They don't even count as overlords.

Only by virtue of the World Destruction Fission Missile, he can show off his power on the 10% of the site he occupies.

However, this has made the development of the Wright civilization to a bottleneck period.

It is conceivable how terrifying the threat of the Hexin mining area is.

Of course, this is also because of ordinary civilization, the fleet needs a large number of people to control.

Their combat effectiveness has a lot to do with the strength of the operator.

Although the Wright Civilization has a large population, it is not so easy to form an elite Death Star Fortress battle group.

After all, not everyone can be an elite.

On the other hand, the strength of the Wright civilization can only occupy this 10% of the site.

On the one hand, the world-destroying fission missile is extremely powerful.

In the A-class (arm-spinning class), it is the top destructive weapon.

It may be able to occupy 10% of the site, which is already the limit of what a world-annihilating fission missile can do.

If he used the World Destruction Fission Missile recklessly, it would have attracted the attention of the overlords in the Hexin mining area.

The fate of the Wright civilization is only a dead end...

That's right, the strength of those overlords is not even clear to the Wright Civilization.

It's just that they roughly guessed through the destruction of a certain star field battlefield.

There used to be a powerful presence in this place whose lethality even exceeded the A-level (arm-spinning level).

As for whether the opponent is S-level (arm-spin level) or a terrifying existence that surpasses the arm-spin level, even Wright Civilization itself doesn't know...

"I didn't expect the Hexin mining area to be so dangerous. I thought that if the Wright civilization was eliminated, the entire Horton River system would be completely mastered!"

Shen Yi couldn't help sighing.

"Yes master, but if we can master the radar technology of Qianshuang Civilization, it will make our strategy of the Hexin mining area much easier.

Holding a cup of coffee, Shen Ling stood beside Shen Yi and said respectfully.

Shen Ling seems to be addicted to some maid movies or novels recently, always a maid.

Shen Yi couldn't help but be speechless.

Is this taking all the jobs of the maid robots in the base!

However, this also means that Shen Ling is becoming more and more human, which is a good thing, indicating that Shen Ling has begun to evolve.

"Well, you should pay more attention to this aspect, and prioritize these things.

Shen Yi nodded, and then returned his attention to the Hexin mining area.

If he hadn't seen this information, he would never have imagined that the creatures in these universes would be so outrageous.

There are not only terrifying monsters whose size is comparable to a planet, but also comparable to the Death Star Fortress.

Although slightly inferior in attack power.

However, in terms of defense, it is no worse than Death Star Fortress.

Moreover, it also has an extremely fast cell recovery ability, which is a very terrifying meat shield...

At the same time, there are also monsters whose body size is less than ten meters, but their speed can reach Mach 600,000 to 700,000, and their penetration ability is extremely terrifying.

Due to its very small size, it can easily penetrate the shields of conventional A-class (arm-spinning) frigates.

The Wright civilization has suffered a lot at the hands of this monster.

I don't know how the other party grew up.

To be able to withstand such a terrifying speed with such a small body.

This physique is probably close to the S grade (arm rotation grade) material.

At the same time, this also made Shen Yi look forward to the Hexin mining area even more.

At least, these monsters are much more interesting than these civilizations.

In the case of sufficient firepower, the refreshing feeling of playing tower defense is definitely enough to satisfy the most primitive desire to kill in human nature.

Just when Shen Yi was looking forward to the scene in the Hexin mining area, Shen Er suddenly said: "Master, I suddenly thought that in order to deal with us, the Wright Civilization might also attack the radar of the Qianshuang Civilization, not to mention surpassing us, at least it will. Let the radar get closer to us, so should we stay and ambush each other?

Hearing this, Shen Yi frowned slightly: "Ambush right (ahdg) side? It shouldn't have much effect, the other side wouldn't send the Death Star Fortress battle group over.

Now the Wright Civilization in addition to the Death Star Fortress battle group can make him have some interest.

After all, the resources are still very rich.

Nothing else attracted him at all.

Even if you block some of the opponent's A-class (arm-spinning) battleships, you won't be able to earn anything at all.

It's just a waste of the fighting power of a Death Star Fortress battle group.

As for the so-called big man who squatted and guarded the other side, Shen Yi was even less interested.

He doesn't even care about the entire Wright civilization, let alone some so-called bigwigs.

Didn't even the so-called Samsung generals and the leaders of the youth faction die silently?

Even if he really blocked a more powerful big man.

It didn't give him the slightest sense of achievement at all.

"Under normal circumstances, of course not.

Shen Er smiled slightly, with a smile on his face that made Shen Yi creepy: "But what if we pass on the news that we are rushing to the main star system of Qianshuang civilization?"

This sentence suddenly made Shen Yi stunned and slapped heavily: "Yes! The other party will definitely think that we want to destroy their hopes, so a large number of Death Star Fortress battle groups will be dispatched! We can make some arrangements with this! "

If it's just a few A-class (arm-spinning) battleships, or even a Death Star Fortress battle group, he may not be interested.

But if there are several Death Star Fortress battle groups, then the situation is different!

The huge resources in it, even he would also be moved by it.

"So do it! Pass the message! 59

Shen Yi quickly made a decision.

This plan is absolutely brilliant.

The Wright Civilization, which itself has suffered successive defeats and lost a large number of troops.

If at this moment a few more Death Star Fortress battle groups were lost.

Even for the other party, it is definitely a great loss of vitality.

Even enough to make the other party panic.

After all, the Hexin mining area alone requires them to pay a large amount of the Death Star Fortress battle group to guard it.

Otherwise, it is easy for those monsters to copy their hometown.

Those monsters have no possibility of communication at all.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Er smiled slightly and replied respectfully.

When she went to Qianshuang Civilization before, she deliberately blocked the transmission of the other party's information for this kind of moment.

Of course, she didn't think about it at the time.

It's just that when things are going on, the feasibility is just calculated.

If this time the plan goes well.

Well, in her calculations.

The Wright civilization, which has suffered successive defeats, will definitely need a victory to boost morale.

At least 3 or more Death Star Fortress battle groups will be sent to come...

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