Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 141: Detected the S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group, please evacuate i

Now after mastering the high-level artificial wormhole technology.

Shen Chen wants to set off in the same river system, and the speed should not be too fast.

A single artificial wormhole can travel a distance of 2,000 light-years.

Even if the second arm is more than 200,000 light-years away from the first arm, it only needs to open 1~00 wormholes.

Calculated based on the fact that one artificial wormhole generating ship can generate 10 artificial wormholes.

Only 10 man-made wormhole generators are needed to meet the crossover needs.

And now Shen Chen's Death Star Fortress battle group is equipped with 50 artificial wormhole generating ships.

Enough to make the Death Star Fortress battle group rapidly move a million light-years away.

This time, in order to completely destroy the Wright civilization.

Shen Bizu sent 30 A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle groups and an S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle group.

Such a terrifying power, let alone an advanced arm-spinning civilization that has not yet stepped into the old brand.

Even some ordinary top-level arm rotation-level civilization, facing the fleet of this level, have to look at the wind and flee.

Although there is no crisis of destruction, it is definitely not much better.

As for the remaining twenty Death Star Fortress battle groups.

In addition to leaving five Death Star Fortress battle groups to stay in the second arm, placing the Wright Civilization dog jumping over the wall, and choosing to steal home.

The rest are all rushed to the area where the Wright Civilization may go out, and they are all blocked.

Since the conflict with the other party has been irresolvable.

So, cutting weeds is the best option.

Moreover, the ruthless wolf nature of the Wright civilization has been greatly recognized by Shen Yi.

Such an opponent must be completely crushed to make him feel at ease.

In the main star system of the Wright Civilization, everyone who has decided on the plan has begun to act.

The Fire Project fleet, led by the seventh elder and many outstanding elites from the Young Zhuang faction, went to places beyond the Horton River system to seek life.

The rest of the fleet was led by the leader of the Wright civilization.

While in charge of holding the enemy down, let the enemy feel the honor of the Wright civilization!

"Hope everything goes well..."

The leader of the Wright Civilization stood on the most powerful Death Star Fortress of the Wright Civilization, looking at the starry sky in the distance, and muttered to himself.

That's where the Tinder plans to leave the fleet.

Although the youth sent out this time were all elites from the Youth and Zhuang faction, they were very capable but slightly lacking in experience.

But under the leadership of the seventh patriarch, the wisest old man of the Wright civilization.

There shouldn't be any major problems.

The only thing he is worried about now is whether the plan this time will be seen by the other party.

Moreover, he was also worried about whether he could resist the pressure and get enough evacuation time for the Fire Project fleet.

After all, even in his current position, he has never understood the specific strength of the opponent.

Those Death Star Fortress battle groups sent out did not even have a chance to make a situation.

Moreover, what made him feel the most dread was the opponent's ability to predict the enemy's opportunities.

It feels like every step of their plan is in each other's calculations.

If it weren't for the fact that after investigation, he knew that the Wright civilization had no traces of inner ghosts, he would have already started to kill.

It's just, this kind of suffocating feeling of being calculated by others makes him full of fear of this civilization and a trace of fear hidden in the deepest part of his heart...

"Di Di Di! Alert! Alert! A large number of wormhole fluctuations have been found in the territory!

"Alert! Alert! A large number of wormhole fluctuations are found in the territory!"

At this moment, the voice of the supreme mastermind of the Wright Civilization suddenly sounded in the Death Star Fortress.

Because now it is their home game.

In addition, Shen Yi's fleet did not conceal its whereabouts.

Therefore, the Wright Civilization caught the movements of Shen Yi's fleet right away.

And this voice also made the leaders of the Wright civilization and the generals who had long been determined to die, suddenly shivered in their hearts and woke up.

"Report the detected information!"

"How many Death Star Fortress battle groups are coming from the other side!""

The leader of the Wright civilization said immediately.

Although their radar technology is not very good.

But, that doesn't mean their Dyson spheres aren't strong enough.

At least, in star systems with Dyson spheres, everything is under their control.

"Di, the enemy fleet is being counted! Please wait..."

After a moment of silence, the voice of the main brain rang again: "Warning! 20 A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle groups have been detected..."

0....... ask for flowers........

"Detected 23 A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle groups..."

"Detected 25 A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle groups..."

"Detected 30 A-level (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress battle groups... It is recommended to flee immediately, the opponent's strength is far beyond us, please keep your strength as much as possible!"

The mastermind of the Wright Civilization sounded the alarm immediately.

Although its intelligence is not as exaggerated as Shen Ling and Shen Er.

After all, the Wright Civilization did not dare to let the master brain be too high.

However, the level of the main brain is still the existence of the A-level (arm rotation level).

The analysis it gives will never be wrong.

"What? Thirty Death Star Citadel battlegroups?"

The leader of the Wright civilization suddenly clenched his fists, his eyes full of disbelief.

He couldn't believe his ears.

What a terrible force that is, even if it is replaced by the previous Wright civilization, it is far inferior.

Moreover, since the other party chose to send troops to expedition, it is impossible to send all the Death Star Fortress battle groups out of the nest!

There must be at least a third of the Death Star Fortress battle group left at home.

This also means that the number of the opponent's total Death Star Fortress battle group is probably more than 50...

This is something that an advanced arm-spinning civilization can have?

Don't be a top-level arm-spinning civilization!

Thinking of this possibility, the leader of the Wright civilization felt as if his heart was being held tightly by a big hand.

However, at this moment, the voice of the master sounded again.

This time, the mastermind, whose intelligence is not particularly perfect, has a hint of panic in his tone: "The Death Star Fortress battle group at the S-level (arm-spinning level) level is detected, please immediately issue an order to retreat, the enemy will absolutely It is not something that the Wright civilization can compete with! 99

A Death Star Fortress battle group with an S-class (arm-spinning) level.

This news is so terrifying.

That means the peak combat power of the arm rotation-level civilization.

Even an ordinary top-level arm-spinning civilization may not be able to have it.

But without exception, the top arm-spin civilization with the S-level (arm-spin) level Death Star Fortress battle group.

All of them are extremely powerful beings in the top arm-spin-level civilization.

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