"Yes Master!"

"The powerful capabilities you have can perfectly make up for these shortcomings. While getting a huge improvement, the added equipment will also be improved."

"Although there is a high probability that these functions can only work on warships at the A-class (arm-spinning) level.

"But, it is very suitable for the current situation.

Shen Ling admitted generously.

It is unlikely that Shen Yi's golden fingers can hide from her, she is naturally very clear.

However, after being strengthened a hundred times, she will also be bound by the system and become Shen Yi's exclusive.

Even the advanced civilization that created the game of technological soaring couldn't take Shen Ling's control away from Shen Yi.

Therefore, there is no need to worry that Shen Ling will betray.

"Good guy, you are trying to get stuck.

The corners of Shen Yi's mouth twitched, he never thought of licking the system's wool like this.

However, the hundredfold strengthening system can indeed strengthen these functions.

In the future, it is possible to consider creating a batch of suture monsters 07.

It might have some different effects.

After all, as long as it can be manufactured, the hundredfold strengthening system can strengthen its advantages.

"However, this radar can indeed play a big role in the Wright civilization.

Shen Yi touched his chin.

"Let's produce some for the Death Star Fortress first.

He continued.

These B-class (arm-spinning) radars will reach S-class (arm-spinning) after upgrading.

To be honest, it is actually a bit overkill to deal with a high-level arm rotation civilization in the Wright civilization area.

However, this also allows him to solve the Wright Civilization more quickly and perfectly.

For the Wright Civilization, a civilization that is extremely cruel to himself, he is actually a little jealous in his heart.

"Yes, Master! 9

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

The new Clairvoyant-class strategic radar was quickly produced.

The performance of the enhanced clairvoyant strategic radar has become more abnormal.

[Clairvoyance-level strategic radar]

[Grade Rating: S Grade (Arm Rotation Grade)]

[Capability: The farthest detection range is 1000 light-years. In addition, it can detect all arm-level units (including living things). At the same time, it has a real-time image function within a range of 200 light-years. It also covers shielding, invasion, induction and other functions. All the capabilities that the radar can have, but these capabilities are limited, and can only affect the A-level (arm rotation level) level]

[Consumption: consumes 50 trillion energy every day]

The farthest detection range of the radar directly reaches 1000 light-years.

That's enough range to span 200 standard star systems.

Although compared to the river system, it seems a little insignificant.

But in terms of legion combat, it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as an artifact.

It doesn't discredit its clairvoyant title in the slightest.

Especially when using the high to beat the low and bullying the low-level civilization, the effect is even more terrifying.

Civilizations like the Wright civilization that are not at the radar level themselves.

When encountering a killer of this level, it will be arbitrarily manipulated.

And because of artificial wormhole technology, these radars were quickly deployed to all Death Star Fortress battle groups.

In terms of technology level alone, these Death Star Fortress battle groups have even reached the level of the second-level fleets of the top arm-spin civilization.

Although the level itself is still the level of the A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group.

But in terms of technology, it has already crushed the Death Star burst battle group at the A-level (arm-spinning level).

This kind of battle spans countless galaxies and is directly separated by hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Radar technology is really important.

Without a strong enough radar, it is no different from a blind man.

And if there is a civilization that can arbitrarily play with other people's radar, it is impossible to lose in the battle.

This is what the Wright Civilization is about to face today.

However, they didn't know it at the moment.

Although Admiral Bilson is indeed very cautious.

But he never expected that the radar technology on Shen Yi's side would improve so fast.

In just half a month, a small level of civilization was directly raised.

If he knew that the radar technology on Shen Yi's side was so terrifying.

He will definitely choose to withdraw his troops immediately and prevent his soldiers from making unnecessary sacrifices.

But unfortunately he didn't know that.

After completing the strategic deployment, he immediately separated the five Death Star fortresses 100 million kilometers apart and moved toward the main star system of Qianshuang Civilization.

Of course, if it weren't for the urgency of time.

He is worried that the main star system of Qianshuang Civilization will be completely evacuated, and with his character, he will never make such a rash move.

Instead, they will choose to send out a reconnaissance fleet to thoroughly understand the situation of the other party before they choose to move forward.

But today's Wright civilization urgently needs the radar technology of Qianshuang civilization.

He can only choose to send troops to the main star system of Qianshuang civilization without being fully prepared.

After half a day, five huge Death Star Fortress battle groups entered the main star system of Qianshuang civilization one by one.

Look at the huge Dyson sphere still intact in the distance.

But Bilson's face changed drastically: "Is it because I haven't been to Qianshuang Civilization for too long? Why do I think their Dyson spheres have changed? 35

He also came to Qianshuang Civilization once.

However, in his memory, the Dyson Sphere of Qianshuang Civilization does not seem to be what 913 is now!

"No, I came to the Thousand Frost Civilization a thousand years ago, how could they replace the Dyson sphere in such a short time? 99

A commander-in-chief of the Death Star Fortress battle group followed with confusion.

A thousand years sounds like a long time.

It is not an easy task to complete the replacement of the Dyson ball.

The amount of engineering that needs to be spent is really huge.

In particular, the Dyson sphere of the Thousand Frost Civilization was once a Dyson sphere of the B-level (arm rotation level).

Such a Dyson sphere is already the crystallization of the wisdom of Qianshuang civilization.

It belongs to the highest technical level.

To replace this level of Dyson sphere, at least the technology of Qianshuang civilization will take at least four or five thousand years.

"Wait, is it a Dyson sphere that the enemy is building here? 35

"Damn, did they knock down the Qianshuang civilization hundreds of years ago?""

Bilson's face became extremely wonderful.

Is such a thing possible?

They defeated the Qianshuang civilization hundreds of years ago, and they only discovered it now?

How despised their Wright civilization is!

However, if it was the other party, in just half a month, the main star system of Qianshuang civilization would be destroyed.

Then quickly built a new Dyson sphere.

This kind of thing seems a little more outrageous!

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