However, they didn't know that when they were eyeing the radar technology of the Thousand Frost Civilization.

A Death Star Fortress battle group has already driven in the direction of Qianshuang Civilization.

Moreover, this Death Star Fortress battle group.

Different from the previous invasion, it is constantly jumping through the artificial wormhole technology.

Although it can only travel 2000 light-years at a time.

Moreover, an artificial wormhole generation ship that has reached the A-class (arm-spinning) level after strengthening can only open artificial wormholes ten times in a row at most.

Then, it takes a full three days of cooling time to cool down the equipment.

However, Shen Yi has a lot of A-class (arm-spin class) artificial wormhole generators!

In the case of eating eight Death Star Fortress battle groups of the Wright civilization in a row.

For these warships whose basic level is only C-class (arm-spinning class), he can already do mass production.

Even if a Death Star Fortress battle group is equipped with five artificial wormhole generator ships and artificial wormhole beacon ships, it is a breeze.

However, the number of artificial wormhole generators Shen Yi equipped a Death Star Fortress battle group with 07 was a full 8.

In the case of maximum power use, he can span a distance of 160,000 light-years.

Even crossing most of the Horton River system is enough, let alone moving between arms.

But it only took half an hour.

This Death Star Fortress battle group has already appeared in the main star system of Qianshuang Civilization.

Of course, it took some time due to previous upgrades.

This Death Star Fortress battle group has actually been on the ground of Qianshuang Civilization for a while.

That terrifying sense of oppression made Qianshuang Civilization enter a state of full combat readiness.

In particular, the highest level of Qianshuang Civilization has sent numerous requests for help to the Wright Civilization.

However, at that time, the highest levels of the Wright Civilization were opening the highest meeting, and it was impossible for such unimportant things to reach the ears of the elder leaders.

Even those one-star generals who are qualified to order these matters have all participated in this supreme meeting.

So much so that the Wright Civilization did not know the signal for help from Qianshuang Civilization.

They are still fantasizing about taking away the radar technology of Qianshuang Civilization.

All kinds of counterattacks against Shen Yi were officially launched.

Little did they know that the Qianshuang civilization, which they were looking at at the moment, was already within Shen Yi's hunting range.

For dealing with these temporarily incapable enemies.

Shen Yi now has experience too.

Directly destroy the opponent's main star system and eliminate the opponent's most elite leader.

Then, Qianshuang civilization will inevitably fall into chaos.

Mutiny on all sides is bound to occur, and things such as power struggles and self-reliance are bound to break out frequently.

And this will also delay the integration of the other civilization.

Although this will make the other party escape a lot of people.

But there will definitely be more people being restrained, which will provide great convenience to his subsequent occupation plan.

Inside the Dyson Sphere, the main star system of the Thousand Frost Civilization.

The leader of Qianshuang civilization was pacing back and forth in the conference room with a look of anxiety.

At this moment, he has completely lost the graceful bearing he once had.

On the contrary, it is more like a husband waiting anxiously outside the delivery room.

Even with all the anxiety in his heart, he could only wait for the doctor's result.

Of course, what he is waiting for now is not his wife giving birth to a child, but the result of the communication...

Just then, a man dressed as a soldier pushed the door and walked in.

The eyes of the leader of Qianshuang Civilization suddenly lit up: "What's the result, has there been a reply from Wright Civilization!

The man dressed as a soldier shook his head, his face a bit bitter: "No, it is still said that the Supreme Leader is opening the Supreme Conference, and the people who stay cannot decide this matter.

They naturally knew why the other party suddenly moved their Qianshuang civilization.

It was entirely because their Qianshuang Civilization fleet took the initiative to provoke each other.

Thinking that the opponent's defense is empty, I want to come up with some advanced arm-spin-level civilization technology.

It's a pity that the opponent's strength was wrongly estimated, so that the current result appeared.

Although no one thought there was anything wrong with the order of the commander-in-chief of the Qianshuang Civilization Fleet at that time, even if they were replaced, they would have issued the same order.

But at this moment, facing the crisis of life and death, many people still have a trace of complaint in their hearts.

"What? Still opening the Supreme Council?

"When they finish driving, the Horton River System will be knocked down by the opponent! If the third arm spin is taken by the opponent, will it be far from the first arm spin?

Anger suddenly appeared on the face of the leader of Qianshuang civilization.

What time is it now, shouldn't we give priority to solving the other party!

At this moment, even their hatred with Qingxiao Empire can be diluted, and their grievances with Liwen Civilization can be put down.

Why is the Wright civilization so irrational?

Of course, he didn't even know the existence of Qianshuang civilization...

No, it should be said that the existence of these intermediate and primary arm-spinning civilizations in the Horton River System was completely arranged by the Wright civilization.

In order to keep the Horton River system from being so empty, so that they can grasp the enemy's intelligence at the first time.

Therefore, the Wright Civilization used another method to control the Horton River System in its own hands.

And, even without the threat from Shen Yi.

They will also be threatened by the Wright civilization because of the radar technology they have mastered.

Of course, this 910 Chelet civilization is very obscure, and Qianshuang civilization doesn't know it at all.

"The most important thing now is how we should deal with it. It seems that the other party suddenly disappeared under our surveillance half an hour ago..."

A veteran-level character said with a solemn expression.

Of course, the monitoring he mentioned is only the control of the star system through Dyson spheres.

Capture the energy fluctuations of the opponent's Death Star Fortress battle group to determine the opponent's approximate location.

But just half an hour ago.

Suddenly there was an unusually huge energy fluctuation.

Then, the other party disappeared directly from their field of vision.

They don't think such a powerful Death Star Fortress battle group will disappear out of thin air.

The other party is likely to have avoided their monitoring in some way.

It is even possible that through artificial wormhole technology, it has directly crossed to a place they cannot monitor.

"What else can we do now? The direction of the other party is obviously aimed at our main star system. If we don't evacuate now, we will all be left here!

Qianshuang civilization leader said angrily.

Although it is a bit embarrassing to abandon the main star system.

But their opponent is an incomparably powerful, and even makes the Wright Civilization feel a difficult existence.

It's not particularly embarrassing to be able to escape from such an existence...

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