.

But it is absolutely impossible to kill Vergo in an instant.

Therefore, Vergo definitely has the opportunity to release the world-annihilating fission missile in "September 10".

He didn't think that a veteran of the Wright civilization like Vergo would not be able to do such a thing.

Leon naturally discovered this too.

He doesn't let his pride err on such things.

Instead, he asked the officer in charge of radar on the side: "How is the radar detection detecting the enemy fleet?

The officer in charge of the radar immediately reported: "General, the radar signal is not particularly strong, the radar of the other party is much more advanced than ours, we can only roughly detect the intelligence of the other party, but among the fleets scanned, there are many The energy of the A-class (arm-spinning) battleship fluctuates, and at the same time, there is a huge signal black hole at the core of the opponent. If it is not a huge planet, it must be the death star fortress of the opponent!

Hearing this, Leon was slightly relieved.

A proud smile appeared on his face again: "Then there are only two possibilities now, or the waste of Vergo really didn't put the world-annihilating fission missile."

"Either, the other party is confident enough in his own strength that he thinks that he can destroy us in the first place! 95

However, he thinks the latter is more likely.

After all, the opponent has seventeen Death Star Fortress battle groups, so it is not impossible to have such confidence.

Moreover, he guessed that the other party may have the means to intercept the world-annihilating fission missile.

Otherwise, everyone knows the power of the world-annihilating fission missile.

It is impossible not to take the life of his soldiers and soldiers as his fate.

Even his character didn't dare to come out like this.

Otherwise, if the soldiers mutiny, the problem will be serious.

"It should be like this... If this is the case, the other party will suffer a huge loss!""

The adjutant smiled reluctantly, not knowing why, although he also felt that Leon was right.

But there was still a bad feeling in my heart.

It's as if...they were frantically testing the mouth of a tiger.

What determines their fate is only whether the other party will swallow them in one bite.

However, think of those A-class (arm-spinning) tier warships detected in the opposing fleet.

He also felt that the other party could not be so crazy, and took this kind of trump card-level battleship as a bait.

Therefore, he could only suppress the unease in his heart.

Blame it on the fact that he had just come off the battlefield and had not had a good rest.

"Activate all the world-annihilating fission missiles, this time I will let the other party bleed!

Leon grinned, his eyes full of hideousness.

Although their radar technology is not very good, after all, the previous opponents were all monsters in the Hexin mining area.

But in the thousands of years those monsters fought, their weapons have been researched to the extreme!

The World Destruction Fission Missile is definitely the strongest weapon below the S level (arm rotation level)!

"Yes, General!

For a time, under Leon's order.

On the five Death Star fortresses, the deep missile silos were opened.

All fifteen World Destruction fission missiles have entered the launch state.

Along with Leon and the commander-in-chief of the other four Death Star Fortress battlegroups, the launch code was entered at the same time.

All fifteen World Destruction Fission Missiles have entered an active state, just waiting to lock on to the enemy, and when they reach the predetermined position, they will explode directly.

It will kill all the warships below the S-class (arm-spinning class) within the attack range.

"Launch! 35

Leon had no way to hesitate at all. He laughed wildly and pressed the launch button.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another blue flames rose, and the sturdy missiles took off directly.

Fly towards the locked fifteen Death Star Fortress battle groups at super high speed..

Neither Leon nor many other generals thought it was the other party's conspiracy.

Because, it is only the A-class (arm-spinning) warships that they detected.

In a Death Star Fortress battle group, a dozen ships can be found.

Seventeen ships add up to one or two hundred ships!

Using such an exaggerated number of A-class (arm-spinning) battleships as bait, even their Wright civilization would be reluctant to do such a thing.

They can't even use half of it as bait!

Not to mention the losses of the above soldiers, the complexity of the A-class (arm-spinning) warships cannot be operated intelligently at all.

Even if they can do it, the large amount of resources lost are not acceptable to them.

Unless they can do it all at once to destroy the enemy.

But if it's just used to deceive super weapons... that's impossible.

There is absolutely no need to sacrifice in other ways.

"Master, the opponent's super weapon has been fired! This time, 15 weapons have been fired, what a terrible reserve!

The moment Shen Er launched the world-annihilating fission missile on the side of the Wright Civilization.

The existence of these missiles has been discovered for the first time.

However, what made her a little bit unexpected was that the other party actually carried such a huge super weapon.

However, judging from the fact that the opponent only fired 15 super weapons.

The other party may only carry this many super 3.6 weapons.

Otherwise, why not lock the remaining two Death Star Fortress battle groups.

Of course, this may also be the other party's intention to solve it himself.

Therefore, this battle still has to be fought when the opponent is still holding a super weapon in his hand!

"Fifteen? How many super weapon reserves does the other party have..."

The corners of Shen Yi's mouth twitched, he did not forget the power of the World Destruction Fission Missile.

That shocking scene is impossible to forget after watching it once!

As long as it doesn't reach the S-class (arm-spinning) level, this thing blows up battleships below the S-class (arms-spinning) level, which is basically no different from killing chickens.

Moreover, he has not forgotten the sturdy picture of the opponent's fleet before.

The last nuclear bomb, the other party is afraid to keep for himself!

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