Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 140: Half Moon Development, S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress Battle Group\r

The Wright Civilization also made a decision at this moment.

Returning part of the Death Star Fortress battle group, chose to join the fight.

The other part is to choose to bring the fire of the Wright civilization and prepare to go to other river systems to accumulate strength and develop again.

As for the fact that the Wright civilization is now facing a huge threat.

After a moment of hesitation, the leaders of the Wright civilization and a group of senior officials decided to make it public.

Today, the Wright civilization is basically hopeless.

At least at this moment, the people of the Wright Civilization must be given a chance to fight back, so that they will not die under the enemy's gunfire with doubts.

Although this may lead to unrest.

However, the Wright Civilization is too busy to take care of itself, even if there is a real turmoil, what will happen!

They didn't think that after the opponent attacked the Wright Civilization, they would keep those people of the Wright Civilization from killing them.

Think about it from another perspective, even after they have captured an advanced arm-spinning civilization.

It will absolutely cut off any chance of a possible rekindling.

These people are the seeds of revenge, and only by completely extinguishing these seeds of revenge, can the Horton River System be completely controlled by the hands.

They do hope that these people can pose some threats to each other.

Even if this possibility infinitely approaches zero... 917

After all, the lethality of the Death Star Fortress battle group is extremely terrifying.

Even the most elite fleet of the Wright Civilization will definitely fall into a one-sided slaughter if it loses the Death Star Fortress.

At this moment, the first arm of the entire Wright Civilization was boiling.

All the children of the Wright civilization fell into a huge panic at this moment.

They couldn't imagine that they were extremely powerful in the Horton River System, and could even easily control the other Wright civilizations, which were intermediate-level arm-spin-level civilizations and low-level arm-spin-level civilizations.

One day it will be in danger of extinction.

However, after knowing that the leader of the Wright civilization will die with them.

The people of the Wright Civilization, who were originally panicked, gradually calmed down.

Those forces with certain armed forces directly chose to fight to the end to defend the glory of the Wright civilization.

And those who have no armed forces, either joined these forces.

Or it is to provide rear supplies for those who are ready to resist.

It can be said that the Wright civilization at this moment has completely entered a state of combat readiness, and even ordinary citizens have chosen to coexist with civilization.

Perhaps some of them were well-intentioned people trying to stir up unrest.

Or do something in this chaotic world.

But it is a pity that they were only a minority after all, and were easily suppressed.

Even if there is a success, it is only a few star systems, and no one cares about these places.

It's a pity that they don't know how powerful the enemy they are about to face...

If he knew it, even the leaders of the Wright civilization would give up all ideas in desperation, like Bilson.

At this moment, the second arm rotates in the main star where the Shen Yi base is located.

A group of ready-made Death Star Fortress battle groups stopped quietly in space.

The main star system, which was originally empty, also seemed a little crowded in front of these Death Star Fortress battle groups.

After half a month of development, plus the resources obtained before.

The number of Shen Yi's A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group has reached 50.

Even the S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group appeared.

The configuration of this S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group is absolutely luxurious.

Consists of one S-class (armspin class) Death Star Fortress, three A-class (armspin class) Death Star fortresses, two hundred S-class (armspin class) battleships, and five thousand A-class (armspin class) battleships composition.

Such a terrifying force is absolutely enough to suppress any advanced arm-spinning civilization.

Even those old-fashioned advanced arm-spin-level civilizations that are infinitely close to the top arm-spin-level civilization. (ahdg)

In front of this Death Star Fortress battle group, he could only shiver.

Because the combat power of the S-level (arm-spin-level) Death Star Fortress and the A-level (arm-spin-level) Death Star Fortress are not at the same level.

The main gun of the A-class (armspin class) Death Star Fortress is a full blow.

At most, the affected range is only 30 million kilometers, and the most powerful can only detonate stars.

However, the S-class (arm-spinning class) Death Star Bastion's main gun is a full blow.

But it is enough to completely destroy a star system and its stars directly.

The combat power of the two sides is not in the same dimension at all.

"This kind of power must be comparable to those of the weakest top arm-spinning civilization!""

Looking at the huge fleet in front of him, a sense of heroism spread in Shen Yi's heart.

From 100 points of energy to a huge fleet that is now enough to cover the entire star system.

His growth has been amazing!

"Master, it should be said that your strength has surpassed the average top-level arm-spinning civilization. 35

At this time, Shen Ling said on the side: "The resources and technology required by the Death Star Fortress battle group at the S-level (arm-spinning level) level are too huge, and some civilizations that have just stepped into the top arm-spinning level are simply unable to build.

The Death Star Fortress at the S-class (arm-spinning) level.

As the highest combat power of the top arm rotation level civilization.

Naturally, not everything can be achieved, it represents the highest combat power of the arm-spinning civilization.

The level of technology in it is extremely terrifying.

Basically, there is no equipment that is not at the S-class (arm-spinning) level.

And those Death Star fortresses that only have some S-class (arm-spinning) technology, can only be regarded as pseudo-S-class (arms-spinning) at best.

Shen Yi nodded with satisfaction, then turned to look at Shen Er, who was on the side: "Let's start a general attack on the Wright Civilization, if nothing else happens, the opponent should run away at this time.

He doesn't think that the Wright Civilization is losing one after another.

If you still have the courage to continue fighting, as long as you're not a fool, you'll definitely know the reason why you won't have to worry about keeping the green hills alive.

Even if the news that the S-class (arm-spinning) level of the Aegis-level position interfered with the frigate was not passed on.

The Wright Civilization also has no confidence to fight him.

He didn't want to let such a ruthless civilization escape even a single person.

The kind of letting the enemy run away, and then waiting until the future troubles him.

He would never do it, although he was not afraid of such a thing.

But he would never leave such troubles for himself.

"Yes, Master! Make sure that the other party can't escape alone!"

Shen Er's eyes lit up with war, and said excitedly.

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