Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 142: The destruction of the Wright civilization\r

Upon hearing this news, the leaders of the Wright civilization were also a little confused.

He didn't expect that he still underestimated the other party.

The other party is actually a top-level arm-spinning civilization!

But if the other party is a top-level arm-spinning civilization, why hide and develop!

Wouldn't it be over just to drive the S-class (arm-spinning) battleship directly over!

He definitely took the entire Wright civilization directly to it.

The disparity in civilization can no longer be changed by quantity and will.

What's more, the opponent also has an S-level (arm-spinning) level Death Star Fortress battle group.

What kind of terrifying military power this is, he simply cannot imagine it.

Moreover, he doesn't seem to have heard of the existence of a top arm-spinning civilization near the Horton River System!

"Run away, run away now, one can run away!"

The leader of the Wright civilization took a deep breath and said "September 17" in a deep voice.

The reason why he was willing to agree to leave a part of the fleet to defend the glory of the Wright civilization.

It is to buy enough time for the fleet of the fire plan.

But now even if they send all of them, they won't be able to gain half of the time at all, so there are only unnecessary sacrifices left.

This loss is not a defense of glory, it is stupid.

The leader of the Wright civilization is definitely not such a person.

Although he also knows that he is under the top arm-spin-level civilization with the S-class (arm-spin-class) Death Star Fortress battle group.

Basically there is no possibility of escape.

However, now he can only leave everything to fate, the word he once hated the most.

They have been reduced to the most critical moment.

The decline of the Wright civilization has become a foregone conclusion, and there may not even be a chance for revenge in the future.

After all, the opponent already has the Death Star Fortress battle group at the S-level (arm-spinning level) level.

In the future, the fleet waiting for their Tinder plan will take root and develop in other river systems and become the top arm-twist-level civilization.

I am afraid that the other party has long ago did not know how much it has expanded.

However, what responded to him was silence.

The other Death Star Fortress battle group commanders of the Wright Civilization fell into silence one after another.

Under the current circumstances, they didn't even bother to give orders.

Facing this kind of enemy, they even lost the confidence to resist.

The advanced arm-spin-level civilization faces a top-level arm-spin-level civilization with an S-class (arm-spin-level) Death Star Fortress battle group.

There is no hope of survival at all.

Rather than dying on the run, they were better off on the battlefield head-on.

Time passed by minute by minute, about two and a half hours later.

A series of artificial wormholes tore apart outside the main star of the Wright civilization.

The next moment, a large-scale Death Star Fortress battle group appeared outside the main star system of the Wright Civilization.

There are a total of thirty Death Star Fortress battle groups, which makes people feel hopeless.

This is a larger number than all the previous Wright Civilization Death Star Fortress battle groups combined.

Moreover, the configuration of the other party is also extremely luxurious, and the number is double theirs.

What made them feel even more desperate was that the one in the front had the largest size.

A huge battle group consisting of one S-class (arm-spinning) Death Star Fortress and three A-class (arm-spinning) Death Star fortresses.

They can basically be sure that the other party dared to appear so close to them.

It is because of the existence of these S-class (arm-spinning) level warships.

Although the World Destruction Fission Missile is among the advanced arm rotation-level civilizations, it is definitely a top-notch destructive weapon.

But in the face of S-level (arm-spinning) level technology, it seems a little vulnerable.

They can't even open the shells of S-class (arm-spinning) level battleships.

What's more, under the crushing of radar and interception technology, they didn't even have the chance to launch.

"Is this the strength of the top arm-spinning civilization... It's really spectacular..."

The leader of the Wright civilization looked at the fleet outside the star system and murmured in a low voice.

I hope that the fire project fleet can go smoothly, and keep the last fire of the Wright civilization.

Even if it is only a tenth of the escape, at least the inheritance of the Wright civilization has survived.

However, although his idea was good, it was under Shen Er's calculation.

The Wright civilization's fleet has no chance of escaping at all.

At this moment, the wormholes leading to the important places of each passage have all been blocked.

Unless the other party is willing to spend tens of thousands of years and slowly fly out, he will never be able to fly out of their palms.


Waiting for the Wright Civilization's fleet to launch a counterattack 0..

Shen Er had already controlled the Death Star Fortress battle group and launched a trial strike.

Thirty Death Star Fortress battle groups are under the influence of the title of War Madman.

In terms of firepower, it is comparable to the firepower of 40 Death Star Fortress battle groups.

In addition, the configuration of the Death Star Fortress battle group on Shen Yi's side is quite out of specification.

It is even comparable to the Death Star Fortress battle group on the side of the 45 Wright Civilizations.

That terrifying torrent of attacks, under the control of Shen Er, was 100% perfect.

This is at least equivalent to the effect of 50 Wright Civilization Death Star Fortresses attacking at the same time.

The main star system of the Wright civilization was almost instantly submerged.

There is absolutely no resistance.

These fleets survived, as well as the Dyson spheres, and even the stars behind them.

They all exploded in an instant.

The terrifying shock wave after the star exploded spreads towards the surroundings at the speed of light, annihilating everything around it.

Even the Death Star Fortress at the A-level (arm-spinning level) level is absolutely unable to resist the impact of such a close stellar explosion.

What's more, these fleets of Wright Civilization, even Shen Yi's fleet could not stop the attack.

"I didn't expect that I was so powerful now!"

Inside the base, watching the scene where the main star system of the Wright Civilization was destroyed along with the participating fleets, Shen Yi couldn't help sighing.

Even a star system is destroyed directly in 3.6.

Moreover, this is not just an ordinary star system.

It is also the host star system of an advanced arm-spin civilization.

Destroying an opponent of this level is ten thousand times more difficult than destroying a star system.

"Please don't underestimate your strength, Master!"

"At your current level, even in the face of those old-fashioned top arm rotation-level civilizations, you may not be without the strength to fight.

Shen Er said aside.

This is not an exaggeration, but Shen Yi can do it.

Of course, this is not calculated based on current strength, but based on comprehensive strength, including production.

If it is the current fleet strength, there is still some gap between him and the old top arm-spinning civilization.

Of course, with the passage of time, this gap will become smaller and smaller.

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