However, although the Wright civilization did not have much research in this regard.

But this doesn't mean that Shen Ling can't learn from the large amount of research data.

It's just a chance to find a D-rank (star-rank) war beast to upgrade the Doomsday Beast and so on.

Like Shen Er, Shen Ling, who has also been upgraded to A-level (arm spin technique level), is not a general manager who can only handle internal affairs.

Her terrifying computing power is enough for her to promote the development of technology.

However, if it is to derive the current highest level of technology, it will naturally be a very long process.

It is far better to explode the blueprints from those powerful civilizations, or grab them directly.

But if it is in the case of mastering a lot of technology, to deduce some low-level technology, this is not difficult for Shen Ling.

It is nothing more than a question of how much computation is required.

And what Shen Ling lacks the most today is actually computing power.

A-level (arm-spin-level) super-brains theoretically can perfectly serve advanced arm-spin-level civilizations.

And after a hundred times the increase of the strengthening system, Shen Ling came up.

In terms of ability, it is even more powerful than the A-level (arm-spinning) super-brain of the same level.

Although it will not reach the point where it can perfectly supply the needs of the entire top-level arm-spinning civilization.

But it is definitely the pinnacle of the advanced arm-spinning civilization.

It can even reach the point where it can barely drive the operation of the top arm rotation-level civilization.

At such a level, it is only used to deduce low-level technology, it is simply overkill.

However, Shen Yi's site is too small today, with only one more than seven billion star system with a second arm.

Not even one-thousandth of the calculation of Shen Zero was used, so naturally he would not care about this loss.

"Yes, master! I will pay special attention to it when the Wright civilization is laid down!"

Shen Ling nodded and said.

After receiving Shen Ling's reply, Shen Yi turned his attention to the struggling Wright Civilization Death Star Fortress battle group on the screen.

Oh no, the situation of the other party at this moment should not be called the Battle Group of the Death Star Fortress.

It should be said that it is the death star fortress group.

Because, under the successive attacks of man-made wormholes, all the other battleships except the Death Star Fortress have been annihilated.

Only the last five Death Star fortresses were left to hold on.

And, if it weren't for the fact that Shen Er had been on the lookout for possible super weapons on the other side.

I am afraid that the energy of the other party's iron kings has been exhausted.

After Shen Yi watched it for a while, he had no interest in continuing to watch it.

What is facing now may be a huge catastrophe for the fleets surrounded by the Wright civilization at this moment.

It was a situation that they had to deal with with all their might and could die at any time.

But to Shen Yi, it was just a boring consumption scene.

The function of a weapon of war like the Death Star Fortress is really disgusting.

It is a terrifying war killer of a group with high defense power and a group of high attack power.

One way to defeat the opponent is to use weapons or warships that exceed the opponent's level.

The other is to use up the other party's energy.

Apart from that, there is no other way to defeat the Death Star Fortress.

Shen Yi directly switched the picture on the screen to those super-high-scoring horror movies that he had obtained from those civilizations before.

It is worth mentioning that, due to the evolution of technology.

The situation of horror films has become immersive viewing, completely brought into the perspective of the protagonist.

Moreover, because of the different viewing angles, different plots will be triggered, which still looks very emotional.

This is also one of Shen Yi's many entertainment projects today.

Now that he wants to develop, the time starts directly from the month. If there is no special means of recreation, it is easy to feel boring.

The fleet of the Wright Civilization did not last long in the hands of Shen Er.

Then Shen Er's battleship exploded one by one, turning into bright and short-lived fireworks, which exploded in the starry sky.

The energy shock generated by the explosion even shattered many surrounding asteroids.

Pushed those wrecks far away.

It will take a long time to get them all back.

However, today's Shen Yi doesn't care about the loss of time. With a long life, he has this kind of capital.

The collapse of the Leon fleet was known to the Wright civilization this time.

Or maybe Shen Yi didn't want to hide it from the other party.


After destroying so many Death Star Fortress battle groups, the other party even bombed him directly with super weapons.

If you don't give the opponent a fierce counterattack, that's not his character at all!

Therefore, Shen Yi intends to formally declare war on the opponent, first to clear the Horton River system, and then slowly occupy this territory.

Of course, this is also because now his strength is strong enough to ignore the threat of all civilizations in the entire Horton River system.

So dare to make this decision.

Otherwise, he wouldn't do such an unsure thing.

"Shen Er, send an elite fleet to the Wright civilization to do something. 39

Shen Yi glanced at the chaotic battlefield and said with narrowed eyes.


"Yes, Master!"

Shen Er replied respectfully, his eyes full of fighting intent.

At this moment, the Wright civilization that received the battle data that Leon finally sent back.

But fell into a huge shock.

This time in the office, not only the leaders of the Wright civilization and the twelve elders.

At the same time, the highest levels of many Wright civilizations, as well as many top dignitaries, also appeared here one after another.

After all, this time is a major event concerning the safety of the entire Wright civilization.

The leader of the Wright civilization and the twelve elders, it is impossible to watch those people sit back and enjoy the success.

Even if you don't want to send a fleet over, at least you have to make money.

Even the commanders of the many Death Star Fortress battle groups who were fighting in the Hexin mining area also appeared here through projection.

"That's the way it is, the other party is a powerful civilization that has at least mastered the top-level A-level (arm-spinning) artificial wormhole technology, and can even open artificial wormholes to the center of our fleet.

"Also, the opponent's radar technology is excellent enough to easily suppress our radar, and we will suffer a lot in radar battles.

The leader of the Wright civilization said in a deep voice.

This news made the expressions of everyone present freeze a bit.

The repeated failures of Vergo and Leon made them extremely fearful of this unknown civilization.

What's more, at this moment, they know that the other party can restrain them on the radar.

How can this make them feel good! Wan.

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