The three Death Star Fortress battle groups are already a huge amount of income.

Even for today's Shen Yi, it is a big profit.

At least one-fifth of the force can be expanded.

Even a large number of S~ class (armspin class) battleships can be produced.

However, after all, the matter did not go to the end, and Shen Er could not be 100% sure about this.

Of course, even if only one Death Star Fortress battle group came over, this trip would be a gain.

If there are two, it is already a big profit.

And three or more are directly earned by blood!

However, due to Shen Er's good habits, he likes to block all surrounding signals when he is attacking the enemy.

Therefore, at this moment, the news that Qianshuang Civilization was destroyed was not actually passed on.

The news received by the Wright Civilization should still be on the node where they started to transmit...

According to the normal speed, it will take at least half a month for them to reach the main star system of Qianshuang civilization...

Thinking of this, Shen Er directly dispatched seven Death Star Fortress battle groups to ambush around.

Plus the Death Star Fortress battle group that was sent before.

A terrifying ambush fleet composed of eight Death Star Fortress battle groups was built.

Moreover, there are even three S-class (arm-spinning) Striker-class armed assault ships lurking among them.

Just in case the enemy brought too many world-destroying fission missiles.

inflict too many casualties on them.

With some preparations in advance, Shen Er still has the confidence to block the information of the S-class (arm-rotor-class) warships.

These supported Death Star Fortress battle groups.

It is directly hidden within 2000 light-years of the host star system.

Once the Wright civilization takes the bait, they will definitely be able to surround them at the first time.

At this moment, the Wright Civilization has once again received a signal for help from Qianshuang Civilization.

And, this time, it also included the area where Shen Yi's Death Star Fortress battle group was located.

Also, the approximate time of Shen Yi's arrival is given.

Major General Wen En, who was in charge of the communication, frowned as he looked at the information in his hand.

Then he picked up a communicator at hand and asked, "Is the supreme meeting over? I have something very important to report here!"

There is news that the Death Star Fortress battle group led by Leon was shriveled in the hands of that unknown civilization.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, it may be a secret existence.

But in the eyes of a character of his level, this is not the case.

Although he could not learn more details, he could still know the shortcomings of the Wright Civilization in terms of radar.

When playing against other civilizations of the same level, this aspect will definitely suffer a lot.

Therefore, he can be sure that the Wright Civilization will need the radar technology of the Thousand Frost Civilization very much.

At this moment, Qianshuang civilization is threatened, which is indeed very important information.

It is a pity that once the Supreme Council is opened, it is destined that the outside world cannot interfere with it, otherwise it will be punished as treason.

After all, what the Supreme Council will discuss will be matters related to the life and death of the Wright civilization.

If it is delayed even a second.

As a result, huge consequences have been triggered, and who can bear this terrible responsibility?

Although the news from Qianshuang Civilization is very important now.

But Major General Winn was not sure that he would be able to interfere with the opening of the Supreme Conference.

However, he can understand the importance of this news to today's Wright civilization.

He can only pray that the Supreme Council is over soon!

"It's over! Major General!"

The guard on the other end replied immediately.

Major General Wen En immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurried towards the highest meeting room.

Such an important matter, he must personally deliver it.

Otherwise, after numerous screenings by various departments, who knows when it will be passed to the highest level.

Three minutes later, Major General Wen En, who ran all the way, also saw the top executives of Wright Civilization at the door of the conference room.

"Lord Leader! I have something important to report!

Without waiting for the guards on the side to intercept him, Major General Wen En immediately shouted hurriedly.

The leader of the Wright civilization and a group of elders and generals suddenly stopped and turned their attention to Major General Wen En.


The leader of the Wright civilization frowned slightly, not because he was dissatisfied with Wen En.

It's just that the things that Wen En is in charge of are a little sensitive, which makes him have some bad premonitions.

"Is it the case of Qianshuang Civilization?"

The leader of the Wright civilization asked aloud.

"Yes! Lord Leader! That unknown civilization has attacked Qianshuang civilization!"

Wen En didn't dare to delay at all, and said immediately.

"What? Did they attack Qianshuang Civilization?"

"How could it be! Could it be that the contents of our meeting have been leaked!

"Damn, the radar technology of Qianshuang civilization is very important to us. Without this radar technology, we can only be beaten passively!"

"Is it too late to rush over to support now! These bastards!

The top executives of the Wright Civilization were instantly in an uproar.

This news really shocked them a little, the other party actually predicted their actions in advance?

This kind of taste is absolutely unpleasant, as if someone forcibly interrupted the casting.


The leader of the Wright civilization is different from everyone else, and there is not too violent waves on his face.

However, his mood is also not calm, but now that he is the pillar of Wright civilization, he can't be a little flustered.

Moreover, the current situation is not bad enough to make him panic.

"What's the situation now? Has Qianshuang Civilization ever been beaten down by the opponent?

The leader of the Wright civilization asked in a deep voice.

