For Shen Yi, half a month flies in the blink of an eye.

Play games, study the power of mind you have mastered, and time has passed.

However, this half month has been extremely tormented for the Wright Civilization.

It has been half a month since the four Death Star Fortress battle groups led by Bilson lost contact.

The leaders of the Wright civilization and a group of high-level officials basically lived in the highest conference room.

The countermeasures have been discussed.

Today's Wright civilization has been divided into two factions.

The main battle faction composed of seven veterans and a group of high-level generals believed that even if the enemy was strong, it was far beyond their ability to compete.

However, for the glory of the Wright civilization, they want to fight the enemy to the death.

The Wright Civilization never had the habit of dying on its knees.

Even in the face of those monsters in the Hexin mining area, they are not afraid of the slightest.

Some are just endless desire to conquer.

The other five elders led a group of civil servants to form a conservative faction.

They want to keep the fire for the Wright civilization, and send all resources, technology and fire before the enemy really arrives.

And try to preserve the strength of the Wright civilization as much as possible, and make plans for them to rebuild the glory of the Wright civilization in the future.

They don't want the Wright civilization to end up in their hands.

And the two groups were constantly arguing.

The decision of both sides is not wrong, but the direction they want to go is different.

After the dispute between the two sides, the final decision was all placed on the leader of the Wright civilization who had never made a decision.

They are waiting for the leaders of the Wright civilization to make this final decision.

And sitting in the top position, the leader of the Wright civilization, who has been keeping his head down and silent, also slowly raised his head at this moment.

"The glory of the Wright civilization cannot be tarnished, this is something we must defend even with our lives.

The leader of the Wright civilization looked at the people in the next position and said solemnly.

Surprises suddenly appeared on the faces of the members of the main battle faction.

They also believed that blood should be used to defend the glory of Wright civilization.

Even if they would die under each other's gunfire, they would also die without regret.

But those high-level executives who wished to leave the fire behind showed unwillingness on their faces.

They are not reconciled that the Wright civilization just disappeared.

As long as there is fire to stay, then there is still hope for them to rise in the future.

They didn't want the Wright Civilization, which was extremely powerful and easily stirred up the entire Horton River system, to perish in history.

However, after the leader of the Wright civilization said that, he immediately changed the subject: "However, our Wright civilization can't just disappear like this 々︾! 39

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of everyone present jumped, and they stared at the leader of the Wright civilization.

However, the leader of the Wright Civilization did not care about these gazes at all, but continued: "Now we have 13 Death Star Fortress battle groups left, plus 4 in the reserve, we have a total of 17 Death Star Fortress battle groups. As for Destroy the world fission missile, we have 11 left.

"I decided to separate 5 Death Star Fortress battle groups, carry 5 World Destruction fission missiles, escort the fire out, and recreate the glory of the Wright civilization elsewhere."

"As for the remaining 12 Death Star Fortress battle groups, they will carry the remaining 6 World Destruction Fission Missiles and fight to the death with me to the end!"

He didn't know how powerful the enemy was.

However, since the other party can count his every step of the plan.

Moreover, the four Death Star Fortress battle groups sent this time could not even get the news.

That proves the strength of the other party, and the other party is at least an old-fashioned advanced arm rotation-level civilization.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to beat the Wright Civilization so miserably one after another.

Staying to resist will only be a dead end, and he must consider the continuation of civilization.

Therefore, these five Death Star Fortress battle groups are the continuation of his legacy for civilization.

With these five A-level (arm-spinning) level Death Star Fortress battle groups, plus five World Destruction fission missiles.

It can be said that even if it has encountered some relatively powerful advanced arm-spinning civilizations.

As long as the other party is not prepared to pay a huge price, they will never dare to do anything to them.

And they only need to find a river system without advanced arm-spin-level civilization, and they can take root and develop soon.

However, the voice of the leader of the Wright civilization has just fallen.

The two parties who had been arguing before were suddenly unhappy.

"No, you are too important to the Wright civilization. The Wright civilization can be without us old things, but it can't be without you!"

An elder of the main battle faction said anxiously.

Another elder who had been arguing with him before, who planned to leave the fire, immediately praised the passage: "Yes, when the Wright civilization travels to other river systems, it must be led by a strong enough leader, and this person must be you!"

No one denied the decision of the leaders of the Wright civilization.

Because, even those main battle factions are very clear about the consequences of staying.

In the face of an old-fashioned advanced arm-spinning civilization whose strength far surpasses them, their fate is only a dead end.

It is possible to leave some people to defend the glory, and then let another group of people continue the decision of Tinder.

For both parties, it was a reluctantly acceptable result.

However, they absolutely do not agree to let the leader of the Wright civilization die here.

If you really want to continue civilization, this Wright civilization's most outstanding and wise leader is definitely the most suitable candidate.

"`"I can't go, what is it if I go?

The leader of the Wright civilization stood up and walked out the window.

Outside the huge floor-to-ceiling window, it is the parent star of the extremely developed Wright civilization.

There are high-rise buildings full of sci-fi colors everywhere, and countless aircrafts shuttle in the city, which looks very prosperous.

(Nord Zhao) "What's more, my successor has already been trained almost, it's time for him to let go.

The leader of the Wright civilization carried his hands on his back and stared out the window.

These remnants of the old era, they should be destroyed together with the mother planet.

If he also followed the fire fleet, it would be too unfair to these warriors who stayed to defend the glory of the Wright civilization.

"Leader, this..."

An elder wanted to persuade him again, but was stopped by other elders beside him.

"The leader's decision, when was it persuaded..."

The elder sighed and looked at the broad back Kai.

If it weren't for this unknown and powerful enemy, the Wright civilization would definitely step into the top arm-spin-level civilization under the leadership of the other party, or even surpass the ranks of the arm-spin-level civilization.

He was convinced of this.

It's a pity that they have no chance now...

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