Let’s not talk about how much resources are needed to build a Dyson sphere.

Just transporting these resources is not an easy task.

Even if they are a civilization of the level of Wright civilization, if they want to build a B-level (arm rotation level) level, it is a Dyson sphere.

It also takes at least half a year.

After all, the amount of engineering involved is simply too great.

Moreover, this is just the most basic Dyson sphere.

If it is matched with the equipment required by the various Dyson spheres, this time will be magnified a lot.

He didn't quite believe it was possible.

But his reason told him that the situation in front of him was definitely not right at the moment.

"The whole army is on alert and ready to attack!"

"At the same time, the speed of approaching the past is slightly reduced, don't rush too fast, let's explore the past little by little!

Bilson gave the order.

Since it seems that now, the main star system of Qianshuang civilization has not appeared in the battle group of the enemy Death Star Fortress.

So, can they consider that the other party has not actually come?

If they were the first to arrive, they could have arranged it well.

Of course, all of this is premised on the fact that they can touch it.

If it wasn't for the radar technology of Qianshuang Civilization, he really wanted to send a world-annihilating fission missile directly to this Dyson sphere in the main star system of Qianshuang Civilization who did not know which power it was.

But unfortunately, if the world-annihilating fission missile is really thrown away.

Then, it is difficult to say whether this star system can be preserved or not in the end.

Not to mention the technology on radar.

That is equivalent to directly ruining the opportunity of their Wright civilization and the other party's technology in terms of radar.

Naturally, Bilson would not issue such an order.

However, they didn't attack on their side, but that didn't mean that Shen Er's side wouldn't attack.

In the case of mastering the absolute advantage of today.

Of course she couldn't play any other conspiracy calculations, because she didn't need it at all.

Although the strength of the four Death Star Fortress battle groups of Wright Civilization is not bad, it is only good.

In the face of today's absolute strength, the opponent is really nothing.

"The radar function is turned on, sending a large number of fake artificial wormhole signals to the enemy radar"! 35

Shen Er quickly issued an order.

Clairvoyance-level strategic radar immediately showed its hideous side.

A large number of signal waves were excited by it, and were then captured by the fleet radar of the Wright Civilization Death Star Fortress Battle Group.

For a time, a harsh alarm buzzer sounded in the entire Death Star Fortress battle group.

"Di Di Di! Alarm alert! Detected artificial wormhole fluctuations, coordinates 1745.1437!

"Di Di Di! Alarm alert! Detected artificial wormhole fluctuations, coordinates 1760.2257!""

'Di Di Di! Alarm Alert! Detected...'

A series of prompts kept ringing.

Radar simply never stopped working.

At least hundreds of artificial wormholes have exploded with signal fluctuations.

Even Bilson was taken aback by the sudden alarm: "What's going on! What is the other party doing with so many artificial wormholes opened!""

According to the artificial wormhole technology shown by the other party.

In front of a Death Star Fortress battle group, at most one artificial wormhole needs to be opened to perfectly accommodate the firepower of the opponent.

But what does it mean that the other party has opened so many artificial wormholes now?

Have hundreds of Death Star Fortress battle groups?

That's simply not possible!

Even a top-level arm rotation-level civilization cannot be so exaggerated.

Moreover, if there is such a huge Death Star Fortress battle group, then pretend to be a chicken and press it directly, our Wright civilization will surely die!

He soon understood what was going on!

"This is the other side's radar technology interfering with us!"

Bilson let out a low roar, and his face became extremely gloomy and ugly.

Now the situation is such a situation, but he feels a little powerless about how to solve it.

The disadvantage on the radar made him unable to even fight back.

Moreover, they can't help but be wary of each other now.

As long as one or several of these fluctuations are true, the blow to them is very fatal.

Even if the Death Star Fortress can withstand it, the other battleships in the battle group are also unable to withstand it.

"General, what should we do?

The adjutant on the side also became nervous.

In the face of this different kind of enemy, even if he has a lot of combat experience, he is still a little panicked at this moment.

After all, the monsters they faced had never used tactical deception.

Basically it is a wave of horizontal push, as strong as it should be.

"What else can we do, rush towards the Dyson sphere of Qianshuang Civilization at full speed!""

"As soon as we get the radar technology as fast as we can, we'll retreat!

Bilson clenched his fists fiercely, watching the surrounding alarms.

This encounter made him deeply aware of what the radar technology gap would be like.

If the radar technology of Qianshuang Civilization cannot be brought back this time.

Afterwards, if they continue to be attacked by the other party, they will not have any chance to counterattack at all.

Even if they have mastered the super weapon of the fission missile.

But if they can't even lock the opponent's position, then they are still fighting!

Is it difficult to put it against the air and burn the air in these places to suffocate the other party!

"`"Yes, General!"

After receiving the order, the adjutant was slightly relieved.

He is still full of confidence in Bilson, and at this moment Bilson is like a pillar, giving him direction.

No matter how dissatisfied he is with Bilson's idea, this is their only choice now.

The four Death Star Fortress battle groups of the Wright Civilization suddenly entered an accelerated state.

It quickly flew towards the Dyson ball in the center.

But fortunately, although the system alarm sounded continuously around.

But there was no attack, which made them feel a little relieved.

However, at this moment, no one relaxed their vigilance at all.

Because they deeply know that they have entered the trap of the other party.

It's just that they must step on this trap, otherwise the entire Wright civilization will be finished.

The gap in radar technology has brought serious consequences.

However, how could Shen Er, who counted everything into consideration, make them do as they wish.


She looked at the four Death Star Fortress battle groups that were advancing rapidly, and the torrent of data flashed in her eyes.

The next moment, under her order, more than a dozen artificial wormholes suddenly opened at a distance of only 500,000 kilometers in front of the Wright Civilization fleet.

Because at this moment, the siren of the artificial wormhole is ringing everywhere.

Therefore, no one noticed the opening of these dozens of artificial wormholes...

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