"I haven't received the news of the destruction of the Wright Civilization yet, but half an hour ago, they reported that the Death Star Fortress battle group of the advanced arm-level civilization at that location had arrived in their territory. It is estimated that it will only take half an hour at most. Within a month, you can officially log in to the host star system. 39

Major General Wen En replied immediately.

"So...that's not too bad."

The leader of the Wright civilization breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression was still solemn: "Why is the Qianshuang civilization suddenly attacked by this advanced arm-spinning civilization? Have you ever found the reason? 35

This question made him very puzzled, the previous advanced arm-spinning civilization.

It seems that they did not start with these intermediate arm rotation-level civilizations.

But why is it suddenly in trouble now?

Could it be that among these top executives, some people have taken refuge in each other?

This news made the face of the leader of the Wright civilization a bit ugly.

This is definitely not a good thing for them.

At the same time when such a powerful foreign enemy is present, if there are people inside who are calculating against them.

That is definitely a deadly threat to them.

After all, the Wright civilization has now been pushed to the edge of the abyss by the opponent.

The fall of the eight Death Star Fortress battle groups is really terrifying, especially for their morale blow.

At this time, if there are traitors inside again.

That would probably cause panic in the entire army and even the entire civilization.

The ambitions of those careerists will be unstoppable!

"I found it, the other party has already said it."

Major General Wen En's face became a bit exciting: "Qianshuang Civilization thought that the opponent's strength was delayed by us, so he chose to copy the opponent's hometown, but the opponent found out."

"That's why the opponent will send a Death Star Fortress battle group to kill Qianshuang Civilization."

This news made everyone present look a little strange.

"I didn't expect Qianshuang civilization to be so courageous, a mere mid-level arm-spin civilization, not even a veteran, dare to touch the tiger whiskers of the advanced arm-spin civilization?

"It seems that they have been underestimated before, and the other party's worries are not easy."

"Such wolf ambitions... It seems that they can't be left behind! 35

Disdain and killing intent flashed in the eyes of a group of top figures of the Wright Civilization.

They disdain the ambitions of Qianshuang civilization, and at the same time they are afraid of the ambitions of Qianshuang civilization.

The other party is obviously not the obedient type.

After this incident is over, Qianshuang civilization can sit in another civilization.

The complexion of the leader of the Wright civilization also became much better.

As long as there are no traitors within them.

If there is a sudden explosion of a top-level figure at this time, it will make them a big blow to the popularity of these top-level figures.

Let the Wright civilization, which was already in crisis, completely fall into the abyss.

"Wait, you said the other party only sent one Death Star Fortress battle group?""

A bright light flashed in the eyes of the leader of the Wright civilization, and asked hurriedly.

Major General Wen En, who was suddenly asked, was a little confused, but nodded subconsciously.

Although his identity is rather special, he can even be on the same level as an ordinary lieutenant general.

But facing the leader of the Wright civilization, I don't know how many levels are worse.

Asked by a big man of this level.

If it weren't for the fact that his xinxing was not bad, he would have been scared to sit on the ground.

"What... what's wrong? Lord Leader?"

Major General Wen En asked cautiously.

Could it be that he remembered something wrong?

He remembered the news from Qianshuang Civilization, and that was indeed what he said!

The surrounding high-level executives were also confused, and only a few high-level executives who turned their heads quickly understood what the leader of the Wright civilization meant.

A four-star general explained: "The leader's intention is to let us eat the opponent's Death Star fortress battle group. We need a victory now to cover up the previous defeat. 99

What he said was very straightforward.

However, at this moment, there is no need to say any scene words at all.

Everyone is aware of the situation that the Wright Civilization is encountering today, and it seems a bit contrived to say anything about the scene.

After the four-star general explained, everyone present immediately reacted.

A look of surprise appeared on his face.

"It turns out that, this can indeed eat the opponent's Death Star Fortress battle group! 39

"Up to now, it seems that we have only won the opponent's three or so Death Star Fortress battle groups. The battle loss ratio of three to eight... is indeed too tragic.

"If you can eat each other without paying any price, it's really very morale-boosting.

The people present were not mediocre.

They just didn't understand it for a while.

After understanding what was going on, he quickly began to make an analysis.

But then, someone asked the most crucial question: "How many troops do we need to send over there?

After this question came out, everyone's eyes turned to the leader of the Wright civilization.

Even the twelve elders were like this, with trust in their eyes.

The other person is the one who makes the decision.

Moreover, they are indeed full of admiration for the leaders of the Wright civilization.

The leaders of the Wright civilization are also used to seeing big scenes, but at this moment there is no turbulence, just bowed his head and fell into contemplation.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said: "Take out four Death Star Fortress battle groups as much as possible, and then carry three World Destruction fission missiles, as for the Hexin mining area..."

There was a ruthless expression on the face of the leader of the Wright civilization: "Abandon all the occupied territories, transfer the troops back, and at the same time make every effort to produce world-annihilating fission missiles!"

....... ask for flowers.

Considering that the other party has mastered powerful artificial wormhole technology.

