Because, the opponent who originally had a huge advantage.

Actually, after the artificial wormhole was only open for five seconds, it actively chose to close it.

Directly gave up the originally good situation, and also made their counterattack nowhere to be released.

"It's already in this situation, and the other party is still so careful?

Leon's mentality exploded.

This made him even more firm in his previous thoughts, and what the other party threw out was definitely some decoy battleships!

However, the other party used some unknown means, causing their radar to have a certain misunderstanding, mistaking them for the other party's Death Star Fortress battle group.

But now that this situation has appeared, he is completely powerless.

Moreover, the other party's move to close the artificial wormhole, even if he is still holding a world-annihilating fission missile in his hand.

It is absolutely impossible to cause an effective attack on the pair.

Five seconds is really too short, no matter how fast the World Extinguishing Fission Missile is, it is impossible to pass through the enemy's artificial wormhole after only five seconds of launch.

Instead, it was the fission missile that exploded next to their Death Star fortress.

It will definitely take them away in a single wave.

"The Death Star Fortress and the remaining fleets around it are all assembled, and our 910 combination new fleet rushed out at full speed!"

However, taking advantage of the gap between the opponent's attacks, Leon quickly issued an order.

As an excellent commander, Wright Civilization's less-equipped carry handle.

His ability to command is unquestionable.

Apart from the fact that his qualifications are slightly inferior due to his age, Leon has already stood at the top of the Wright Civilization in terms of command ability.

In the sense of war, and even looking at the entire history of the Wright civilization, it belongs to the top row.

At this moment, he naturally doesn't think that they still have a chance to fight back when they have explained all the super weapons and damaged a lot of battleships.

Now that it is possible to withdraw, I am afraid it is a very difficult thing.



Another four deeply shocked Death Star Fortress Commanders.

At this moment, he is also full of trust in Leon's orders.

It was executed without any hesitation.

The five huge Death Star fortresses quickly approached together, and the distance between them was not even more than 5,000 kilometers.

If it weren't for the proximity.

May cause the gravitational force between each other (ahdg) to have an effect, causing their speed to be greatly reduced.

I'm afraid they will bring each other closer!

In the face of a powerful advanced arm-spinning civilization, their mere five Death Star Fortress battle groups were like hunters on the edge of the tiger's mouth.

It's just that these hunters have already fired all the bullets.

On the other hand, the Tigers on the opposite side are still in their peak state.

Now, the only thing they can do is to rush out of the enemy's encirclement with the powerful defensive capabilities and energy reserves of the Death Star Fortress.

Moreover, they do not think that the other party can open artificial wormholes without limit.

Do artificial wormholes really need energy to open?

It is precisely because of that huge energy that limits the pace of their development of artificial wormhole technology.

Otherwise, if they master the world-destroying fission missile and the opponent's powerful artificial wormhole technology at the same time, they can instantly drop this super-powerful super weapon directly into the center of the opponent's fleet!

However, they are also a little fortunate that the other party does not have a super weapon of this level like a world-annihilating fission missile.

Otherwise, they wouldn't even have a chance to struggle.

Of course, their current situation is also not optimistic.

If they can't escape the enemy's encirclement before the energy is completely exhausted.

Then, they will definitely be left in this strange star field.

Among the bases where Shen Yi was, Shen Yi, Shen Ling, and Shen Er were three.

Sitting on three large chairs, watching the battle from a distance, the three of them even held Coke popcorn in their hands.

It's as relaxed and calm as if watching a star blockbuster.

He didn't take the opponent's goal of forming an ultra-standard Death Star Fortress battle group and trying to break through in his eyes at all.

"Shen Er, the other party is going to run away, what are you going to do?"

Shen Yi leaned back on the comfortable chair and asked Shen Er next to him.

"Don't worry, master, they can't escape."

The torrent of data flashed in Shen Er's eyes, and his tone was full of confidence.

Having mastered such a powerful force, coupled with the extremely powerful artificial wormhole technology.

If she let these five Death Star Fortresses run away.

Then she could simply destroy herself.

Everything about the other party is still in her plan.

If it wasn't for the super weapon that the opponent might have left, she even needed to take down the opponent in one third of the plan now.

However, the super-specialized super weapon of the opponent is indeed very powerful.

It is so powerful that only S-class (arm-spinning) level warships can resist it...

"Well, it's good to have confidence. By the way, Shen Ling, the Wright Civilization seems to have mastered the B-level (arm-spinning) genetic technology. When the time comes, you should look for it carefully and don't miss it."

After Shen Yi replied to Shen Er, he turned his attention to Shen Ling.

In fact, he is still very fancy about something like genetic technology.

Small things such as strengthening oneself, allowing oneself to obtain stronger genetic enhancement medicine.

The big ones, such as powerful biological war beasts similar to the giant beasts of death, are all within the scope of the genetic domain.

Although the Wright civilization has only made achievements in the field of genetic enhancement agents.

But this can still bring Shen Yi a lot of help.

Not to mention strengthening yourself to bring yourself a strong longevity and ability.

Just the biological war beasts that can be developed in the future is enough to make Shen Yi pay attention to this aspect of power.

Under the influence of many cultures on earth.

Shen Yi knows very well that biotechnology is absolutely as powerful as mechanical technology.

Or the super weapon of mechanical technology, the power can easily destroy hundreds of millions of kilometers, and even the destruction range reaches the unit of light years.

But biotechnology also has its own potential background.

Those special weird abilities are enough to catch anyone unfamiliar by surprise.

This point can actually be shown from the monsters that the Wright Civilization encountered from the Hexin mining area.

Although the Wright civilization has mastered the super weapon of the world-annihilating fission missile.

But in the Hexin mining area, they still only occupy no more than 10% of the area.

Is this because their forces are unable to deploy?

That's just a superficial reason.

If it really can push the entire Hexin mining area horizontally with the help of the world-annihilating fission missile.

If all the monsters were destroyed, the Wright civilization had already done so.

It is simply because there are too many powerful monsters in the Hexin mining area, and they have the ability to fear the destruction of the world with fission missiles.

Let the Wright civilization simply be unable to do anything reckless.

Otherwise, they would have disdained the price to push the Hexin mining area.

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