"Master, the other party didn't kill him immediately, you lost!

Inside the base, Shen Er looked at Shen Yi with bright eyes, and said with anticipation.

Shen Yi gave a wry smile: "Okay, isn't it just five S-rank (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle groups, just promise you. 99

Thinking of the price he was about to pay, his heart was bleeding.

Of course, the fleet also served him, and it was not so difficult to accept.

It was just that he lost the bet, which made him somewhat unhappy.

Shouldn't this Wright civilization's fleet be rushing over for revenge!

Just like the previous two fleets.

Of course, he also knew that his idea was unrealistic.

However, people always have to have some dreams, otherwise what is the difference with salted fish!

But unfortunately his idea failed.

After "September 13" hit the streets twice in a row, Wright Civilization still came over with a cautious general.

"But this time, the other party will not bring a bunch of fission missiles like the last time, right?"

Shen Yi leaned back in the chair and smacking his lips.

He hadn't forgotten that last time.

My dear, fifteen large fireworks exploded in the universe at one time, the scene was too shocking.

Those battleships that were used as bait, not even a fist-sized wreck was left, and they all turned into tiny pieces.

Even those materials below the arm-spin level were directly vaporized under that terrifying high temperature.

If his artificial wormhole technology is still at the same level as last time.

Then, in the face of the fission missile, he will still be in a desperate situation.

Only by relying on the last general bait, the opponent can be solved.

However, after the upgrade of artificial wormhole technology, the situation is very different.

Whether it is to quickly transfer the fleet through artificial wormholes, or to directly transfer the flying fission missiles, it is an optional way.

Of course, the former is naturally safer.

As for the latter, the other party is likely to detonate the moment the artificial wormhole is opened, which is not very easy to operate.

The power of space isn't all that fun.

If the manufactured artificial wormhole is overwhelmed by such a huge amount of energy, the resulting space shock is likely to affect the artificial wormhole generating ship.

Thereby causing terrible space tides around the artificial wormhole generating ship.

That terrifying power, let alone an A-class (arm-spinning) battleship.

Even S-class (arm-spinning) battleships are as fragile as paper in the face of space tides!

Otherwise, once the opponent's super weapon is guided to the opponent's home, the effect is not so pleasant!

"Don't worry, Master, there will be absolutely no mistakes this time!

Shen Er patted his chest and assured.

If it wasn't for the metal banging sound, maybe Shen Yi would have been attracted to take a few more glances.

It's a pity that this is too hard!

Without deliberate changes, Shen Er is a super robot with the hardness of the A-class (arm-spinning) battleship shell.

"Well, then it depends on your performance. By the way, Shen Ling, how did Qianshuang Civilization's radar technology do this?

Shen Yi turned his attention to Shen Ling.

Shen Ling has become much quieter these days.

She is really busy with a lot of things.

After the Wright civilization poses little threat.

How to integrate other arm rotations at the fastest speed has become her primary consideration.

As the chief executive under Shen Yi, she has very high demands on herself.

Especially when I saw that Shen Er had achieved a lot of results.

"It has been sorted out, and performance debugging is underway. It is the absolute top in the B-level (arm-spinning) level, and can even be comparable to many A-level (arm-spinning) radars, whether it is for creatures or warships. All good. 99

Shen Ling said quickly.

The reason why it has been so nonexistent all this time.

It's because she's holding back.

If she just sorts out the radar data of Qianshuang Civilization, she naturally doesn't need to spend so much effort.

But the point is that she's making improvements to the radar's capabilities.

Especially after knowing the bug of Shen Yi's golden finger.

She added countless functions to it without affecting the operation.

Although it looks unusually bloated, it is definitely the most comprehensive in function.

Applicable to all situations, anyway, after a hundred times of strengthening, these small faults will be optimized, and Shen Ling is not afraid at all!

"Oh? Then show me!

Shen Yi's eyes lit up, Shen Ling's evaluation was so high, it made him feel a little surprised.  …

However, since Shen Ling is so sure of this radar, it will never be so simple to prove the ability of this radar.

This really made him look forward to it.

"Yes, Master!

There was a hint of pride in Shen Ling's tone.

Then she called up the data blueprint she named Clairvoyant-level strategic radar.

[Clairvoyance-level strategic radar]

[Grade Rating: Grade B (Arm Rotation Grade)]

[Capability: The farthest detection range is 2 light-years. In addition, it can detect all units below S-level (arm rotation level) (including living things), and at the same time, within 0.5 light-years, it has real-time image function, and also covers shielding, invasion, Induction and other functions, it has all the capabilities that radar can have, but these capabilities are limited and can only affect the C-level (arm rotation level) level]

[Consumption: 1000 trillion energy is consumed every day]

[Production requirements: 7 million units of D-level (arm-spinning) materials, 3.2 million units of C-level (arm-spinning) materials, 1 million units of B-level (arm-spinning) materials, 200 trillion points of energy]

"Huh? This performance is so outrageous? 35

Shen Yi's eyes became a little weird.

The detection range of 2 light-years is indeed exaggerated, plus it can detect all units below the S-level (arm rotation level), as well as real-time images within 0.5 light-years.

It has already made this clairvoyant-level 3.6 strategic radar, and has not humiliated its own name.

But, the rest of these functions are a bit outrageous, right?

Although radar operations, shielding, intrusion and induction functions are indeed very important capabilities.

But these abilities look like they were forcibly stuffed in!

This is the ultimate stitcher!

"Is this your handwriting?"

Shen Yi looked at Shen Ling strangely.

He didn't think Qianshuang Civilization would be so idle, adding a bunch of useless technologies into it.

Although it can be effective on C-class (arm-spinning) battleships, it is actually quite good.

But you must know that in the intermediate arm rotation class civilization, the real power is those B-class (arm rotation class) battleships!

As long as they are not affected, they will not affect the attack of the opposing fleet at all.

Such a function is simply a bunch of tasteless ribs!

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