In order to avoid any accident this time.

The leader of the Wright civilization specially sent four Death Star burst battle groups and three World Destruction fission missiles.

Such a lineup, let alone destroying one Death Star Fortress battle group, is even against seven Death Star Fortress battle groups at the same time.

They will never fall into a disadvantage, and even make the other party pay a huge price.

"As for the other forces, all withdraw to the first arm and prepare for a frontal war with the opponent!"

"Look at the logistics, Terrell, don't forget to let the reserve Death Star Fortress battle group quickly join the battlefield!"

The leaders of the Wright civilization are like a barrage of cannons, making decisions one by one quickly.

He knew the situation had reached this point.

The two sides have no chance of any de-escalation.

The only thing they can do is to do their best to defeat the opponent.

Although giving up the site occupied by the Hexin mining area before, will make their tens of thousands of years of efforts all in vain.

Let the sacrifices of countless soldiers and soldiers all come to nothing.

However, compared to these, if the Wright civilization were destroyed, then everything would be gone!

Everyone present is not mediocre, and naturally can understand what the order of the leader of the Wright civilization means.

However, no one was so foolish as to question this kind of thing, and they all took orders to retreat.

Work for the survival of the Wright civilization.

Such a civilization is undoubtedly very terrifying.

However, this is the norm in highly developed civilizations.

If it weren't for the 100-fold enhancement system, Shen Yi... No, it should be said that it is too difficult for players to compete with these civilizations.

Even with this technological soaring game as a reliance, it is still difficult to smooth the huge gap.

Of course, someone like Shen Yi is a natural exception.

Under the 100-fold enhancement, the strength of the enhanced technological creation will be improved 100-fold.

The performance has skyrocketed to the point where the original manufacturer dared not recognize it.

Soon, the four Death Star Fortress battle groups drove out of the first big arm.

Through a special man-made wormhole, it spins towards the big arm where the Qianshuang civilization is located.

Half a month is actually enough for them to reach the Qianshuang civilization...

As for what was left of Qianshuang Civilization at that time, it had nothing to do with them.

They just want to get the relevant information on the radar while revenge on the enemy.

However, the veteran sent by Wright Civilization this time, the four-star general Bilson, has an unusually cautious personality.

On the way to lead the fleet to Qianshuang civilization.

They are constantly sending messages to Qianshuang Civilization, and then waiting for the other party's answer.

On the one hand, it is to determine where exactly Shen Yi's fleet is located.

On the other hand, it is to determine whether things have changed and whether there is a big hole in the task this time.

Unfortunately, under the joint operation of Shen Er and Shen Ling.

All this was covered up perfectly, and Bilson didn't even know that Qianshuang Civilization had already been updated.

Even the main star system of Qianshuang civilization was replaced with Shen Yi's A-class (arm-spinning) Dyson sphere.

In terms of power, it is even more terrifying than the Death Star Fortress.

At least that kind of uninterrupted stellar main gun that lasts up to half an hour is not comparable to Death Star Fortress.

In theory, a Dyson sphere of A-class (arm-spinning class) is enough to fight or even wipe out a Death Star fortress battle group.

Of course, if it is the kind of Death Star Bastion battle group that carries missiles such as World Destroyer fission missiles, then it needs to be another matter.

Weapons of that level, even the threat to the Dyson sphere is very terrifying.

Unless, of course, you want to die together.

Otherwise, no advanced arm-spinning civilization can withstand the consequences of a stellar explosion.

And the power of the world-annihilating fission missile is enough to detonate the stars.

Time flies, half a month later.

The fleet led by Admiral Bilson finally arrived near the main star system of Qianshuang Civilization.

However, he did not immediately let the fleet approach the past.

Instead, the pre-war preparations began quickly.

Although Qianshuang Civilization is still passing on the news that the main star system has not been taken down.

But his cautious character still made him not choose to believe it completely.

Instead, it stopped at a distance of almost 50 light-years from the host star system.

"Everyone, please face our enemies with caution, our enemies are more cunning than the monsters in the Hexin mining area, and their radars are better than ours.

"In addition to the other party's artificial wormhole technology, it is very likely that the other party will snipe us remotely.

"Of course, we are not without any solution, as long as the muzzle charge is maintained at 60%, we can keep the barrel preheating for a long time, so as to counterattack at the first moment of attack. .99

"Even if the other party can quickly close the artificial wormhole, we are enough for the other party to drink a pot!"

Admiral Bilson quickly explained his plans.

His plans were unusually detailed.

It can be said that almost everything possible is covered in it.

That's the horror of a battle-hardened veteran.

If it weren't for the fact that the enemy was too terrifying, he would definitely be able to make a great contribution this time.

Even if someone was in ambush, it would be a normal civilization.

It will definitely suffer under the opponent's counterattack.

But it is a pity that although Bilson has outstanding abilities, he is only a mortal after all.

It's impossible to calculate all the possibilities, and naturally it can't compare with Shen Er, who is a supercomputer... Wan.

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