No one objected to the words of the leader of Qianshuang civilization.

After all, in the face of an advanced arm-spinning civilization that holds great hostility to them.

If the Wright Civilization does not help, they simply do not have any capital to compete with each other.

The only thing they can do now is to evacuate as soon as possible.

Evacuate with various core technologies of the Wright civilization, related materials, and personnel.

As for those ordinary people, they would naturally be able to withdraw as soon as they could, and they could only be ranked last.

There is simply no one who would come out against the tune at such a time.

After all, the threat from the outside is too great, and no one wants to die, so naturally it is impossible to make any trouble in this kind of thing.

However, it was too late for them to evacuate at this moment.

Just five minutes after the Qianshuang Civilization leader issued the order, there was a huge surge of energy.

An incomparably dark vortex quietly appeared in the starry sky of Qianshuang Civilization's main star system.

The radar of the main star system of the Qianshuang civilization captured this large-scale energy response immediately.

The sound of the alarm suddenly rang through the entire main star system Dyson Sphere, as well as the fleet stationed nearby.

Qianshuang civilization is a civilization that fights with other intermediate-level arm-level civilizations all year round.

Almost instantly entered a state of full combat readiness.

It's a pity that the opponent they faced this time was not something they could solve with vigilance.

"How is it possible that the other party's artificial wormhole technology is so mature?"

The leader of Qianshuang Civilization, who was preparing to ride on the strongest ark battleship of Qianshuang Civilization, and a group of high-level officials turned pale in an instant.

They never thought that the enemy who was still in the border area of ​​their Qianshuang civilization before, and there were tens of thousands of light-years away from this place, why would they come directly here!

So short... In less than half an hour, the other party actually traveled tens of thousands of light years?

This kind of terrifying technology, I am afraid that even the Wright civilization cannot do it at all!

"Communicate with the other party immediately and say that our Qianshuang civilization can unconditionally surrender to the other party and become the other party's vassal force"! 35

The leader of Qianshuang Civilization did not hesitate at all, and immediately said.

As the leader of a powerful civilization, he naturally cannot be a mediocrity.

In just a split second, he had already thought of the best way out for Qianshuang Civilization.

It is impossible to compete against each other, and they simply do not have the strength to compete with each other.

This artificial wormhole technology alone is enough to crush them directly, without even having a chance to escape.

What's more, the other party's civilization level is higher than them, and there is an extremely powerful Death Star Fortress battle group.

The level of strength is far beyond the level of ordinary advanced arm-spinning civilization.

Taking refuge in each other is their only way out now.

"Yes! Leader!"

The captain of the Ark battleship hurriedly responded, and then quickly issued a communication request.

However, there was indeed a dead silence waiting for them, and the opposite side seemed to have not heard their communication, and there was no response request at all.

Shen Yi naturally would not accept an ambitious civilization and become his own vassal.

It's not a question of self-confidence.

But there is no need for such trouble at all, and it is not that he cannot control a river system independently.

Theoretically speaking, in fact, the old-fashioned advanced arm-spinning civilization can already control a river system.

Even some special common advanced arm-spin-level civilizations can also master an entire river system.

Therefore, it has reached the zero level of the A-level (arm rotation level).

It is also very easy to control a river system.

"It's over, Qianshuang civilization is over..."

On the Ark battleship, everyone fell into despair.

Now they don't see any chance at all...

Unless the Wright Civilization can be inserted into the battlefield in time at this moment, they may be able to survive for a while.

However, that was just a fluke.

If the two advanced arm rotation-level civilizations collide in Qianshuang civilization, Qianshuang civilization will inevitably become a battlefield.

Judging from the destructive power displayed by the other side, even if the two advanced arm rotation-level civilizations finally withdraw their troops.

The Qianshuang civilization will definitely become a ruin, and it is also very likely that the civilization will be directly knocked down.

They even gave up the idea of ​​running away.

Because in front of the A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group, they have no chance of escaping at all.

Even if their speed is fast, they can't reach the level of A-class (arm-spinning) warships.

The Death Star Fortress battle group controlled by Shen Er descended to the main star system of Qianshuang Civilization through the artificial wormhole.

A fierce offensive was also launched directly, accompanied by the main artillery blast of the Death Star Fortress.

Qianshuang Civilization, a Dyson sphere with a history of tens of thousands of years, directly turned into fragments of the sky.

And the top executives of Qianshuang Civilization were all destroyed in an instant.

There is no intermediate arm-spinning civilization at all that can survive this catastrophe.

The gap between civilizations, even if it is only separated by a trivial small class, the gap is too huge...

"`"Master, the main star system of Qianshuang civilization has been destroyed, and the other party should fall into a short-term chaos."

Inside the base, Shen Er respectfully reported to Shen Yi.

"Well, I heard that their radar technology seems to be good, Shen Ling, see if you can find the other party's information on this aspect.

Shen Yi, who was studying the information about the Hexin mining area of ​​the Wright Civilization, said to Shen Ling without looking back.

Today, there is a wealth of information through the Wright Civilization.

He also has a clear understanding of the Houghton River system.

No wonder he said that under the circumstance that these arm-spin-level materials are so difficult to obtain, those intermediate arm-spin-level civilizations and advanced arm-spin-level civilizations can still develop rapidly.

After he took control of the entire second forearm spinner, the arm spinner level material reserve in it.

At most, it is to let him step into the level of the old-fashioned primary arm-spinning civilization.

There is simply no way for him to push to the next level of civilization.

He had always thought that the arm rotation was too small and the resources (Nord's) were not enough.

But only now did he know that the resources in the arms of those intermediate-level arm-spin-level civilizations and high-level arm-spin-level civilizations themselves are also not much.

Even those civilizations whose arms are twisted, such as the Wright civilization that occupies the largest arm.

The arm-spin-level resources above also push them to the level of the old-fashioned intermediate arm-spin-level civilization at most.

Only by developing the Hexin mining area will there be opportunities for them to go further.

It was precisely because of the Hexin mining area that the Wright civilization quickly transformed into an advanced arm-spinning civilization.

Moreover, it has become a very powerful existence in the advanced arm rotation level civilization.

However, although the Hexin mining area is full of opportunities.

But the crisis contained in it is equally huge.

The powerful monsters among them are no less than A-class (arm-spinning) level warships.

What's more, it can even compete with the Death Star Fortress... Even the Wright Civilization can only be regarded as a slightly larger tyrant.

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